Although the battle scene is exciting, Yang Jian loses interest after just a few glances. Even if the opponent is the protagonist, Yang Jian doesn't care about his life or death. After evacuating to a safe area, it doesn't matter if other people live or die, why not take this opportunity to learn more from Hei Jue, this old monster who has lived for 1000 years must have a lot of stuff in his stomach.

"Then, do you have anything to do with the destruction of the Uzumaki Kingdom and the Thousand Hands Clan? Are you playing tricks?"

Heijue snorted coldly and said: "Do I still need to play tricks? Humans are a kind of anti-virus and cruel creatures. The Uzumaki family has mastered the superb sealing technique. This is the source of their existence. Humans do everything for a little profit. They can do it, not to mention the advanced sealing technique, they have been targeted for a long time.

As for the Qianshou Clan, it is even more unlucky, a group of self-righteous guys, the upper echelon of the Qianshou Clan thought they could awaken Mu Dun, and participated in some kind of Wood Dun awakening plan, and ended up paying for their own lives. The masters of the Qianshou Clan were almost in the plan They were all dead, but no one succeeded. In addition, there is darkness inside Konoha, so it is normal to exterminate the clan. "

Yang Jian thinks about it carefully. It really is like this. The reincarnation of Indra, the son of the Immortal, made it extremely difficult for others to awaken. A group of self-righteous Qianshou people wanted to reproduce the glory of Mu Dun, but they ruined themselves.

In addition, the first generation of Konoha and the second generation of Hokage are all members of the Senju clan, and they have left a deep imprint on Konoha. The people of the Senju clan must be proud and arrogant on weekdays, and they will definitely offend other families. Even when the third generation first took office, I am afraid that they will be angry with the Senshou clan, and those who can become a movie are not simple people. This is playing politics, and people's hearts are dirty, unless they are like Naruto. Absolute strength can suppress all dissatisfaction, but the Qianshou clan obviously does not have it, so in the end they can only exterminate the clan.

Chapter 555 The Battle of Konoha Ends

In this way, Yang Jian asked questions and Hei Jue answered. Unknowingly, Yang Jian had obtained many secrets from Hei Jue, including many ancient anecdotes. Yang Jian felt an eye-opening feeling.

At the same time, the battle on the Konoha battlefield was coming to an end. At this time, Naruto was lying on the ground and was held down by a few black sticks.

At this time, Hei Jue was a little tangled in his heart. He was a little worried that Yang Jian would rescue Naruto. In this way, the operation to capture Nine-Tails would probably fail. At the same time, he had some expectations, because if Yang Jian made a move, the confinement on him would be relaxed, so One might be able to find a chance to escape.

But Yang Jian had no intention of making a move from the beginning to the end. He just watched quietly, which made Hei Jue a little helpless, "Don't you really want my mother to get out of the seal, and you really don't plan to stop it? Let Nine Tails be long The door is taken away?"

"I've already said, I hope you can collect all the nine-tailed beasts and revive the ten-tailed beasts, so don't worry about me making a move, but don't think that it's so easy to catch the nine-tailed Jinchuriki, this is fate Son, the more critical the situation is, the easier it is for you to explode, maybe Nagato will be defeated by him."

"How is this possible? He has already been pinned down. Is there any hole in the hole? Even if Nagato really has Nagato, he is not a vegetarian?" Hei Jue couldn't help but refute. To release his mother, he also confirmed another thing, the other party really did not intend to kill him, so Hei Jue completely let go.

"There will always be some miracles in this world, turning the impossible into the possible, especially on some hot-blooded suspenders, you will be able to see it soon, I think it should be called the protagonist's halo. "

"Shit halo of the protagonist!" Hei Jue didn't believe in the halo of the protagonist, and started to fight with Yang Jian, but he was soon slapped in the face.

Hyuga Hinata, who has been in a coma, finally woke up, but when she saw Naruto was in danger, under the influence of the great power of love, she rushed to save Naruto regardless of the danger. He planned to take this opportunity to kill Hinata, a girl with eyes of the same level as his, and hit her hard. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Hinata forcibly opened Tenseigan to block it. Although he was seriously injured, his life was saved. saved.

This time, Naruto was enraged, and he exploded completely, tails emerged one by one, and the power of Nine Tails was released.

"How... how is this possible?" Hei Jue was in a bad mood.

Yang Jian smiled, "Anything is possible, especially for some people."

Then Naruto, who had initially turned into a beast with a tail, broke out with all his strength, and chased Tendao with a heavy hammer. Tendao deliberately led him to the position where Nagato was, and then Nagato cast the Earth Explosion Star, sealing Naruto to the artificial moon internal.

Seeing that Naruto was sealed, Heijue glanced at Yang Jian triumphantly at this time, and wanted to say something, but because of the previous experience, he became cautious and decided to see the situation before talking.

Afterwards, Naruto broke out into the Nine-Tails state, directly broke through the Earth Explosive Star, and almost completely turned into a tailed beast. Fortunately, he saw his father in the sealed space at a critical moment, regained control of himself, regained his human form, and then married Nagato opened his mouth to escape mode, and finally persuaded the opponent, Nagato chose to sacrifice himself, and used the reincarnation technique to resurrect all the villagers and ninjas who died in Konoha.

"Naruto. Thank you very much for allowing Nagato to be relieved. He is really tired. Now that he can completely let go of his attachments and leave this world without any burden, it would be great for him." Said to Naruto while sealing the bodies of Nagato and Tendao with white paper.

"No! It should be me thanking him, thanking him for being willing to let go of hatred, and thanking him for resurrecting everyone." Naruto had a smile on his face, it was so bright, if Kakashi and the others saw it, they would definitely think that there was a small The fourth Hokage of the title of the sun,

"Maybe, I'm leaving, but Naruto, before I leave, I want to remind you that there are two people you must be careful if you meet."

"Miss Xiaonan, who are you talking about?"

"One of them is a member of our Akatsuki group. He calls himself Uchiha Madara. Of course, I discussed it with Nagato. This identity is probably fake. Nagato and I have always called him A Fei, but it is definitely the Uchiha clan. Because he wears a whirlpool mask on weekdays, and the only exposed eye is a blood three-gou jade sharing sharing eye, it is certain that he has opened the kaleidoscope."

"What! It's him?" Naruto immediately screamed when he heard Xiao Nan's description.

"Why, Naruto, do you know this person?" Seeing Naruto's reaction, Xiao Nan immediately asked.

"Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but according to your description, he is probably the one who killed my parents. On the day I was born, a mysterious person wearing a whirlpool mask attacked my parents and smacked my mother. Leaving Nine-Tails, and then using Nine-Tails' power to destroy the village, he has an ability that can make his body invisible, no matter how hard he hits, he can't hit him."

"That's right, it's him. I've seen this kind of ability in A Fei." Xiao Nan immediately affirmed.

"That bastard, I will definitely not let him go, one day he will avenge my parents." Naruto said through gritted teeth, if it hadn't just experienced a nine-tailed outbreak, the avatar left by his father would strengthen him again If the seal is broken, the power of Nine Tails will probably overflow.

"You will meet him in the future, but everything must be based on your own safety. Remember to be careful of another person, that is the guy behind Tian Zhiguo's backstage. That person is very powerful. Nagato has fought against him. There is no chance of winning the door at all, and when the opponent fights with Nagato, it is likely that he did not use his full strength. His position is not clear, he does not know which side he is on, and he claims to be able to see the future. I didn't believe it at first. But now I believe it a little bit, because he said at the beginning that you will persuade Nagato..."

"The person behind Tian Zhiguo's backstage, if you are talking about him, I have met him, and I think he is very good. He told us about my parents and Sasuke's family."

"You have also met that person, and told you about your parents. What is his purpose?" Xiao Nan preconceived that there was a conspiracy.

"Yes, some time ago, the third-generation grandpa visited Tian Zhiguo. I managed to get the third-generation grandpa to agree to take me with me. I wanted to take this opportunity to bring Sasuke back, but then..."

Naruto talked about the meeting with Yang Jian, and Xiaonan was relieved after hearing it. According to what Naruto said, the other party seemed to have no malicious intentions.

"This can't be better, but the necessary precautions are still necessary. Conflicts are most likely to occur in different countries, because there are no eternal friends between countries, only eternal interests..."

These words are really a headache for Naruto, because his brain can't understand at all, and he didn't understand from the beginning to the end. Of course, it's a good thing for him not to understand.

Xiaonan gave a few last words of advice, and then formed a pair of wings with a paper fan behind his back, flapped lightly twice and flew into the air, and left with Xiao Nagato and Tiandao's corpses, Naruto watched Xiaonan's figure disappear, and also He turned around and walked towards Muye Village. Now he is the hero who saved Konoha, and he is no longer a demon fox that everyone hates. I don’t know how many people are waiting for his return.

After Naruto and Xiaonan left, two figures emerged from the ground, it was Yang Jian and Black and White Jue, and Yang Jian said with a smile on his lips, "Well, isn't the protagonist's halo powerful enough? Just one mouth can tell Nagato was crippled by Fudge, so he was willing to sacrifice his life to save the person Konoha once hated."

"Hmph! Nagato is really useless. He is so unsteady in his will, yet he was persuaded by a brat. I misunderstood him." Hei Jue gritted his teeth.

"However, isn't that why you chose him? Uchiha Madara chose Nagato's body as a container to house his reincarnation eyes, and deliberately led his parents to die, Yahiko was killed, and let Nagato follow the direction you planned Isn't it because he is easy to control?"

Hei Jue was so choked that he couldn't speak. Thinking about it carefully, it was really like this, but in the end he made a fuss, and the tool man Nagato disappeared completely.

"Okay, after watching the big show, you should go back, continue to fool Obito to collect tailed beasts, fool Uchiha Madara, and let the sacred tree reappear as soon as possible. The next time we meet should be the time for a decisive battle. At that time, we will each rely on ability."

As Yang Jian said, he revoked the space restriction on Hei Jue. Hei Jue felt relaxed all over his body, and his abilities could be used again. Although Yang Jian said at the beginning that he would let him go, it was still unbelievable when it actually happened. Turning to look at Yang Jian, she hesitated and said, "You really just let me go."

"Otherwise, what else can I do? Are you still waiting for me to treat you to dinner? Or maybe you think it's normal for me to take the opportunity to kill you, but this is not possible. I will use you to collect tailed beasts, so you have Live well, of course, just because you can't kill you doesn't mean you can't beat you, anyway, it's easy to recover with your body, do you want to be beaten?"

"Uh! I don't want to, don't be impulsive! I'll leave right away." After Hei Jue finished speaking, he immediately sank into the ground and moved away from Yang Jian as quickly as possible. Hearing too many secrets, he was even more frightened, and couldn't help guessing in his heart whether Hei Jue would kill him to silence him.

At this time, only Yang Jian was left on the spot. It stands to reason that everyone who should go, Yang Jian should also leave, but the strange thing is that Yang Jian didn't intend to leave, but jumped to a big tree On the bed, lying on a branch, narrowing his eyes leisurely.

The setting sun was setting, and it soon became night. Everyone in Konoha had experienced a great battle and had been busy all day helping the wounded. Everyone was exhausted. Except for the necessary security personnel, everyone else fell asleep. .

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