Bang bang! !

Suddenly, two other Junmaro and three Naruto appeared on the battlefield, and they gathered together to face Momoshiki and Urashiki at the same time!

Although the shadow avatar is a bit outdated for the six-level masters who grew up in the ninja world, it is very effective for the Otsutsuki clan who lacks combat experience. It was impossible to effectively seize the opportunity to attack the main body, but the three Junmalu went up together, with close cooperation, and almost instantly, the offense and defense shifted again.

Facing the stormy attack of the three Junmalu, Tiaoshi and Pushi kept yelling and swaying their power to fight back, but they were just incompetent and furious, unable to change the situation on the battlefield at all. With the eruption of the strength of both sides, terrifying shock waves washed the sky wantonly, the space was torn apart, and ripples and wrinkles appeared in the air and continued to spread.

The ninja people who were watching the battle couldn't help but retreat a certain distance to avoid being injured. Although their lives would not be in danger with their strength, it would be embarrassing if they were made ashamed.

"Master!" At this time, Jin Shi finally expelled the corrupt energy in his body that killed all the ashes, and rushed into the battlefield with a loud cry.

It's just that even with the addition of Jin Shi, the battle situation has not changed much. As time goes by, it becomes more and more unfavorable for the three of Otsutsuki.


When the two sides retreated after a confrontation, both Jun Ma Lu and Otsuki were a little out of breath.

The three of Otsutsuki didn't expect to be unable to win Junmaro for such a long time after joining forces, which made them feel extremely humiliated, especially when there was a group of people watching the show in the distance.

At this time, Jin Shi seemed to have made up his mind, and said to Datong Mutao Shi: "Master, it's time, use that method, and give me the last glory."

Tao Shi heard a hint of hesitation on his face, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, master, I'm sure, I think you also understand the current situation, the enemy's strength is stronger than we imagined, we must give it a go."

Tiaoshi looked at Jinshi with a determined face, finally gritted his teeth and made a decision, stretched out his hand suddenly, and inserted into Jinshi's chest.

Jun Malu and a group of ninja masters watching the battle from a distance were a little dumbfounded when they saw this scene. Why did they kill each other at this critical moment? This is a conflict.

Jin Shi began to produce strange changes, the body shrank, getting smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a blood-red fruit.

"Chakra fruit!"

"That's okay! Just train a person into a chakra fruit?"

"I didn't expect such an operation."

All the masters in the ninja world talked about it, but I really learned it today.

Tao Shi opened his mouth without hesitation and swallowed the fruit into his body, his body began to swell and became a big man, the white eyes of both eyes turned golden, the golden eyes of reincarnation opened on his forehead, and the eyes of reincarnation in both hands also became For gold.Hair has become super-long, multiple black stripes appear on the body, and the horns on the head have become vertical.

On the other side, Pu Shi also made up his mind when he saw Tiao Shi's move. When he raised his hand hard, he already pulled out his two eyes, and then he chewed and swallowed it like eating grapes. belly.

"Not enough, the strength is not enough!"

Pu Shi yelled frantically, broke his fishing rod forcefully, and ate it with two clicks, followed by the fish basket as a snack, and ate them all in his stomach.

Powerful power burst out from Pu Shi, and at the next moment Pu Shi not only had new golden eyes of reincarnation regrown in the original eyes, but also had an extra one on his forehead, his legs became bird claws, and his legs turned into bird claws. The arms have become wings, and the shape of the whole body has become more gorgeous.

The changes in the Tao style and Pu style can be seen at a glance as krypton gold, wantonly releasing the momentum of the whole body.

Momoshiki looked at Jun Malu with cold eyes, "It's enough for you to be proud of being able to push us to this point, but it's a pity that you're about to die now, do you have any last words?"

"The last words, what a joke, just because you want to kill me." Jun Malu was not afraid at all, because he knew that there was a group of big bosses behind him.

Pu Shi felt the strong power in his body, "It's such an annoying tone. It's too cheap to kill you directly. As a punishment, I will punish you well."

Tao pose and Pu pose are stepping in the void, walking towards Junmalu step by step, exerting endless pressure.

Feeling Taoshi and Pushi whose strength has increased several times, Yang Jian knew that the current Jun Malu was definitely not an opponent, so he waved his hand immediately and said, "Okay, let's call it a day, the data has been collected almost, Let's get this over with."

Hearing what Yang Jian said, everyone on the spaceship flew into the air at the same time, bursting out with their aura, and jades for seeking Tao emerged behind each of them, surrounding Tao Shi and Pu Shi in the center. .

Now Tao Shi and Pu Shi were dumbfounded. Because Yang Jian deliberately tricked them before, he specially set up an enchantment, so that they could not perceive the strength of the strong men in the ninja world, so that there was a misjudgment, and it was not until now that they understood Situationally, these are more than a hundred strong men of the same level as them. Even if their strength increases several times, facing the siege of so many people, they will only lose.

This world is too scary!I want to go home, I want to find my mother!

Tao Shi and Pu Shi can't help but panic!Every time he feels that the current self can beat the previous three by himself, but more can't do it. If he makes a move, it will definitely be miserable. At this moment, Tao Shi and Pu Shi are like being surrounded by a group of big men Like a little girl.

"You...what do you want to do? Well, could it be...could it you want to bully the few with the more?" Tao Shi and Pu Shi back to back, watching a kind of ninja master who was getting closer, couldn't help shivering.

"Pfft!" Seeing Momoshiki and Urashiki like this, Tsunade couldn't help laughing, "Didn't you bully more when you dealt with Junmaro before? Fengshui turns, this time it's your turn Come here, let you also taste the feeling of being surrounded and beaten."

" are shameless, you have the ability to single out!" Pu Shi shouted angrily.

"One-on-one? How to one-on-one? Are you one-on-one with us, or one of us one-on-one." Yang Jian asked with a smile.

Tao Shi and Pu Shi almost vomited blood, they didn't expect there are such shameless people in the world who speak so confidently about the beating.

"You guys, what exactly do you want?" Pu Shi said with a hint of tears in his voice. His character is really bad. If he were a ninja, he wouldn't be able to say such things even if he died.

"What do you think, it's very simple, just be honest and get caught, we have some questions to ask, tell us all the information you know about the Otsutsuki clan without reservation, if you cooperate honestly, you can save your life, If you don’t cooperate, we have to kill you and take it from your mind, anyway, we have a way to directly capture your memory.”

Tao Shi and Pu Shi glanced at each other, swallowed hard, and Tao Shi said: "We can tell you all the news we know, but how can we ensure our safety afterwards? If we tell you everything we know Come out, but you still kill us in the end, wouldn't we be at a loss?"

Yang Jian said coldly: "You have no other choice, either die or always cooperate?"

"Impossible. If we are really pushed into a hurry, we will directly destroy our brains and destroy our brains. Then you will not get any news."

"Cut, you dare to bargain with us at this time. It's a pity that you are not qualified. Even if you die, we can get everything we want to know from your body. In addition, I know that after you die, you can attach it in the form of a seal wedge." Being in other people's body, we can still be resurrected in the future, but since we already know, we will naturally take precautions, be happy, surrender or not, if we don't surrender, we will do it directly, I will count to three, one, two ..."

"Wait, I have something to say!" Pu Shi hurriedly said, afraid that Yang Jian would make a move.

"Fart off, I don't have time to talk to you."

Pu Shi resisted the shame in his heart and said: "Although you can get relevant information from our corpses, it must be incomplete. This is definitely not what you want. In this case, we might as well take a gamble." .”

Pu Shi tried to use Huangquan Biliangpo to open the space door to escape, but he didn't expect to find that even his own space ability was sealed.

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