"That's it, then I'm not welcome, hurry up, I need more pills." Orochimaru couldn't bear it anymore, originally he just wanted to be a scientist and obtain eternal life, and he didn't care about strength. He didn't have too strong a request, but what happened to him today made him understand that only with a strong foundation can he guarantee his own safety and do research with confidence.

"Wait, it'll be fine soon."

At this time, Uchiha Madara had recovered early, listening to Yang Jian's unscrupulous conversation with Da Shemaru, treating him as a pig who asked for anything, and almost vomited blood with anger, "Bastard, I will fight with you!"

Uchiha Madara and his four clones of the tomb side prison came to besiege Yang Yangjian together, but Yang Jian was not afraid of him, so he immediately went up to meet him.

bang bang bang...

Amidst the muffled sound of punches and kicks, Yang Jian, relying on his superb skills, pressed Uchiha Madara and the four Rintoku clones with his own strength and chased after them.

Uchiha Madara's fighting style is very fierce!I like the straight-faced style. If the enemy's strength is not as good as him, I will be very desperate.

When Uchiha Madara ruled the world before, no one could fight him except Senju Hashirama.Almost invulnerable.

But now when he met Yang Jian who was beating him with all his might, he had no chance of winning at all. After a few punches, he realized that the only thing he could do was to be beaten in a head-on fight, so he had to try to change his fighting style and avoid the attack.

But forcibly changing the fighting style that has already been formed is easier to reveal flaws, especially Yang Jian's rich fighting experience. In fact, seriously speaking, Yang Jian didn't really fight many times in the world of Naruto, but the problem is that he has battles in other worlds Experience, as the so-called one method can master a hundred methods, the combination of combat experience in multiple worlds allows Yang Jian to deal with any enemy, and various combat skills can be used as he pleases without any flaws.

Soon Uchiha Madara's seeking jades were taken away one by one, and Yang Jian refined them into pills and threw them to Orochimaru.

When Orochimaru swallowed six pills, not only did he completely enter the Kage-level, but even the Moon Eye on his forehead was fully opened. Now his strength is not considered the blessing of the giant Tenseigan, and he can already match the The Sage of the Six Paths is comparable, and if Tenseigan is added, it can even surpass the Sage of the Six Paths at its peak.


After Uchiha Madara's nine Taoist jades were taken away, he was punched in the chest by Yang Jian, and his whole mouth vomited blood and flew out backwards.


Uchiha Madara stood up with difficulty.Frightened and horrified, a rare flash of panic flashed in his eyes, all the nine Taoist jades were taken away, which made him feel guilty. Although there is the power continuously transmitted from the sacred tree, which allows him to condense again, it will take some time. He didn't think Yang Jian would give him this chance.

Naruto Sasuke glanced at each other, and now they were full of confusion. Thinking about the previous question again, does this world really need their achievements?

Senjubama, Senjubama, Minato and Obito were equally speechless, but they had different thoughts. Senjujuma felt sorry for his good friend. He knew that Uchiha Madara was a proud person, but he was It is absolutely unimaginable for someone to step on his feet like this.

Minato and Obito still have some resentment towards Uchiha Madara. After all, this is the culprit that caused their tragedy, but seeing the pitiful appearance of the other party now, they suddenly feel that the resentment seems not so serious.

Uchiha Madara stared at Yang Jian warily, and couldn't help but backed away, hoping to delay for a while, but what was surprising was that Yang Jian didn't continue to shoot, staring at Uchiha Madara with ironic eyes and said: "Don't look like this, I won't make another shot, because you are about to usher in the final outcome, and it is absolutely cruel to you, you think you are smart and everything is under control, Treat other people as pawns, Obito, and Nagato are used by you at will, but you have never thought that you are actually someone else's pawns."

Uchiha Madara was stunned for a moment, with a trace of doubt on his face, looked at Yang Jian and asked, "What do you mean?"

"You will understand soon." Yang Jian said as he looked behind Uchiha Madara, he had already gradually moved towards him, obviously ready to make a move.

Yang Jian's stare frightened Hei Jue half to death, for fear that Yang Jian would do something unexpected and expose his identity.

In fact, if there is a choice, Heijue really does not want to do it at this time, but there is no way, Uchiha Madara has reached the end of the mountain, if he does not do it again, he may really be killed by Yang Jian, in the future I want to find someone who can carry Otsutsuki Kaguya's powerful body is almost impossible, and with a powerful person like Yang Jian, it is almost impossible to save his mother if he misses this opportunity. Yang Jian.

The situation has come to this point, there is absolutely no room for choice, the thousand years of planning, the thousand years of waiting, all at this moment, so he was heartbroken, and concentrated the last chakra left in his body by his mother Kaguya Hime in his palm , suddenly inserted into Uchiha Madara's vest.


Uchiha Madara suddenly felt a pain in his body, and looked down, only to see a palm pierced his chest. Originally, this kind of injury was nothing to Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails, and it could be easily recovered.However, something that frightened Uchiha Madara soon happened. He found that his injury was beyond recovery, and he lost control of his body. Turning his head hard, he saw Hei Ze's terrifying face out of the corner of his eye. .


In addition to Yang Jian, Orochimaru, Naruto, Sasuke, Hashirama, Tomona, Minato, and Obito immediately exclaimed at the same time, their eyes were full of disbelief, and they didn't understand what happened.

Uchiha Madara looked at Jue in astonishment: "You... what are you doing?"

"Of course I will kill you, and use your body as a sacrifice to resurrect my mother!"

"You... mother? What do you mean? You are obviously created by me, you are part of my consciousness."

"Unfortunately, I am not. In fact, I am Kaguya's consciousness. I lied to you about everything..."

Hei Jue glanced at Yang Jian and saw that Yang Jian didn't do anything, so he felt relieved and continued to tell his previous conspiracy to let everyone understand that the plan of this thousand-year-old filial son, the words left on the stone tablet , the so-called unlimited monthly reading plan, the deadly battle between Madara and Hashirata, the capture of tailed beasts... all of this is his conspiracy.

In order to avoid night long dreams, Heijue speeded up, and Uchiha Madara wailed in pain. At the same time, large black lines extended from the place where Heijue pierced Uchiha Madara's chest, and quickly moved towards Uchiha Madara The whole body spread!

Uchiha Madara's body swelled rapidly, but it didn't explode. After reaching a certain level, it began to shrink again, and became a strange woman with a pair of horns in the violent chakra fluctuations.

"How could it be her?"


Sasuke and Naruto screamed, and got the explanation and gift from the Sage of the Six Paths. Naruto and Sasuke recognized this strange woman with moon eyes and a pair of white eyes at a glance. This is the legendary mother of the Sage of the Six Paths and the ancestor of Chakra. , Otsuki Kaguya Hime.

Chapter 588 Six Path Immortals

"Mom, you're finally alive."

Heijue's voice hidden in Otsutsuki Kaguya's sleeves is crying. It's not easy. Thinking about the hard work I have put in these years, it is really too difficult. It is impossible for him, a thousand-year-old filial son, not to be excited. He is finally resurrected mother.

As far as the chakra fluctuation is concerned, although Otsutsuki Kaguya has just been resurrected and has not yet returned to its peak, its chakra fluctuation has surpassed Uchiha Madara several times, and it is still growing rapidly.

Otsutsuki Kaguya was expressionless, and ignored Hei Jue, his eyes swept over the few people in front of him, no arrogance could be seen in his eyes, but this kind of condescension seemed to be justified, and it did not give him any sense of superiority, nor did he He felt the slightest complacency, it was purely a kind of indifference of higher creatures to lower creatures, but when he saw Orochimaru, his eyes changed.

"Who are you? Are you a new member of the Otsutsuki clan? What is the relationship with Momoshiki and Urashiki? You have awakened such high-level eyes. Are you from the clan?" Kaguya Otsutsuki became a little nervous at the end. Pu Shi, Tao Shi, these people are the people she fears the most, her nightmare.

Otsuki Kaguya regards Orochimaru as a member of the Otsutsuki clan, and has already prepared for the worst, and is ready to do it at any time, because when Otsuki Kaguya chose to swallow the chakra fruit by himself, it was tantamount to betraying Otsutsuki The clan, committed an unforgivable felony, she knew very well that the Otsutsuki clan would not let her go, they were already immortal, that's why they were so nervous when they saw Orochimaru.

The moon eyes on Orochimaru's forehead are now fully opened, no worse than Otsuki Kaguya's moon eyes, plus Otsuki Kaguya can feel that Orochimaru's royal blue eyes are more advanced than his own white eyes, I'm really not sure.

In addition, the Star Casting Dragon King who has been entrenched in the air has also made Otsuki Kaguya feel extremely jealous. His body, which is tens of thousands of meters long, is not weaker than the sacred tree in his feelings. Otsutsuki Kaguya instinctively thought that it was a big snake The pet that Maru took in was because the Otsutsuki clan wandered in the universe all the year round, and when they encountered some powerful monsters, they were occasionally able to subdue them with their powerful strength. Although the star casting dragon king was a bit too powerful, Kaguya Otsutsuki didn't feel too surprised .

Orochimaru shrugged and said: "I don't know who the Momoshiki and Urashiki you are talking about are, and I am not from the Otsutsuki clan. As for my eyes, I mainly obtained them through research, including my current strength. .”

"The power obtained through research!?" Otsuki Kaguya's eyes showed a rare look of surprise, and suddenly thought that if the power of the Otsutsuki clan can be obtained through research, then can a similar method be used to create a powerful helper? , Waiting for the arrival of the Datongmu clan, help me fight against them together.

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