At this time, the battle between the Monkey King and Erlang God became more and more fierce outside. Every move of the two giants has great power. The mountain collapses and the earth cracks, creating a scene of the end of the world.

It's just that the two were still observing the surrounding situation during the battle. When the Monkey King saw that the heavenly soldiers and generals had killed his subordinates and fled into the Shuilian Cave, he was not very nervous at first. Take care, there should be no danger.

But it didn't take long for the Monkey King to feel a little unconfident, because he saw the heavenly soldiers escorting a group of monkey monsters out, and he couldn't help feeling anxious. Didn't Yang Jian make a move?Just watching the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain being bullied?What's even more irritating is that Li Tianwang seemed to feel that it wasn't enough, so he sent a team of heavenly soldiers to set fire to the mountain, as if he wanted to wipe out the Huaguo Mountain.

The Monkey King was anxious, and the movements of his hands couldn't help being chaotic. The Erlang God Yang Jian immediately seized the opportunity to attack fiercely, making the Monkey King flustered.

But soon the Monkey King stabilized, because he found that the expressions of the monkeys captured by the heaven were dull, and he looked at them carefully, and he was immediately happy. He didn't know any of these monkeys, and they were clearly transformed by magic. They are fake, and occasionally one or two are real, and they are also little demons with low cultivation base. Although the loss is inevitable, it is heartbreaking, but it is finally within the range of psychological tolerance.

The Monkey King immediately understood that this was one of Yang Jian's preparations to deceive all the heavenly soldiers and generals. Since this was the case, the Monkey King was not in a hurry, and calmed down to resist the attack of Erlang God, and gradually overturned the disadvantage. Back, and with the help of Erlang God's pressure, he constantly honed his martial arts skills, swung the golden cudgel in his hand faster, and became more courageous as he fought.

Erlang God tried his best to fight against the awning of the monkey king's needle point, using all his mana to greet each other's vital points, but he still couldn't win. When I saw the fire below, I turned my eyes and got an idea.

Erlang Shen blocked the Monkey King's iron rod with a manual three-pointed two-edged knife, held on to it, laughed and said: "Good monkey, you are really powerful, but no matter how good you are, there is only one person. You are here to compete with me. Next The monkey and grandson of the monkey are in great trouble, I advise you to catch them without a fight, otherwise the whole Huaguo Mountain will be implicated."

But the Monkey King smiled slightly, "You really do what that guy Yang Jian said to achieve your goals by any means, but it's a pity that you can't see the situation clearly. Thanks to your three eyes, you can't even tell the truth from the fake?"

Yang Jian, the God of Erlang, froze for a moment, and glanced at the captured monkeys below. The divine eyes on his forehead suddenly appeared, and he immediately found that most of the monkeys were transformed from vitality, and he almost vomited blood with anger. Full of helplessness, I want to ask, what do you eat?Can't even tell the truth from the fake.

As the so-called feng shui turns, this time it was Erlang's turn to be distracted, and the monkey king seized the opportunity, and the golden cudgel shone with golden light, and he smashed it down with all his strength.

God Erlang hastily raised his magic weapon high, and greeted him with a three-pointed and two-edged sword, but he didn't expect that this time the monkey king would play a trick, using a false move, and suddenly retracted the half-hit golden cudgel, then turned his body, and used his inertia to viciously Sweep towards Erlang's waist.

At this time Erlang God was too late to take back the weapon to resist, so cruel, he simply stabbed the magic weapon in his hand towards the Monkey King's chest, trying to force the Monkey King to take back the golden cudgel.

It's just that he underestimated the Monkey King and didn't dodge it. He just twisted his body slightly to avoid the vital points in his chest, and then poured mana into the golden cudgel. Suddenly, the golden light shone, and a phantom formed on the surface of the golden cudgel. Smash it down.


God Erlang was swept away by that stick, it was a blow with all the strength of the Monkey King, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

However, the Monkey King was not having a good time. Although he avoided the vital point, his shoulder was stabbed by a three-pointed two-edged knife. When Erlang Shen flew out, he cut a huge wound. It is powerful and has a strong defense. It stands to reason that it would not be so easy to break through. It's just that after casting the law, the body has increased, but the defense has decreased, so that both sides will suffer.

boom! !

Erlang God Yang Jian, who was thrown out, just landed at this time, and crashed on a peak next to Huaguo Mountain. With a burst of roar, a huge mushroom cloud rose up. The mountain peak was directly smashed into a pile of rubble, and Erlang Shen was buried in it.

After a while, the smoke dissipated, and in the eyes of everyone, the ruins exploded with a bang, and an arm stretched out from inside. Erlang Shen pushed away the boulder that was pressing on him, and stood up again, but his clothes and armor were broken, dripping with blood, and his face was pale. Extremely pale and embarrassed, the supernatural powers of Fatianxiangdi have also been broken, and he has returned to his original body shape.

Under the attention of countless people, a yellow light flashed around Erlang's body, and the injuries on his body disappeared instantly, but his breath was obviously weaker than before.

God Erlang raised his head to look at the Monkey King, and the Monkey King also withdrew his supernatural powers, because a huge wound was cut by a three-pointed two-edged knife, and the mana flow transferred the wound to heal. The injury is relatively less serious than that of Erlang Shen.

"Okay, okay! As expected of Monkey King, Monkey King, I approve of you, but this is not over yet, you have to be careful next, I'm going to do my best."

"Hmph, what other skills do you have to use, I'm afraid you won't succeed?" The Monkey King said arrogantly with the golden cudgel in front of him.

"Then come! Kill!" Erlang Shen Yang Jian yelled angrily, and slashed down the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, and the sharp golden energy gathered at the edge of the knife, which was obviously sharper and more powerful.

Crazy fighting intent erupted in the Monkey King's eyes, and he swung the golden cudgel in his hand without flinching, and slammed it fiercely against the blade.


The knives and sticks collided together, and the violent energy scattered in all directions. The Monkey King and Erlang Shen were simultaneously pushed back by the opponent's power, but quickly stabilized their figures, and then rushed towards the opponent again, frantically attacking the opponent's vital points, boom There was a series of roars.

With a flash, the Monkey King arrived behind Erlang Shen and smashed him down with a stick.

Erlangshen didn't even think about it, just relying on his feeling to avoid the vital point, he turned around and stabbed out.

The Monkey King immediately took a step back, changed his position, and was about to attack again, but at this time Erlang Shen had come to his senses and slashed at the Monkey King's neck with his double-edged sword.

The ensuing battle was even more brutal. Both the Monkey King and Erlang God gave up their low gears, just avoided the vital points, and then attacked with all their strength, looking like they would never die.

The monkey king beat Yang Jian to the point of broken bones and tendons, but there was a crackling sound from Erlang Shen's body, and a burst of immortal power emanated from his whole body, his muscles and bones recovered, and then he cut a wound on the monkey king's chest with a knife.

Bursts of golden light came from the monkey king's wound, and the wound began to heal, but before he fully recovered, he ignored the injury on his body and swung the golden cudgel to smash Erlang Shen's head.

Monkey King didn't show off his transformation skills like in the original plot, he changed into Erlang God and pretended to be a ghost at Guanjiangkou, and Erlang God didn't release the Roaring Dog to attack. The more the more intense, the armor of the two of them was shattered, like beggars, but neither the Monkey King nor the Erlang God cared.But he didn't care at all, and his shots became more and more fierce.

The mountains collapsed, the rivers flowed backwards, every move and every style had great power, and everyone watching the battle looked shocked. This kind of fierce battle is really rare, and they are simply lunatics. Asking for ideas in their hearts, in the future, unless necessary, try not to fight this kind of battle. It's terrible to have a dispute with a madman.

Chapter 621

"Hurry up, hurry up! Speed ​​up, within the time of a cup of tea, all of them must enter the passage, and the heavenly soldiers and generals will soon come after them!"

In the deepest part of the Water Curtain Cave, the violent ape directed the group of monkeys to enter the secret passage as fast as possible, and was already sweating profusely at this moment.

Despite the muscular body of the violent ape, he looks like a tall man, like a reckless man, but in fact he has a delicate mind. The places where he chose to use the poisonous miasma beads are specially selected. It is possible to cover, and also installed earth telephones in those places, which can transmit the voices of the conversations of the heavenly soldiers and generals, and the violent ape can listen to all the content of their conversations, and also, it is very clear that Nezha is purifying the blood mist over there. schedule.

Now that the purification of the blood mist is coming to an end, the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals may chase after them at any time, forcing Violent Ape to speed up the retreat, at least let all the monkeys enter the secret path before they arrive, this is what the Second King specifically explained things.

In the words of the second king, then he will make a move to keep the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain as much as possible, and strive for an upgrade for them, but the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain have to fight for it themselves. If they can't reach the valley, it can only mean that they If you don't have enough luck, you can't handle it yourself.

Tatata! ! !

Violent Ape directed the group of monkeys to line up in several rows, run quickly, and plunge into the secret passage.

On the other side, the third prince Nezha finally completed the project, and the bloody mist completely dissipated, and he was deeply disappointed.

"Great, Third Prince, thanks to you this time, are you tired now? How about taking a rest first?" The eldest brother of Meishan Brother said gratefully.

Nezha waved his hand and said: "Wufang, my mana consumption is not too high, I don't need to rest, I should act quickly, end this war as soon as possible, the second brother is still delaying time outside."

"Okay, then let's act quickly."

Soon the heavenly soldiers and generals will continue to kill like the depths of the Water Curtain Cave. The third prince Nezha, the six Meishan brothers, the four heavenly kings, the Nine Obsidian King, the twenty-eight constellations, plus a group of grass-headed gods and heavenly soldiers and generals, one He is full of evil spirits, ready to fight a battle.

But to Nezha's surprise, they didn't encounter even a single monkey on the road. All the monkeys seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. They searched the entire Shuilian Cave, but found nothing.

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