It's just that Uchiha Madara understands that if he wants to complete his plan, Yang Jian in front of him is a big trouble. If the opponent makes a move to stop him, there is almost no chance of winning, because Yang Jian is too strong.

Uchiha Madara fell into a dilemma for a while, bowed his head and pondered: Should we just give up like this?No, no!I am my lifelong wish and also Quan Nai's wish. How could I give up after decades of painstaking planning?But how to deal with this guy in front of him?How can we restrain him, buy time, and become Ten Tails Jinchuriki?

He shouldn't be able to resist the illusion of the Moon Eye. If Obito revives me, and then captures the Nine Tails as soon as possible, and resurrects the Ten Tails in the most perfect state, then I will become the Ten Tails Jinchuriki, and I will definitely be able to open the moon. Zhiyan should be able to defeat him. It seems that if you want to make a plan, you have to gamble no matter what. "

Yang Jian didn't know that Uchiha Madara was planning to deal with him in No. [-] Middle School at this time. Of course, it didn't matter even if he knew, and he would even help Uchiha Madara secretly, because what Uchiha Madara planned was exactly what Yang Jian wanted.


A Daoist Jade fell on the ground, instantly accompanied by a dazzling light, the whole land was blown up into a tizzy, and the ground undulated violently, bumping up and down.

Orochimaru and Obito clashed in the turbulence of the torrent. It lasted only a few minutes, but it was extremely intense. The surrounding air smelled of burnt due to the intense friction.

Can't delay any longer, come up with a trick!Orochimaru thought in his heart, immediately gathered three of the Dao-seeking jades together, and suddenly shouted: "Golden wheel reincarnation explodes!"

This time, Jinlun Reincarnation Explosion did not have the thousands-meter-long sword that opened up the world like in the painting, but condensed and shrunk, turning into a one-meter-long sword. .

Obito's complexion changed, and he hurriedly took the Taoist Jade and transformed it into a tin stick to protect it in front of him.


When the two collided together, a big crater was blasted out of the ground by the shock wave, and the violent power was vented to all directions. There was only a click, and the sword formed by the three Taoist jades cut into the tin stick, and it was about to be cut off.

Obito turned pale in shock, and immediately controlled another Dao-seeking jade to gather together to form a broken shield. When the sword cut through the tin stick, it finally blocked it on the shield.

Orochimaru thought it was a pity in his heart, with his current control power, it is already the limit to compress the three Taoist jades into the shape of a sword. If there are more, he will not be able to control it, otherwise he will definitely be able to cut the shield together.

The battle between Obito and Orochimaru is getting more and more fierce, but Obito is always a little bit worse, and he is at a disadvantage. After all, his time as Ten Tails Jinchuriki is too short to perfectly control the power he has obtained.

Although Orochimaru Orochimaru has not fully grasped the power of the giant Tenseikan, after all, it has been a few days, and I am relatively familiar with it, which is much better than Obito's situation, but at this time Obito Kaleidoscope's Kaleidoscope has played a huge role. Use space ninjutsu to evade every time you encounter a crisis, so that you can remain undefeated.

However, with the passage of time, Obito continued to learn in the battle, and he became more and more proficient in controlling the power of the ten tails, gradually leveling the gap with Orochimaru, and it became a situation of equal shares.

After the battle lasted for an hour, both Obito and Orochimaru began to feel overwhelmed. In terms of chakra, one of them has ten tails and the other has a giant Tenseikan to replenish, which is still sufficient, but the key is that the consumption of mental power is also huge. To maintain this kind of high-intensity battle for a long time, you must concentrate on it, and you will be mentally exhausted.

Both Orochimaru and Obito seemed to have discovered each other's situation, looked at each other, and made a decision at the same time.

Obito took a deep breath, all the Taoist jade in his hand condensed together, turned into a tin rod and then split from the middle.Like a DNA sequence, twisted and intertwined, forming a uniquely shaped spear.

"This is the 'Amamara Spear' used by the Sage of the Six Paths when the world was created. It can represent the master's will, and it is a divine sword that symbolizes faith and determination! Orochimaru, wake up, today is your day of death."

"Who wins and who loses is not sure, so I will let you taste my strongest blow!"

Orochimaru took a deep breath, and began to absorb the chakra from the giant Tenseigan. His body couldn't bear it anymore. Then he put his hands together, and the 12 Dao-seeking jades condensed together, "Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!"

A dazzling golden sword shone between the sky and the earth, and with a roar, it met the Spear of the Marsh with soil.

Chapter 583


Accompanied by a roar, the golden giant sword formed by the reincarnation of the golden wheel collided with the spear of Tianmarsh, and the two black chains of the spear of Tianmarsh were wrapped around the golden sword, twisting and rubbing constantly, trying to make the golden sword The sword shattered, and the golden wheel reincarnated and exploded continuously, trying to cut the spear of Tianmarsh, the two refused to give in and collided constantly.

With the collision of the spear of the marsh and the explosion of the golden wheel, black and golden debris fell and dispersed into the power of yin and yang and the power of the five basic attributes. Suddenly, thunder and flames rose, floods erupted, boulders fell, and hurricanes roared , a scene of the sky collapsing and the earth falling, the end of the world.

Obito and Orochi King stared at each other, showing no sign of backing down, grabbed the artifact in their hands and rushed towards each other. The black chain of the two genetic sequences of the Spear of Ammara began to collapse, and the gold transformed by the golden wheel reincarnated and exploded. Cracks also began to appear densely on the sword, and the two kept getting closer, depending on who could not hold it up first and who could last until the end.


After the warrior suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, his expression froze, the spear of Tianmao in his hand completely dissipated, and only the half-meter-long lightsaber left in Orochimaru's Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, but this was no longer enough.

"Take the lead, you lose, take your life."

There was a gleam of joy in Orochimaru's eyes, holding half of the lightsaber in his hand, he slashed across Obito's abdomen in an instant, leaving a huge wound.

Because this is the damage caused by the power of Qiudao, even if Obito is already ten-tailed Jinchuriki at this time, it is not so easy to recover.

As the so-called house leak happens to be raining continuously, Obito's face suddenly froze, a mass of matter was wiped out from the wound, and slowly transformed into Jubi's head, but when Obito was injured, Jubi began to resist, wanting to Break free from Renzhuli.

"Damn it! Get me back!" Obito roared, strengthening his control over Ten-Tails, trying to seal Ten-Tails back into his body, but after being severely injured by Orochimaru, Obito was a little powerless, and couldn't control it for a while Ten tails.

At this time, a black shadow suddenly emerged from Obito's feet, and quickly turned into a pool of black water, covering Obito's body.

"Heijue, what do you want to do?" Obito roared angrily, and was about to unleash his divine power recklessly and hide in a different space, but at this moment he found that his body could no longer move.

While invading Obito's body, Heijue said with a sinister smile: "Your heart has been imprinted by Madara-sama for a long time, and you can't get rid of it at all. Now your mission has been completed, accept your fate!"

"Damn it! Madara has been using me." Obito's eyes were full of anger.

"That's right, you are just a pawn. Everything you have experienced is under Madara-sama's control, including Lin's death, which was also specially arranged to stimulate you to open the kaleidoscope."

"I'm going to kill you!" Obito couldn't bear it anymore, he roared crazily, Lin was his taboo, he always thought it was Kirigakure who killed him, and blamed Kakashi for failing to take good care of Lin, but now he knows I was wrong, and the real murderer was by my side.

"Obito, it's over!" Black water transformed into black water covered half of Obito's body, and he forcibly manipulated Obito, first releasing the ten tails, and then formed the imprint of the natural technique of reincarnation with both hands, Although Obito worked hard to resist magic, it didn't have much effect.

At the same time, Uchiha Madara, who was originally watching the battle from a distance, suddenly jumped up and flew towards Obito at an extremely fast speed.

"Madara, what are you doing? Didn't we agree that no one would intervene? You violated the agreement." Senju Hashirama made a seal with both hands, ready to stop Uchiha Madara.

But Uchiha Madara had already figured it out, and at this moment he suddenly turned around, spread his hands, and shouted loudly: "Super Shenluo Tianzheng!"

Suddenly, a strong repulsive force centered on Uchiha Madara and spread in all directions. Uchiha Madara didn't expect his technique to be able to deal with Senjujuma and Yang Jian, but just wanted to delay for a while.

"Wood escape, the art of ranking!" Senju Hashima immediately created a wooden shield shaped like a fangs grimacing. Senju Hashima used this technique to defend Madara's mighty outfit, Susano. , enough to resist Shenluo Tianzheng.

As for Yang Jian directly using the Dao-seeking jade to turn into a black ball to wrap himself in, the repulsive force hit the Dao-seeking jade, as if it disappeared suddenly, and Yang Jian didn't back down a bit.

But this was enough for Uchiha Madara. While Senju Hashirama and Yang Jian were defending, he suddenly accelerated and came to Obito.

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