Yang Jian waved his hand and said casually: "It's nothing, after all, I am also a member of Huaguoshan, these things are what I should do, Huaguoshan has undergone great changes, you have a chance to see more."

"I've already seen it. I've been back for several days. I've been wandering around the Huaguo Mountain these days. Under your leadership, the Huaguo Mountain is full of various fruit trees. The monkeys on the horse can eat enough. Don't worry about food, you teach them to read and write, understand things, and become smarter one by one, and teach them to practice self-protection. To be honest, seeing these changes, I think you are more suitable for the Water Curtain Cave than me Lord, if you wish, I can..."

Yang Jian immediately shook his head and refused: "You should know my character. I'm not interested in these things. What I'm after is the way. I want to study the truth of this world and see where I can go. In addition, I also want to I advise you that your own strength is the most important thing, you should spend more time on your own cultivation, so that you can live a carefree life."

Sun Wukong said with a wry smile: "I tried it, but I can't do it at all. In fact, I really envy you. You can calm down and concentrate on cultivation, but I am born to escape, and I barely cultivated to Today's situation, but before I have come down to the bottom, I can calm down and practice because I can feel the growth of my strength during cultivation. In just a few years, I have cultivated seventy-two transformations. Somersault cloud, King Kong is not bad body, but recently I found that this kind of growth is getting slower and slower, almost completely stagnating, which makes me more and more irritable, and I can't calm down and continue to practice."

Yang Jian raised his head when he heard the words, his eyes shone with golden light, sweeping across Monkey King's body, a dazed expression appeared on his face.

"So that's how it is. You yourself have acquired the Tao from the divine stone. You have absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon for tens of millions of years. You have accumulated a large amount of aura in your body, which has been stored in your body. After being taught by an expert, these auras have been completely transformed into used. In a short period of time, the strength has improved by leaps and bounds, but these auras are limited after all, and now they have been completely consumed. If you want to continue to strengthen, you can only do it slowly, and you can't advance by leaps and bounds like before."

Sun Wukong didn't expect Yang Jian to see his crux at a glance, and a ray of hope rose in his heart, and he asked immediately: "Then can you make my strength grow rapidly, I really can't stand this kind of snail crawling speed gone."

"How can there be such a good thing? I still want to increase my strength quickly. There are ways, but these methods have hidden dangers, unless you can get those magical panaceas, geniuses and treasures. As for the tricky method, It’s better not to use it or not.”

Monkey King hesitated for a moment, and continued to ask: "Can you tell me? Even if it doesn't work, let's find out, maybe it can be improved."

Obviously Sun Wukong has not given up yet. After all, he is used to the feeling of rapid improvement in strength. How can he bear this kind of slow progress now?

"Okay, let me just say that your cultivation method is mainly to exercise the physical body, and you are taking the road of sanctification of the physical body. This requires a huge amount of spiritual energy. Use the spiritual energy to continuously temper the body, right?"

Sun Wukong nodded and admitted: "That's right, my seventy-two transformations are indeed the way to sanctify the body."

"The so-called sanctification of the physical body is almost like a flower in the water, and the moon in the mirror can be seen but cannot be touched. It is said that the great god Pangu, who created the world, took the path of proving the sanctification of the physical body by force, but failed in the end. Of course you can't."

"Then what should we do?" Sun Wukong was in a hurry. His teacher had never told him about these things.

"Don't be so anxious that you can't get through. It doesn't mean that you can't be stronger. Exercising your body is like building a weapon. Fold a piece of metal continuously without beating it. After countless times of tempering, you can become an invincible magic weapon. Beating the weapon again and again is like tempering the body with aura, but it takes too long, but we can use some extreme methods to shorten this process, such as calcining with hot flames, and you can do the same, as long as you can Find a unique environment that is extremely hot or extremely cold, and have enough aura to replenish, and you can persevere, so that your body can reach the level of mixed unity, and you can achieve an indestructible body.

Just doing this is too dangerous, and you must make a choice in advance and be prepared. Do you choose an extremely hot environment or an extremely cold environment to exercise your body?One mistake could be burned alive, or frozen into ice cubes. "

"Extremely hot, extremely cold?" Sun Wukong muttered to himself for a while, and soon came back to his senses and asked, "Is there any difference between the two?"

"In an extremely hot environment, you can train your muscles. Your body is indestructible, your heart is like a blazing sun, and all evil is invulnerable. Your body is like black iron. Exercising in an extremely cold environment will make your heart like a blade, your mind like a sword, and your inner demons." Not born, the force is like frost, one yin and one yang, one cold and one hot, both have their own advantages and disadvantages, it depends on how you choose."

"Can't the two practice together, Yin and Yang coexist?"

"You are greedy enough. It's not impossible to practice yin and yang, but the energy expended is several times that of the freshman cultivation. If you don't do it well, you may die, unless you can find an expert who is proficient in the way of yin and yang. To help you, such an expert may not be able to find it within the Three Realms..."

Yang Jian suddenly froze while talking. If you want to say who is the most proficient in the way of yin and yang in the world of Journey to the West, isn’t it the Taishang Laojun, and it is in his gossip furnace that Sun Wukong cultivated the indestructible body and Sharp-eyed.

So will Taishang Laojun help with this?Of course it is for sure, although on the surface the Taishang Laojun keeps saying that he wants to train Sun Wukong to become a golden pill, but anyone with a little knowledge knows that if the Taishang Laojun really wants to deal with monkeys, why is it so troublesome?Putting it in the stove was all about helping the monkeys in the first place.

If... If you prepare a treasure of the most yin and coldness for the monkey, when he is locked in the Eight Diagrams Furnace, he will be calcined with the real fire of Samadhi on the outside, and the treasure will be quenched by the yin and coldest treasure on the inside, and the inside and the outside will be combined, both at the same time Power is like a weapon. After burning red, it is hammered continuously, and then it is used in water to cool down and tempered continuously. Then can the monkey develop a stronger body than in the original plot?

Maybe there will be dangers, but the Taishang Laojun must not watch Sun Wukong die, this is related to the great cause of Journey to the West, if something goes wrong, he can't explain it to the Buddha. Please help me, can monkeys achieve the mutual aid of yin and yang, truly immortal.

Maybe you can try it, the chance of success is very high, if you win the bet, the monkey will be mad, and Yang Jian also holds a secret method in his hands, called the true pupil of the sun and the moon. , if the monkey is taught to practice, it should be stronger than the original piercing eyes, and it will not have the weakness of being afraid of the smoky wind.

Thinking of this, Yang Jian pretended to pinch his fingers and said: "Just now, my new life sensor has calculated for you. In the future, you will have a catastrophe of life and death. If you are not careful, you may be reduced to ashes by the fire of God, but this It is your catastrophe, but it is also your opportunity, if you can take the opportunity to refine your body to the point where the chaos is uniform, you will become a vajra indestructible body, jump out of the three realms, not be in the five elements, and roam freely in the world."

When Sun Wukong heard that he would have a catastrophe of life and death in the future, he immediately became serious and asked, "What is the catastrophe, and how should we get through it?"

"I don't know the specifics. I can only calculate that you will have a fire calamity in the future. With your current strength, ordinary fire can't hurt you at all, so it can only be the legendary divine fire, such as Samadhi. Fire, the real fire of the sun, the real fire of Xuanyang, etc., but since it is a calamity of fire, it is best to use water to overcome it."

Yang Jian took out an emerald green jade bottle from his bosom and handed it to Monkey King and said.

"It contains a kind of water essence that I extracted from the sea. I made it specially when I brewed the monkey wine. You carry it with you. When you encounter the enemy's fire attack in the future, you can pour it on your body to resist it. But It can only be delayed for a while, the best way is to find a treasure that is extremely yin and cold."

Sun Wukong showed a look of embarrassment, "Where should I find the most yin and cold treasure?"

"This one? I do know that there is a place where you can get a treasure that meets the requirements, but the danger is not small. Would you like to try it?"

"What else is there to say, tell me quickly."

"The North Pole has been covered by glaciers for countless years, gathering the air between the sky and the earth, and the most cloudy and cold air. Under the ten thousand zhang glacier, a kind of cold ice essence is formed over time. I can teach you a set of secret methods. You dive under the ten thousand zhang glacier, Capture the cold ice essence, gather it to the yin and cold air, condense a snow spirit pearl, and hide it in your mouth. When a crisis strikes in the future, you can use this treasure to prevent disasters. Below is the forbidden land, even with your cultivation level, you can’t stay there for long, and it’s even more difficult to find the Ice Essence, unless you find someone who knows the inside story to lead the way, then there is only a glimmer of hope.”

Sun Wukong thought for a while and nodded, "I know what to do, I have to try it anyway, the method of refining Xue Pozhu..."

With a flick of Yang Jian's fingers, a flash of spiritual light flew out and shot at Monkey King, but Monkey King didn't resist, allowing the spiritual light to penetrate into his mind, and the method of refining the Blood Soul Orb immediately appeared in his mind.

"Thanks, Yang Jian. It seems that I have to go to Beihai. I heard that there is a dragon demon king there. Maybe he knows something about it."

Yang Jian looked at Sun Wukong's leaving figure, and murmured: "The Jiao Demon King? In the future, the second child of the Seven Great Sages, the chances of him helping the monkey to obtain the Blood Orb will be greatly increased. He deserves to be the protagonist. This is really lucky." Nothing to say."

After Yang Jian sent the Monkey King away, he did not continue to retreat, but took time to teach the violent ape, and paid attention to the situation at the Water Curtain Cave from time to time.

Yang Jian knew that Huaguo Mountain would undergo earth-shaking changes in the next period of time, and there would be a period of more vigorous development. The return of the Monkey King was destined to be turbulent, and the curtain was about to open. Yang Jian also wanted to witness this grand event.

However, although Sun Wukong obtained the refining method of Snow Soul Orb from Yang Jian, he didn't rush into the Northern Darkness to find the Ice Soul. Then move the truth.

When Sun Wukong returned to Huaguo Mountain, the first thing he did was to revive his prestige. He had been studying outside for these years, and when he came back, he found that his prestige was far inferior to that of Yang Jian. Sun Wukong didn't have any bad intentions about this. Jane saved the monkeys from fire and water at the most critical time in Huaguo Mountain.

If Yang Jian is willing to take over Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong is not unacceptable, because after meeting Yang Jian, he finds that Yang Jian is even more unfathomable, even if he has reached Taiyi Golden Immortal, but when facing Yang Jian , but felt that Yang Jian was like an ordinary monkey.

When this happens, either Yang Jian is really just an ordinary monkey, or Yang Jian's cultivation base is far above him, and he can hide himself. Obviously it can't be the first type, so it can only be that Yang Jian's cultivation base is higher than himself.

Since I am still the king of Huaguo Mountain, I have to let the monkeys know who to listen to, and I must support the foundation of Huaguo Mountain, and he is the Monkey King, so don't you want to lose face?He wants people to know that Monkey King Sun Wukong is not weaker than anyone else.

Sun Wukong found that he didn't need to intervene in the affairs of Huaguo Mountain. A group of capable monkeys took care of everything in an orderly manner. After thinking about it, his greatest advantage should be his strong strength.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong paid attention, and went directly to Aolai to get a batch of weapons.

However, Sun Wukong did not take it for himself without asking and snatching it directly as in the original book. Instead, he found the king of Aolai country to make a deal. After all, he had communicated with Yang Jian a lot and understood a lot of truths, even if he was facing someone who was not as powerful as himself. , but also try to choose equal transactions as much as possible, otherwise it will cause anger and resentment, which will last for a long time and accumulate, which will damage one's own luck.

So in the end, Sun Wukong chose to exchange a pot of monkey wine, of course it was only the ordinary one. If it was a real high-quality monkey wine, the old king might just take a sip and be blown to pieces, let alone a deal. , I am afraid that the two sides will directly become enemies.

The king of Aolai country is already old, and his time is running out. In line with the idea that he has lived a long time anyway, even if he dies, he took a sip and felt refreshed. Cang Cang, your wrinkled face began to become ruddy visible to the naked eye. You are much younger, and you immediately understand that the monkey in front of you really wants to make a deal with you. A large number of armors even wanted to strengthen cooperation, but it was a pity that Monkey King refused. After all, he did not understand the benefits of it and missed the opportunity.

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