When Zhi Nai looked at the densely packed, tens of thousands of eggs, your face twitched. The parasites that Yang Jian cultivated in just a few days were more than his three years of hard work, and more than he had at the beginning. The ones that have been bred are better, which makes him embarrassing.

Fortunately, Zhi Nao's mentality was relatively stable, and he calmed down quickly. After all, he was the one who benefited in the end. In just a few days, his strength had increased several times, so there was nothing he could not be satisfied with.

A few days later, Zhi Nai's golden silkworm hatched, and it did not evolve into a Liuxian golden cicada. Zhi Nai felt that his golden silkworm had undergone earth-shaking changes, and its energy intensity increased by more than ten times. Attached to the heart, it swallows incomparably pure energy, simultaneously strengthens the body and soul, and strengthens every moment.

Zhi Nai has a feeling that if he fights against Tian Dao again, he will definitely win. Even if Liu Dao fights together, he is half sure that he can win. In fact, when he fought Tian Dao last time, Zhi Nao still had a hole card that he didn't use. That is the fairy mode, but it was the last trick used to desperately, and it was not forced to that step at the time.

When Zhi Nai was taught by Yang Jian, he also told Yang Jian about Konoha's news. Now that Konoha is being rebuilt, everyone is so busy that they are exhausted all day long.

Nagato’s attack caused heavy losses to Konoha. Although the fire country daimyo allocated funds to rebuild Konoha, it will not be so easy to build in a short while. In addition, when the five generations of Naruto Tsunade were fighting against the sky, their chakras were exhausted. He is in a coma, and he hasn't woken up yet, and the third generation has also been seriously injured. Although he is not in a coma, he is still unable to deal with Konoha's affairs.

At this time Danzo jumped out again, wanting to be the Sixth Hokage, how could the Third Hokage agree, and the major families also did not agree with this Konoha, and under the leadership of the Third Hokage, Danzo was suppressed.

Danzo almost went berserk because of this incident. He knew very well that this was his last chance to become Hokage. If he missed it this time, he would forget about it in the future, so he acted extraordinarily strong, and even clashed with the third generation several times, almost fighting. , and even moved to kill.

In the end, the two parties each made a concession, and the third generation proposed to let Danzo become the agent of Hokage to handle the affairs of the village.

Although Danzo was still a little dissatisfied, after some persuasion from Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mito Menyan, coupled with the firm attitude of the others, he could only nod in the end, but he still did not give up his ambition of becoming Hokage, acting as the representative of Hokage Identity proposed to hold the Six Kages Conference. This time, there are more Otonin villages in Tianzhi Country than in the original plot, to discuss how to deal with the Akatsuki organization, and this matter has been passed.

Zhi Nai had a bad tone when he talked about Danzo, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with Danzo, because the rumors about the oil girl clan were spread by Danzo's root organization. It is said that people hate ghosts, no one likes him, and Shino is no exception.

Yang Jian sneered when he heard the news, Danzo was suicidal, and it was time to release Sasuke to understand the grievances between them.

Chapter 557 Sasuke Revenge

Yang Jian took some time to tell Sasuke the news that the Six Kages Conference was about to be held.And it is specifically stated that Danzo, who is acting as the agent of Hokage this time, will participate on behalf of Konoha.

When Sasuke received the news, he immediately understood Yang Jian's meaning. At this time, let him have revenge, and he was ready to act immediately. Sasuke is an iron boy, and he had no extra thoughts. He planned to stop Danzo on the road and kill him directly. thing.

However, when Sasuke was about to act, he was stopped by Orochimaru. Now many people know that I have to stay in Tanokuni and accept the teachings of Orochimaru. If Sasuke kills Danzo, once the news spreads, It will inevitably lead to a conflict between the land of fields and the land of fire. Although with the current strength of the land of fields, the land of fire is not afraid, but it is better to keep some things low-key.

Of course, Orochimaru does not prevent Sasuke from taking revenge, the key is how to kill him, and you have to take Chinese eyes, after deliberations between Orochimaru, Shennong, Beiliuhu and the red sand scorpion, a conclusion is reached It's best to wait until after the Six Shadows Conference is over, and when Danzo returns to the Land of Fire, it's best to kill him secretly on the way.

Orochimaru is also invited to the Six Kages Conference this time, and will definitely have contact with Danzo. When will the conference end, when will Danzo leave, and which route will he take?It's easy to find out with Orochimaru's ability, just notify Sasuke and let Sasuke sneak attack halfway.

Although Sasuke was a little anxious to kill Danzo for revenge, he could afford to wait a day or two, and finally agreed to Orochimaru's proposal. In the plot, Orochimaru wanted to get Sasuke's body, and Sasuke knew it well. The two are just using each other.

However, since Orochimaru's god-making plan, he has looked down on Sasuke's body. Based on the idea of ​​training a capable subordinate, he has been teaching Sasuke with all his heart, and the relationship between the two has naturally eased.

Sasuke also has to admit that Orochimaru is indeed a very suitable teacher for him. In just three years, Sasuke's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, most of which are due to Orochimaru.

In addition, in order to help Sasuke strengthen his strength, Orochimaru also found different teachers according to Sasuke's situation, so that he could learn the skills suitable for him. Lightning attribute Chakra, the electromagnetic gun is perfect for him.

Humans are animals with feelings, and we should compare our hearts to our hearts. Sasuke also feels that I will be kind to myself at that time, whether as a teacher or as a friend, I have done a very good job. If there are bad thoughts in this way, then Sasuke is not worthy of being a human being, and I have lived with Tian Zhiguo for three years, and I also like the stable environment of Tian Zhiguo. I don't want Tian Zhiguo to be harmed because of myself, so I finally decided to keep a low profile and kill Danzo secretly.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, the Red Sand Scorpion specially made a plan for Sasuke based on the information in his hands. You must know that the Red Sand Scorpion line had the great feat of killing the third generation of Kazekage. The strength is far worse than the three generations of Kazekage. The key to success in the end is the plan. Now Sasuke's strength itself is not weak. After opening the eternal kaleidoscope, there are few people who can beat him as a whole. Danzo is sure Not an opponent, coupled with the plan of the Red Sand Scorpion, it can be said that Danzo has already stepped into the grave.

On Tian Zhiguo's side, Orochimaru and the others conspired to kill Danzo. Yang Jian didn't know about it, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care. Yang Jian continued to teach Shino, and occasionally checked the progress of Konoha's reconstruction.

I have to say that if the ninja's ability can be used reasonably, it can accomplish many impossible things. In just a few days, most of the reconstruction work of Konoha has been completed. After Yamato returned, a wooden hole went down and the ground emerged There is a large row of wooden houses, and the civilians who come to Konoha a few times will have a place to live.

Konoha slowly resumed its former noise, among which the happiest one was the one big, one small and two green figures, the shorter figure was always yelling, if it wasn't for my teacher going out to do missions, he would definitely be able to kill him Payne.

Most people take it as a joke, but who knows that what the other party said is completely true?It can only be said that the arrangement of fate, if it wasn't for this green guy who went out for a mission, Liudao Payne would definitely kneel down, although the green figure would have to pay the price with his life afterwards.

This day, Yang Jian finished teaching Zhi Nai the last time, and he had to accumulate the rest by himself. After bidding farewell to Zhi Nai, Yang Jian was planning to return to Tian Zhi Country, but at this moment, his heart suddenly moved, feeling The space coordinates reserved for Orochimaru are activated.

Orochimaru's current strength is close to the sixth level, so you said that there will be no danger, but the space coordinates are activated. Is there really an enemy he can't deal with?

Yang Jian immediately opened the space door along the activated coordinates, raised his legs and walked in. In a blink of an eye, he came to a hillside. Dashewan was standing there with his hands behind his back, watching a big battle thousands of meters away. The two parties are Danzo and Sasuke.

"Master Yang Jian!"ⅹ2

Seeing Yang Jian appear, Yaoshidou and Junmalu who were following Dashewan hurried forward to salute respectfully.

Yang Jian greeted casually, then turned to look at Dashewan and said, "I said, what did you call me over to watch Sasuke fight with Danzo? Even at the expense of activating the space coordinates I left for you, you You should know. I'm not interested in fighting at this level, it's like a child playing around."

Orochimaru could hear the dissatisfaction in Shu and Yang Jian's tone, but he didn't care, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I know you are not interested in this level of scum, but for the Uchiha family's reversal of life and death, Izanagi, who transforms illusion and reality, should be interested. I have to say that Danzo is still a bit dry. He has been killed by Sasuke three times, but he has been resurrected repeatedly, but every time he resurrects, he sacrifices the three-pointed jade on one arm. Sharingan, you might as well study it."

Yang Jian's face twitched. If it was before, Yang Jian would have been interested in Izanaki, but the problem is that Yang Jian had already fought against Danzo three years ago, and he had already analyzed Izanaki thoroughly. Yang Jian didn't tell anyone about this matter, not deliberately concealing it, but Yang Jian felt that it was an insignificant matter and there was no need to publicize it.

Yang Jian instinctively told the truth and satirized Orochimaru by the way, but then he thought that Orochimaru had good intentions after all, if he said something sarcastic, wouldn't it be a bit unreasonable, and when it came to his lips, he swallowed it back forcibly, pretending to watch the battle from the sidelines .

Orochimaru has been observing very carefully, hoping to study the secret of Izanagi, and even opened Tenseiyan to observe the flow route of chakra in Danzo.

Yang Jian was watching the battle there on the surface, but actually he was thinking about other things and looked at the surrounding environment.This battlefield is completely different from the original plot. In the original plot, the battle between Sasuke and Danzo took place on a bridge, but here is a mountain forest, full of potholes, and there are two corpses [-] meters away from the battlefield. Look at them Combined with the understanding of the original plot, Yang Jian has confirmed their identities, Shanzhongfeng and Younv take their roots.

As the prime minister and audiovisual of Tanokuni, Orochimaru has a lot of talents. It is easy to get the guards of two albums. Many people are willing to give their lives for Orochimaru, but in the end Orochimaru chose Junma Lu and Yaoshidou.

Now Junma Lu has truly become a shadow-level powerhouse, and the kind who is best at fighting. Relying on his strong recovery ability, he fights desperately, and is loyal to Orochimaru, but Orochimaru pays more attention to Medicine Master Dou. It doesn't matter whether he is strong or not. What Orochimaru really values ​​is his research ability. Orochimaru even trains him as his heir.

"Dou, counting the time, the Six Kages Conference should have just started. Why did it end so soon? Usually, don't ninja villages argue with each other? When did it become so efficient? I thought at least Will there be a result after three or five days?"

"Lord Yang Jian, the matter is like this. Seriously speaking, the Six Kages Conference is not over yet. Today, the conference has just started to discuss how to deal with the Akatsuki organization. It went smoothly at the beginning. Everyone agreed, except Konoha's Kyuubi. , the other eight tailed beasts have already been captured by the Akatsuki organization..."

"Wait, you said just now that except for Nine Tails, all other tailed beasts were captured by the Akatsuki organization. The Eight Tails in Yunyinren Village, Kirabi are perfect Jinchuriki, and Eight Tails are second only to Nine Tails. , It’s not so easy to catch the eight tails, isn’t it?” Yang Jian suddenly felt that something was wrong, according to the plot, the Xiao organization should not have caught the eight tails at this time.

"Yes, Yao has also fallen into the hands of the Akatsuki organization. It was the person who claimed to be Uchiha Madara who personally captured him, but Kirabi, who was Yao Jinchuriki, did not die, because Yao had a good relationship with him. Before being pulled away, an octopus foot was specially left for Kirabi, and he was able to save his life with [-] tails of chakra."

Yang Jian was suddenly stunned. He didn't expect that because of the butterfly effect caused by himself, in the original plot, Obito did not personally capture the eight tails, but Sasuke and his Eagle Squad did it. Perhaps it was because Obito was not fully sure at the time. To fight against the Five Ninja Villages, Sasuke was deliberately asked to make a move. If he wanted to cause conflicts between Konoha and Yunyin Village, it would be best to fight.

But because of the existence of Yang Jian, Obito also knew that he was not an opponent, so he could only take the risk, collect Qiwei beasts as quickly as possible, and become a ten-tailed Jinzhuli. Only in this way can he defeat Yang Jian, even though Obito The kaleidoscope is not as good as Sasuke's eternal kaleidoscope, but I have to admit that Obito's use of kaleidoscope is much better than Sasuke's, and his combat experience is also richer. Eight tails cheat with octopus feet.

"Okay, I understand what's going on, you continue to talk about what happened later."

Yao Shidou gave Yang Jian a strange look, not understanding why Yang Jian had such a strange reaction before, but he couldn't ask more questions?

"Because the actions of the small organization have offended the major ninja villages, an agreement was finally reached to encircle and suppress the Akatsuki group, but who should be in charge of the command is a big problem. No one trusts anyone, for fear that the ninjas in their village will be killed. When the cannon fodder finally got into a quarrel, I didn't expect Danzo to recommend himself at this time, and wanted to become the commander-in-chief of the six major ninja village coalition forces. The country's three ship generals actually agreed."

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