At this time, Konoha had already turned upside down, Hell Dao threw the Beast Dao out, dived from a high altitude, and entered into Konoha's enchantment, Konoha's enchantment class ninja immediately noticed it, and immediately shouted: "Someone Invasion! The target is one person, direction XX, coordinate XX..."

In the Konoha autopsy room, Shizune is studying a corpse, which was sent out by Jiraiya at the last moment of his life using the ninja frog from Mt.

But now Nagato uses the black sticks to transmit signals to control the other six paths, and these black sticks also receive the signals, Shi Jing guessed that these black sticks are actually chakra receivers, and now the black sticks have responded, indicating that the control of the six paths The man had already arrived at Konoha, and immediately planned to report his discovery to the current Fifth Hokage Tsunade. Unfortunately, just after he walked out of the autopsy room, he found that Konoha was completely messed up.

After the Animal Dao entered Konoha, it channeled the other five Dao directly, and then dispersed to act independently.

Shura Dao came to a street and directly fired several rockets. The rockets roared past, sending out a series of explosions, and several tall buildings were destroyed.

Animal Dao activated spiritism and summoned three large centipedes. The huge size was swimming around, wantonly in the center of the village.

Several Konoha ninjas encountered Hungry Ghost Road, and one of them reacted quickly and directly used ninjutsu to attack.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Some fat Hungry Ghost Dao stretched out his hand and directly absorbed the fire tunnel. The ninja was taken aback. Hungry Ghost Dao killed the panicked ninja with one blow. , but there was no time, he died in the hands of Hungry Ghost Dao in just a few seconds, but in the end he still left alive.

Ren Jiandao came out from behind, put his hand on the head of the living ninja, and directly pulled out his soul to start investigating, "There is no information about Kyuubi..."

On the other side, Hell Road grabbed the throats of the two Chunin, "Where is Uzumaki Naruto?"

A paper clone of Xiaonan also appeared in the village, wrapping two ninjas in paper and suffocating them to death.

Tiandao Payne is even more crazy. He is the fastest killing speed among all the Taoists. The black stick he is holding is covered with blood. There are already more than a dozen Chunin, and the Jōnin died in his hands.

At this time, Naruto was still practicing fairy arts in Miaomu Mountain, completely unaware that Payne started killing people in Konoha, and the village had been tossed into a mess by Payne.

Boom!Gang hit the table with a heavy fist, "Bastard, Xiao Zhizhi dared to come to Konoha to make trouble? No matter who came this time, I will never let him go. I will go find him now."

"Tsunade, you have to calm down, as a Hokage, you can't act rashly, unless you are really at the end of the mountain." Third Hokage hurriedly advised.

"Calm down! How can you make me calm down? Others are bullying me to the head, so why not calm down! Now I just want to tear down that bastard who destroyed Konoha!"

"Old sister doesn't need you to do anything, wrap it on me, I'll help you kill it, I'm the future Sixth Hokage, anyone who dares to destroy Konoha is my enemy, and I will defeat them all, old sister, you Just look at it!" A boy next to him who looked about the same size as Naruto said while waving his fist.

"Shut up, Nakoki! Isn't this messy enough, don't mess around here." Sandai Hokage immediately reprimanded.

The boy immediately pouted and squatted to the corner of the wall to draw circles.

This young man is naturally Tsunade's younger brother Nawaki. After Orochimaru revived him, he was sent to Tsunade, because Orochimaru left a special gift in his body. After several years of practice, he has awakened. Dun, in terms of strength, he is already a shadow-level master, but his combat experience is really poor.

The reason for this is that Tsunade and the third generation overprotected the rope tree. Tsunade did not want to experience the pain of losing his younger brother, and the reason why the third generation was out of Tsunade was also because of Mu Dun's affection for Konoha. Importance, the most important thing is the effect of improving the environment. The key to why the land in the Land of Fire is the most fertile lies in the large-scale planting of trees in the first generation.

Although Konoha and Yamato can also use Mudun, and the created trees are also active, no longer like before, only lifeless wood is produced, but this is based on the biological armor presented by Orochimaru, who Knowing when this set of biological armor will be damaged, and Zhishu is the real wooden escape, so no matter what, he can't let Shengshu have another accident.

The third generation passed through the crystal ball and watched Konoha being destroyed by Payne's Six Paths. His heart ached to death, but he resisted and did not make a move.

At this time, the Beast Dao, which controlled the three centipedes to wreak havoc, met an opponent. Sakura fell from the sky and punched one of the centipedes on the head. The strange power learned from Tsunade burst out, and the centipede collapsed immediately.

After Sakura killed one centipede, she still didn't stop, and then rushed down the other two centipedes, punching them several times in a row, smashing them to pieces as well.

Yang Jian looked at the picture sent by the puppet, and found that Sakura's strength was much stronger than in the original plot. At the beginning, Yang Jian gave some pointers to 12 Xiaoqiang. As for whether they listened to it or not, Yang Jian didn't care.

But now it seems that Sakura has listened to Yang Jian's words in her heart, and her current strength is proof.

Speaking of which, among the Twelve Xiaoqiangs, only Sakura and Li are the commoners who really started from the humble beginnings. Although many people are very dissatisfied with Sakura's performance in Hokage, but thinking about it carefully, Sakura has definitely put in as much effort as others.

Thinking about it carefully, although Naruto is an orphan, he is the son of the fourth generation after all, and he has the physique of the Uzumaki clan, and the nine tails are sealed in his body, and he is directly open to nowhere.

On the surface, Sasuke is just the orphan of the Uchiha clan, but Sharingan itself is a bug, and it is the reincarnation of Asura, so it is destined to be extraordinary from the beginning.

As for the other Xiaoqiang, Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji are descendants of the Konoha family Ikacho, who have practiced family secret techniques since childhood, and won at the starting line from the very beginning.

Not to mention Iba, Shino and Hinata, Iba is from the Inuzuka clan, and there are ninja dogs that are carefully bred and distributed by the family. Zhi Nai is a member of the oily girl family, who has mastered the secret technique of repelling insects, and now Yang Jian is giving him a cheat, which is a step up to the sky.

As for the three members of Kaiban who are at a higher level, Neji, needless to say, the Hyuga clan's white eyes and soft fist, for the orphan of his brother, whether it is because of guilt or because he thinks Neji is talented, he wants to train him to be a qualified tool As for Tiantian, although her specific identity is not introduced in the plot, it is a joy to think about her throwing kunai and detonating talismans. Is it affordable by ordinary people?

So after all, only Sakura and Li are the ones who really started as civilians. No matter how annoying Xiao Sakura was in the original plot, she has never been left behind, and she is one of the top 12, which shows that she is also working hard. Practice.

Seeing that Sakura easily shattered the three centipedes, Animal Dao didn't panic at all, and sealed his hands again, "Psychic art!"

bang bang bang...

A large cloud of white smoke flashed, and more psychic beasts appeared on the battlefield, such as rhinos, pandas, lobsters, crabs, strange birds, three-headed dogs, etc. Of course, a few centipedes appeared, and a few psychic beasts were left behind The beast dealt with Sakura, a little girl was not in his eyes at all, and then controlled other psychic beasts to continue destroying Konoha.

After Yang Jian's research, it was discovered that Nagato's psychic beasts were actually spawned. Using the control of the eyes of reincarnation and the simple use of the power of Yin-Yang Dun, as long as you find a suitable beast and use the power of Yang Dun to give birth, it only takes a few days. It takes only a few years to grow into a huge monster. This is how Nagato’s psychic beasts should have come about. Each of Nagato’s psychic beasts has produced more than one. Those psychic beasts in the original plot were obviously killed. , but after being reincarnated and revived by the pharmacist, it can still be channeled, because it is no longer the original one.

But what really interested Yang Jian was the multi-headed dog. The ability to divide infinitely was too amazing. This was not something that the reincarnation eye could bestow, unless it had this ability in the first place.

At the moment the bulldog appeared, Yang Jian released a small flying puppet to approach it secretly, leaving a space imprint on it. Anyway, Nagato is doomed this time, and the bulldog will soon become ownerless Yang Jian accepted it with a smile.

The three centipedes Sakura can still deal with, but in the face of so many strange psychic beasts with different abilities, Sakura suddenly fell into a hard fight. Seeing that she was about to be pinched by the claws of the big crab, three figures galloped in the distance.

At this moment, Xiao Sakura suddenly felt a sense of consciousness drilled into her brain, and some information was transmitted. Xiao Sakura's face showed joy, and she punched the crab's big pincers, and retreated with the force of the shock.

"Shadow Mimicry!"

"The technique of doubling!"

A black shadow connected to the crab's shadow, and the crab was immediately immobilized, and then the body of another figure swelled rapidly, turning into a giant, and punched out repeatedly.

bang bang bang bang bang...

Soon the crab was punched to death, because Sakura got the news in advance, and when she backed up, she just avoided the giant's fist and was not injured at all.

The ones who just arrived are naturally the new generation of Ikacho trio, Ino, Shikamaru and Choji.

"Sakura, are you okay? Are you injured?" Ino asked with concern after meeting Sakura.

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