Uchiha Madara, as a super-top powerhouse, practiced his hand speed since he was a child, and his page-turning speed is so fast. With the copy function of Sharingan, it only took a few minutes to read a book with hundreds of pages thick .

Of course, after reading it, it is impossible to understand the specific content of the book in detail, but the general content is still known, when Uchiha Madara flipped through the book during the period.Senju Bashirama leaned his head over, stood behind Uchiha Madara, and shouted foolishly: Slow down!slower!Don't flip through too fast, I haven't read it yet.

I don't know if Uchiha Madara's IQ was lowered after he met a guy with a brain problem like Senju Zhuma, and he let Senju Zhuma stand behind him, and he was not afraid of his sneak attack. Qianshou Zhujian immediately gave him a ruthless seal, maybe it will be the finale.

After Uchiha Madara finished reading the book, he casually threw it to Senju Bashirama, closed his eyes and roughly recalled the content of the origin of Chakra. After a while, he looked up at Yang Jian and asked, "Where did this book come from?" ?”

"I wrote it myself. How about it? It's very interesting. Now this "Chakra Origin" is one of the best-selling books in the ninja world, and I have made a lot of money." Yang Jian looked triumphant, People can't help but want to beat up.

"You wrote it! So is the content in the book true?" Uchiha Madara asked eagerly immediately.

Yang Jian tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "There is truth and there is falsehood, it is adapted based on the real situation, and some of my personal thoughts are added."

"In this way, the so-called Otsutsuki clan are actually gods from beyond the sky. They came to our world to plunder the energy of our world and transform chakra for their own enjoyment."

"Gods? You can say that, but it is more accurate to say that they are a higher-level life form. There are countless planets in the universe. No one can tell how many there are. It is normal for some of them to have life. Perhaps the lifeforms on a certain planet are extraordinarily powerful, or the level of technology is exceptionally advanced, allowing them to travel across the universe, and if they reach backward planets, it is only natural for them to be regarded as gods by the lifeforms on those planets."

"If all of this is true, the so-called ten tails, or the sacred tree, is actually a weapon used by the Otsutsuki clan to plunder the energy of our world."

"Hey hey hey! What are you talking about, what aliens and what? What kind of weapons with more energy? What do you mean? Tell me clearly." Senshou Zhujian scratched his head anxiously, but it was a pity that no matter whether it was Yang Jian Or Uchiha Madara did not explain to him.

"That's true, but you don't have to worry too much. Isn't our ninja world still doing well? Those Tongmu people might have encountered ruthless characters from other planets in the process of wandering through the universe and were killed? Maybe something happened? It’s been almost 1000 years and it hasn’t happened yet. If you think about it, even if one day the Datongmu clan returns and plunders the energy of our new world, then we’ll just have to figure out a way.” Yang Jianyan comforted him insincerely With a few words, he knew that the Datongmu clan would definitely show up. The Jin family, Pu Shi, Tao Shi, and then another fierce battle.

"Huh, how can we pin our hopes on the fact that there is an accident, so my plan is even more imminent. Only by gaining a strong power can we ensure that we are safe and will not be taken away by others and cause us to die. The planet withers and dies."

Yang Jian couldn't help but twitched. Madara Uchiha's words about protecting the world always had a strange feeling. Is this what a big devil who wants to destroy the world should say?

But when you think about it carefully, it makes sense. Although Uchiha Madara is a villain in the plot, he actually yearns for peace. Even if he came up with a one-month eye plan, the purpose is to let people realize their dreams in the fantasy world. Wishing to end wars and bring peace to the world, but the methods used are somewhat extreme.

Yang Jian waved his hand and said weakly: "Alright then, keep working hard, I hope you can succeed, if you don't succeed, don't worry about it, just treat it as a game."

Uchiha Madara was choked by Yang Jian's words, always felt that the other party was mocking him, and finally suppressed the anger in his heart, because he still had more things to ask Yang Jian.

"According to the book, the eyes of Orochimaru are Tenseigan, and about the two sons of the Sage of the Six Paths, Asura and Indra, why their fighting style is so similar to mine and Zhujian, and , What happened to their reincarnation?"

"Since you ask this question, you must have already guessed, yes, you and Zhu Jian are the reincarnations of Asura and Indra.

Asura and Indra are not as powerful as their father Sage of the Six Paths, but after death, there will be a ray of pure chakra that will not dissipate. If you have the opportunity to find a suitable carrier, you will Integrating into their bodies, and slowly affecting them, their bodies become extremely powerful, and they become the children of destiny in the contemporary era.

The reincarnation of Asura and Indra has no past memories, but the brothers will have instinctive attraction, then instinctive disgust, and finally fight each other, turning into an endless situation, every reincarnation is like this, until the two When a person dies, the Chakra of Asura and Indra will leave, and then they will be reincarnated next time. Now they are reincarnated with Naruto and Sasuke. "

"Hey! Madara, so we are brothers!" Senju Zhuma felt as if he had discovered a big secret, looked at Uchiha Madara with a serious face and said, "If that's the case, Madara, you have to call me brother, Otherwise, I will beat you!"

"Shut up! Even if you were beaten, it was you. I won the battle back then."

Qianshou Zhujian suddenly became anxious, "Please explain some reason, I am obviously the one who won."

Uchiha Madara sneered, "Really, but I survived, but you died."

Hearing this, Senju Zhuma suddenly felt heartbroken and regretted to death. When Uchiha Madara was beaten by him and lay down on the ground, he should have made up for it.


There was a group of powerful psychic beasts on the battlefield to help out, well, those wooden monsters were quickly strangled, and soon everyone approached the place where Orochimaru and Obito fought.

Boom! !

With a loud noise, Orochimaru used the wheel to force Obito back, and then looked at a kind of kage-level master who was only a few hundred meters away, "The current situation seems to be very unfavorable for you, Obito, you are already falling behind." At a disadvantage, those people have rushed over now. Although they can't cause fatal damage to you, so many people have their own cards, even you have to deal with it carefully, and it will involve a lot of your energy. Not my opponent anymore."

Obito didn't show the slightest panic on his face, he glanced around and said: "Indeed, they have become smarter, and they are not hindered by those with poor strength, so they can take action with confidence, no matter if you think I will care? I just It was just to stall for time, and now the time is up."

"It's time? What do you mean?" Orochimaru was a little unclear, so he asked suspiciously.

"Because the ten tails have evolved again, I can proceed to the next step, accept fate!"

Obito suddenly shouted loudly, jumped down suddenly, and jumped into the mouth of ten tails.

Ten Tails suddenly stood still, and after a few seconds, strange changes began to occur, starting to collapse inward with the head as the center.


The ten tails shrunk rapidly, and the originally huge body also shrank rapidly, but within three to five seconds, the body of the ten tails had become smaller than the tailed beast, and it was still shrinking.

bang bang bang...

Orochimaru immediately controlled the ancestor stone statue to rush over, intending to catch it, but had to stop when it was a few meters away from Juwei, because although Juwei was shrinking, a berserker burst out from his body. Carat, forming a strong impact, is no worse than the power produced by Orochimaru's rotation.

Since he couldn't get close, Orochimaru didn't force it, and took the initiative to take a few steps back, cautiously on guard.

At this time, the ten tails had shrunk to three meters in height, and it was close to the shape of a human.

At this time, a group of kage-level masters who had almost killed the wooden monster also looked at this side. Under the attention of everyone, Ten Tails continued to shrink, and stopped at about two meters.

"What the hell is going on! This feeling is terrible." At this time, Naruto's perception ability is the strongest on the battlefield. It seems that there is something in the air that is constantly irritating the skin, and goose bumps are popping up all over his body. This makes Naruto feel very uncomfortable. irritable.

Seeing the changes in the outside world, the Nine Tails in Naruto immediately reminded: "Naruto, be careful! It is in the form of Ten Tails Jinchuriki, and it will be difficult to take over. Ten Tails Jinchuriki, that is the original form of the Sage of the Six Paths. "

"Sage of the Six Paths? What is that?" Naruto was a scumbag who had never even heard of the name of the Sage of the Six Paths, so he didn't understand the meaning at all.

"Naruto, did you say Sage of the Six Paths just now? What happened?" Minato Namikaze, who was standing beside Naruto, asked.

"Ku Lama told me..." Naruto immediately repeated what Nine Tails said just now.


After hearing Naruto's words, everyone had the same thought in their hearts, Sage of the Six Paths!That is the existence comparable to the gods in the legend.


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