"Wind escape · Practice empty bombs!"

Shouhe is also a top iron, even if he knows that the other party has the eyes of a sage of the Six Paths, he doesn't flinch at all.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Tiandao spread his hands, and an invisible barrier quickly expanded. The powerful repulsion force directly bounced the empty ammunition back, and Shouhe was also knocked away by this force, drawing a deep ditch on the ground. Much heavier than before, Shouhe was dizzy for a moment.

In such a short time, Uchiha Obito has completely sucked Sanwei into the Kamui space, but it seems that something is short of breath. It is also the first time he has used Kamui to absorb something as big as Mitsuo. The Chakra is over-consumed, but what is the joy in his eyes? Can't hide it.

Chapter 537

The members of Akatsuki's organization set Sanwei as the first target from the very beginning, and their attack speed was too fast. Before the others could react, Sanwei had already been captured successfully.

Knowing that Gaara and the others reacted at this time, they were about to explode. It was a good day, but someone came to make trouble. This is because they did not take their Kingdom of Wind seriously.

"You are so brave, you dare to come here to make trouble, what is our Shayin Village? Let's all work together and kill them all!"

Gaara also posted a lot, if these people are not dealt with, what face do they have to call the Five Ninja Villages, and Sanwei was borrowed from Tanokuni to solve the water resource problem, and now they are being accused in person Robbed, how should I explain to Tian Zhiguo?

Gaara no longer cared about Kazekage's demeanor, and jumped directly from the stage to kill the enemy, followed by hundreds of ninjas, vowing to follow their Kazekage to the death.

Gaara made up his mind to take Sanwei back, aiming at Obito Uchiha, because Gaara saw that Sanwei was sucked away by him with strange ninjutsu.

"Are you the Fifth Kazekage Gaara? I didn't expect you to be a little ghost. It just so happens that I come to meet you and let you see my instant art."

Gaara was only halfway through the charge when he was caught by a man with blond hair riding a giant white bird. Needless to say, it was Deidara. With a shake of his hands, bombs fell from the sky.

"Air defense sand wall!"

Gaara didn't know what those white balls were, but instinctively felt the danger, and immediately controlled a large amount of sand to fly into the air, condensing into a layer of sand wall.


A series of explosions sounded, Gaara's air defense sand wall was splashed with sand and stones, but most of the bombs were finally blocked.

It’s just that the group of sand ninjas who followed Gaara were more unlucky. Some of the bombs fell nearby. Several ninjas were blown to pieces and died tragically on the spot. A dozen others were injured. As for the others With a wink, he escaped in time.

"Damn you! It rains even when you play sand and sand!"

Gaara looked at the dead Sand Shinobi, it was a distressed one, and those who could appear here were all the elites cultivated by their Sand Hidden Village. I didn’t expect to lose more than a dozen at once. How can I not feel distressed and shoot a lot of them directly The round sand bullets are continuous like a machine gun, and each sand bullet carries a powerful force, which is enough to smash rocks into a sieve.

Didara quickly controlled the giant white bird to rise up, and at the same time kept throwing bombs to attack, but Gaara blocked them all with the air defense sand wall, and the giant white bird was hit by sand bombs continuously , Holes appeared on the body, and the flying speed was obviously slowed down. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gaara was chased up by a cloud of sand, and all kinds of ninjutsu continued to attack Didara.

"Bastard, don't think that I'm easy to bully, look at my detonating clay little flying bird!"

Deidara stretched his palms into his pockets, chewing the clay quickly with his mouth, mixed it with chakra, and after spitting it out, he turned into small sparrows, densely packed with hundreds of them, flying constantly, avoiding my love. The sand wall in front of Luo rushed past from behind.

"Sand Shield!" "A large amount of sand gushes out from the gourd behind Gaara, and quickly forms a sand ball to protect Gaara. Although it is made of sand, it is far beyond the hardness of steel , and because Gaara's mother Garura left her own chakra in it, the sand can carry out automatic defense, and Gaara doesn't need to worry about it at all.

In the original plot, Gaara and Didara also had a battle, but at that time you Didara directly attacked Sand Hidden Village. In order to protect the village, Gaara had to expand the defense range and resist Didara’s bomb attack, so in the end Only then ended up in a fiasco.

But now that two people are fighting one-on-one, Gaara only needs to protect himself, and the surrounding civilians will naturally be evacuated by the elders, so that I can come to Luo without any worries, perhaps because Gaara received what Yang Jian said at the beginning In just three years, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. In a one-on-one fight with Didala, he clearly has the upper hand.

After a series of bombings, Deidara found that Gaara hadn't been hurt, and the chased ones fled around.

Originally following Gaara in the group of sand ninjas, I wanted to help, but was stopped by the five figures. Seeing the obvious eyes of reincarnation in the eyes of the five figures, a kind of sand ninja couldn't help but feel a little frightened. This is the legend. The eyes of the founder of the Ninja sect, the Sage of the Six Paths, will scare anyone who sees them.

At this time, the animal way among the six ways was the first to make a move, pressing the ground with both hands, "Psychic art!"

bang bang bang...

After a large cloud of white smoke passed, huge psychic beasts appeared in front of everyone, including crabs, lobsters, rhinos, pandas, uh, strange birds, three-headed dogs, etc. These psychic beasts also circled around The eyes of reincarnation screamed and killed all the ninjas. These psychic beasts each had their own strengths. Hundreds of ninjas were no match at all. They were killed and fled.

The situation was already bad enough, but at this time several other figures also joined the battlefield, Shura Dao revealed superhuman powers, and continuously released missiles, Hungry Ghost Dao opened his mouth, devouring the ninjutsu released by everyone, Human Dao took the opportunity to extract The soul investigates the memory, and the hell road is used as an aid. When it finds that one is damaged, it immediately channels the king of Hades, chews it twice and repairs it.

Seeing the ninjas in her village being killed, Chiyo couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, and asked her younger brother Ebizo to continue to evacuate the people, while she rushed forward, preparing to direct the sand ninja to counterattack.

But on the way, he was stopped by a strange man with five masks on his back, "You are the old lady Chiyo, right? This way is not going to work, and your next opponent is me."

Needless to say, this person is of course an angle, a large black line appeared from behind, the mask also bulged out, and five black monsters were drawn quickly.

"Hmph! Where did the younger generation dare to play tricks in front of me, the old woman."

Chiyo had already taken out a scroll while speaking, and ten puppets appeared after the seal was untied, and a chakra line emerged from each finger of the chakra, connected to the puppets, and the ten puppets immediately came to life.

"Junior? Hahaha... What a joke, someone dared to call me that. I was the one who assassinated the first Hokage back then. I remember you much more than you." Hearing Chiyo call himself a junior, Kakuto's expression became a little weird .

"Big words, just because you dare to say that you have assassinated the first Hokage!" Chiyo was startled, but he didn't show it, and pretended to be disdainful. In fact, his heart was already in his throat. If the other party If he is really a character of the same generation as the first Hokage, and he also assassinated the first generation, and survived, then the opponent's strength is definitely not simple.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you, let's start now." Jiao Du stopped talking nonsense, and directly controlled the five monsters to rush out.

"Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!"

"Earth Escape · Earthquake Core!"

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Water Escape·Water Dragon Bullet."

"Lei Dun, go!"

As soon as Jiaodu came up, five kinds of ninjutsu blasted past. After these ninjutsu cooperated with each other, they were more powerful, like a violent storm.

Chiyo was taken aback. He knew how powerful the combination of five attributes of ninjutsu is. The third Hokage is the representative of it. He himself has no bloodstain boundary and no powerful moves, but because he controls the chakra of the five attributes, he obtained He won the title of doctor of ninjutsu, ran amok on the battlefield, gained a great reputation, and was even called the strongest Hokage. Although this is just blown out, it also shows the power of mastering five attributes of ninjutsu at the same time.

"Puppet Technique, Three Treasures Suck!"

Among the ten puppets, three puppets form a triangular array, open the mechanism "Buddha", "Dharma" and "Monk", launch the secret art, and generate a violent tornado, suck some of the attacking ninjutsu into the middle of the array, and after a high degree of compression Afterwards, it was immediately reflected, and collided with several other ninjutsu, sending out a series of roars, canceling each other out.

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