"Yeah, why doesn't our village have such a genius? In the future, we have to find a way to follow the country of Matsuda and work hard to develop our own strength. Even if we are not as good as them, we can't pull too far." Speaking of it, Terumi Mizukage Ming is the most sad reminder, taking over a mess, and being tossed by the inside of Obito, Wuyin Village almost fell out of the ranks of the Five Great Ninja Villages. .

"By the way, I remember Yang Jian once said in the Shenshu cyberspace that you can re-enter that space at any time, and there is no need to worry about death and you can be resurrected at any time. Jiabaodi, why don't we try it." Onoki has already started thinking about how to strengthen his village, well, the Shenshu network space should also be fully utilized.

"That being said, I'm not afraid of [-], just in case. What if I can't get out after I go in? And if you die and come back to life, this kind of thing can happen in the studio space. If you can't get out, Why don't you be more careful." Goshiro Mizukage Terumimei said hesitantly.

The third Tsuchikage thought for a while, and then said: "We can ask someone to try it first, and make sure that there is no problem before we act. There must be someone who will be a volunteer."

"That's a good idea." Fourth Raikage agreed immediately.

Soon, after a discussion, a ninja from Yunyin Village took the initiative to stand up and was willing to be a volunteer. Then, under the eyes of everyone, he stretched out his hand, pressed it on the root of the sacred tree, and said inwardly.

Soon two emerald green branches emerged from the roots of the sacred tree, weaving them into a ring and wrapping them around the ninja's head. The ninja felt his eyes go dark, and when he opened his eyes, he had already entered the cyberspace of the sacred tree .

Everyone looked at the ninja nervously. After more than ten minutes, the ninja opened his eyes again with excitement on his face.

"How is it? Can the Shenshu cyberspace still be freely entered and exited? Is it like what I said before, death can also be resurrected? Can you learn the knowledge you want?"

The ninja nodded repeatedly, "Yes, it's amazing, you can really be resurrected, but you need to set a resurrection point in cyberspace when you resurrect, I set the resurrection point in our cloud hidden tree, a few minutes after suicide After returning home, I returned to the village, at the Leiying Building, where I met two villagers, but other than that, there was nothing empty."

Everyone present got excited, and it was finally arranged. The third Tsuchikage took a deep breath and continued to ask: "Then can I learn knowledge there?"

"Yes, it is indeed possible, and it is more humane than imagined. As long as there is something in the cyberspace, you can learn it, but some can be learned for free, and some are not free. I use a simple thunder escape ninjutsu as a Exchange, I earned a kind of online gold coin, and then bought a more advanced ninjutsu. I wanted to sell other ninjutsu, but I didn’t expect someone to move faster than me. I was told that the ninjutsu I wanted to sell Others have already sold it and cannot be used to earn online gold coins."

Several shadows glanced at each other, feeling very bad, this is simply an alternative method, but they have nothing to do.

"In addition, I found that I can communicate freely in cyberspace. I tried it with those two villagers. No matter how far apart we are, as long as we know each other's number, we can contact each other."

As the cloud ninja said, everyone's expressions became more and more serious. The Shenshu cyberspace is more advanced than they imagined. It is almost another world. Well, there are endless benefits in it, and we must enter it as soon as possible , to develop at the fastest speed and take the lead.

In the Shenshu cyberspace, Yang Jian and others are at the top of the world. A screen appears in front of everyone. Everyone taps their fingers lightly, and the pictures on the screen are constantly changing. It is a joy to play.

Even the nine-tailed beasts are the same, in front of them is a super-large screen, through which they can view the scenery of cyberspace.

Yang Jian looked at the thousands of small red dots that had just appeared on the screen, with a satisfied expression on his face, "Not bad! It seems that there are still many people in this world who have the fighting spirit. Anyone dare to enter cyberspace again, and someone has already made their first pot of money and is good at doing business? Maybe they should be given some concessions."

Yang Jian knows that this is just the beginning. As time goes by, more and more people will enter this space, enrich it continuously, and finally develop into the second world of human beings.

The Immortal of the Six Paths temporarily paused the screen in his hand, turned his head to look at Yang Jian, his face was full of complex expressions, "I really didn't expect the sacred tree to be used in this way, if I could think of it, maybe the world wouldn't have to bear it. What a disaster."

At this time, Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, and said sarcastically: "Even if you can think of this way, you can't take the sacred tree as your own, and your mother will probably kill it."

Although nominally speaking, Sage of the Six Paths can be regarded as Uchiha Madara's father, but Uchiha Madara is rebellious, and no one can convince him, not even Sage of the Six Paths, so he just ran over.

"That's right, I was thinking too much. In the end, I have to rely on my strength to speak." Six Paths Immortal glanced at Uchiha Madara, but did not deny it.

Hui Ye also stopped what he was doing at this time, and said to Yang Jian: "I admit, your whimsical idea is amazing, but what good does it do you? The purpose of the creation of the sacred tree It is to plunder energy, transform it into chakra, and enhance your own strength, but you have turned him into a tool for everyone, and it is not beneficial to you at all?"

"Who said it's not good for me? You are too narrow-minded. With the communication platform of Shenshu Network, many things will become easier, the world will become more and more beautiful, and I can get more wealth from it."

"It doesn't matter how much wealth there is. Without strong strength as a guarantee, it will be taken away by someone sooner or later. It's better to use the sacred tree to strengthen your own strength."

"It's okay. When human beings enter the online world, part of their energy will be absorbed by the sacred tree. Ninjas will be sucked away from chakra. Ordinary people consume life energy, although it is very small, it will not have any impact on them. But the accumulation of less is an astronomical figure. In addition, human emotions can also be converted into energy. The more intense the emotion, the stronger the energy. It is said that there are almost gods who like to collect beliefs. This is the reason for fighting in cyberspace. When they are together, their mood swings will be particularly large, and now you still say that it is useless to me?"

Chapter 593 Everyone Arranges

"I see. In the final analysis, you are also a selfish person." Otsuki Kaguya said with a sneer, looking at Yang Jia.

Yang Jian's face darkened. Before Otsutsuki Kaguya looked disgusted, saying that Yang Jian didn't know how to use Juo, and now he is said to be selfish, which is not right at all.

Hui Ye snorted coldly, and continued: "I admit that you are very smart. If you are given enough time, you can indeed gather powerful energy and enhance your own strength without counting the origin of this world. It is a pity that you are the last What is lacking is time, the millennium is approaching, at most 20 years, my people will come, big tube wooden peach style, big tube Mokpo style, these people don’t have the slightest compassion, your world is still hard to escape the extinction Fate, they will swallow all the power of this world, leaving only a dilapidated world."

"You haven't mentioned Otsutsuki Ichishi, and he has been secretly plotting in the ninja world."

"Impossible!" Otsuki Kaguya exclaimed, "He was obviously killed by me, how could he still be alive?"

Yang Jian asked with a sneer: "Why is it impossible? Are you sure you killed him? You must know that your Datongmu clan has all kinds of magical abilities. Even if you really die, how do you know that he will not be resurrected?" ?”

"This..." Kaguya was silent. It is true that the abilities of the Otsutsuki clan are all kinds of strange, even if they are resurrected from the dead, it is not something unacceptable.

"If he is still alive and is hiding in the ninja world, why has he never shown up for 1000 years, and he also has ten tails, why didn't he take this opportunity to devour the energy of the world, don't tell me, he suddenly showed kindness , Let go of this world again.”

"Of course not. Otsutsuki Yishi is an absolute Otsutsuki clansman. He is ruthless. In order to strengthen his own strength, he has destroyed countless worlds. He has not moved for thousands of years because he has been recuperating in secret. Although you did not kill him back then , but he was severely injured by you, and he couldn't even control the ten tails. If he dared to use the ten tails to collect energy, he would definitely be backlashed, so he could only hide in the dark and camp around, and he couldn't even find a body that could carry his strength .”

Yang Jian looked at Hui Ye with a complex expression, "Speaking of which, I have to thank you for the existence of this world. Back then, you chose to attack Otsutsuki Ichishi in order to protect this world. At that time, you knew very well that once you failed, you would die. Undoubtedly, but you still did it for your husband and children, so everyone in the ninja world owes you."

"Hmph, no need." Otsutsuki Kaguya snorted coldly, as if recalling something in his eyes.

Immortal of the Six Paths looked at his mother, and his mood was even more complicated. He never knew about this matter, so it turned out that his mother had paid so much.

Orochimaru thought for a while, then asked: "I have a question, since that Otsutsuki Ichishiki has been in the ninja world, why have you never heard about him?"

"That's because Yishi has been hiding in a different space in order to heal his wounds. Even if he goes out occasionally, he uses a false identity and tries not to do anything." Yang Jian looked at Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara meaningfully, "I have to say, When the two of you first created Konoha, the location you chose was really embarrassing, and it happened to be at the entrance of that different space."


Senju Bashima screamed, Uchiha Madara, Senju Tomonama and Namikaze Minato were also covered in cold sweat. It turned out that Konoha had been in such a dangerous position all along, as if sitting on an explosive talisman.

"Damn it, we have to find a way to get rid of Otsutsuki Ichishiki as soon as possible, otherwise Konoha will be destroyed by him at some point." Senju Zhuma was in a hurry.

Kaguya glanced at Senju Hashirama sideways, "Hmph, don't worry, since Otsutsuki Ichishiki can't even control Jubi, it means that his injury is more serious than imagined, and he doesn't dare to make a move at all, and you need to worry more It will be the coming of our people next, the millennium period, but it is coming soon, neither Taoshi nor Pushi are soft-hearted people, and who knows if there will be other people from this time."

Yang Jian sneered and said, "Tao Shi and Pu Shi don't have to worry, if they dare to come, they will never come back."

"Don't underestimate Tao Shi, Pu Shi, and the others. Maybe you are powerful, but their abilities are very tricky. For example, Pu Shi, his pupil technique can directly reverse time, choose the future that is most beneficial to you, and even pass The props go back to decades ago, if you are still a child and you have not grown up, you will no longer exist in this world, do you still think you can deal with them now?"

Yang Jian didn't have the appropriate panic, but still had a confident face, "Of course it's no problem. I don't think I'm worse than him in the study of time. I've locked the timeline of this world. If someone reverses the time, they can't escape me." In fact, if I want to, I can hide the timeline completely, but if I want to deal with Pu Shi in this way, I can only confront him head-on. Although I can believe that I can defeat him, if he wants to escape, I will I'm not sure I can catch it, so it's better to set a trap on the timeline and get rid of this hidden danger as soon as possible."

Datongmu Huiye looked at Yang Jian with a face full of surprise, "I didn't expect you to be able to do this, but what if the Datongmu people who came this time are not only Taoshipushi, but also more people, you Can handle it."

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