Nezha thought for a while, shook his head and said, "It doesn't have to be a quasi-sage, or it might be the pinnacle of Daluo Jinxian. We haven't reached that level, so we can only rely on guesswork. It's really uncertain, but anyway, we can't Continue to attack Huaguoshan, otherwise you will annoy that powerful person, I'm afraid you will die without a whole body, let's call it a day."

All the heavenly soldiers and generals nodded immediately, agreeing with Nezha's words, they only need to deal with the monkey king, and they should not attack these monkeys. That terrible existence.

It's a pity that they didn't know that the person they feared was not a great Luo Jinxian, let alone a quasi-sage. At this time, Yang Jian had already collapsed in his cave with powerlessness.

To be precise, Yang Jian's current mana is only at the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he is still far away from the Daluo Golden Immortal. However, the attack power of the big hand he used to transform with vitality just now has indeed reached the turning level.

The key to Yang Jian's ability to do this is to rely on the power of the formation. Since the formation provides sufficient aura, and Yang Jian himself has the realm of quasi-sage, the combination of the two can defeat all the heavenly soldiers and heaven with one move. General, but even so, Yang Jian is not comfortable. Even with the help of formations, he needs to guide himself to control such a huge aura. Yang Jian's mana at the peak of Taiyi Jinxian is already the limit to be able to do this.

Nezha and the others don't know that now is the best time to kill Yang Jian, and they have almost no resistance. Unfortunately, they are all scared out of their wits, and they don't even dare to look back. They just want to hurry up Escape from this dangerous place and never come here again. This place will become their nightmare. I don't know if it will cause demons.

Chapter 622 The end of the war, Yang Jian taught the law

Nezha and the others returned in a state of embarrassment and went straight back to the camp. Li Tianwang was taken aback when he saw them in a state of embarrassment. They were just chasing a group of ordinary monster monkeys, why did they look like this?You must know that no matter it is Nezha, or the star kings and immortal generals, each of them is a generation with high magic power. If dozens of people join forces, it stands to reason that they should be able to catch them, but it is so miserable.

Li Tianwang immediately stepped forward and asked: "What happened, why do you look like this?"

Nezha gave Li Tianwang a sideways glance, didn't bother to answer, and went directly to the camp to heal his wounds. Li Tianwang was trembling with anger, but he couldn't do anything about his son. Finally, Zhang Tianwang stepped forward and told the story in a low voice. again.

Li Tianwang broke out in a cold sweat. He never expected that the mysterious second king of Huaguo Mountain was actually a master of the Da Luo Jinxian level, and might even have stepped into the quasi-sage realm. In the past, otherwise it is not certain whether he can survive.

But then Li Tianwang felt something was wrong again. You must know that there was also a group of ordinary heavenly soldiers who were hunting the monster monkey together. Their strength was not very good, but they were only seriously injured and not fatal. It should be because of the mercy of the other party.

Li Tianwang's thoughts changed sharply, and soon he had a guess. It seems that the second king didn't want to be an enemy of the Heavenly Court, but only did it to protect the monkey grandson of Huaguoshan. It is special and does not intend to disturb the Buddhist plan.

Thinking about it this way, Li Tianwang felt relieved again, as long as he continued to do what he should do, don't make too much trouble, and ensure the safety of Huaguo Mountain, everything is easy to talk about.

And now a group of monkey monsters have been caught. Although their cultivation base is low, it is not enough to deal with the Jade Emperor. It will not offend a quasi-sage and strong man, and the other party has already given face, and did not kill any heavenly soldiers and generals.

Li Tianwang took a deep breath, calmed down, and continued to watch the battle between the Monkey King and Erlang God.

At the same time, several bigwigs in the heavenly court were also watching the battle. The Jade Emperor had sacrificed his own treasure, the Haotian Mirror. Almost nothing else can hide from Haotian Mirror's investigation. Looking at the scene of the battle between the Monkey King and Erlang God in the mirror, if you give me a knife, I will give you a stick. The scene is really tragic.

The Jade Emperor and the others looked at each other, it was too cruel, both of them were practitioners of physical body profound arts, they recovered quickly after being injured, if this continues, I don't know how long the battle will last, unless their mana is exhausted, there will be no time for ten and a half months Forget it.

Guanyin Bodhisattva felt helpless. He didn't expect this monkey to be more capable than he imagined. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "God Erlang's mana is not weak. At this time, he is already in a stalemate with the Monkey King. It's just that he hasn't been captured. It's just a delay in capturing the Monkey King." No, I want to give him a helping hand and make sure he subdue the monster monkey."

At this moment, Laojun's thoughts moved, and he opened his mouth and said: "What weapons does the Bodhisattva have that can help Zhenjun Erlang subdue demons?"

Guanyin smiled slightly, and showed the jade bottle in his hand, "I will throw this willow bottle down, and hit that monkey head, even if it can't be killed, it will fall down. Wouldn't it be good for Zhenjun to take it? ?”

"Hehe, the Bodhisattva was joking. Your bottle is made of porcelain. It's fine if you hit him on the head. If you can't hit his head, or hit his iron rod, your bottle will probably fall asleep."

The old man made a good excuse, which made the mouths of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother twitch. The jade bottle is an innate spiritual treasure, how could it be broken so easily, the Taishang Laojun must have another reason for saying this, most likely because he wanted to do it himself.

Sure enough, the Taishang Laojun continued: "You wait a moment, why don't you let the old man help Erlang!"

"What weapon does Laojun have?" For Taishang Laojun, Guanyin Bodhisattva still wants to sell face, after all, this is a saint clone.

"Yes, yes, yes, needless to say, just wait and see." Laojun waved his hand, and then took out a circle from his sleeve, "This weapon is made of kun steel, and it was made by me with the Dan Dan." , raise a whole body of spiritual energy, good at changing, water and fire do not invade, and can be attached to all kinds of things. The old Taoist passed the pass and turned Hu into a Buddha. Thanks to its protection, I will throw it down and hit that monster monkey."

Diamond cut? !

Avalokitesvara, the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor looked at each other, and were very surprised. You must know that this Vajra Zhuo and the Queen Mother are not mortals. It is a rare treasure of acquired merit and virtue. Compared with the congenital spiritual treasures of those few days, Laojun is willing to use it to beat monkeys.

Laojun didn't care what other people thought, took the diamond bracelet in his hand, came outside Tiananmen Square, threw his hands at the Monkey King, and the circle fell towards the Huaguoshan camp.

The Monkey King, who was fighting fiercely with Erlang God Yang Jian, was completely unprepared. In fact, even if he had been prepared, he might not be able to escape. The vajra bracelet was right on the Monkey King's head.

After this blow, the Monkey King's body was originally protected by a layer of golden light. At this time, the golden light flowed and dissipated in an instant. The Monkey King only felt his head buzzing, and he was dizzy. He rolled twice on the ground. But as soon as he landed, his head became even more dizzy, and it was difficult to get up for a while.

In the cave in the valley, Yang Jian raised his head with a pale face, his eyes seemed to pass through many obstacles, and he muttered in his mouth: "What a powerful diamond bracelet, the Taishang Laojun should be just a clone of the Taiqing sage, even if he is only good at alchemy, he can't Little Shi, I don’t know how powerful those sages’ deities are.”

God Erlang eased the sword in his hand, stopped the attack, glanced at King Kong Zhuo who had returned to the sky, quickly reacted, and held the Monkey King with his hand, and another rope was lowered from the sky, specially used to bind the Monkey King.

So far, everything has come to fruition. The Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, Laojun, and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva drove back to Lingxiao Temple, waiting for Erlang God to return here.

Erlang God pierced the monkey king's pipa bone, and Li Tianwang, the third prince of Nezha, the four heavenly kings and others gathered together, and put the dizzy Monkey King under custody.

Erlang God settled the business, stood in the air and looked towards the direction behind Huaguo Mountain, his eyes were full of hesitation, because he thought of what the Monkey King had said before, that there should be the mysterious second king of Huaguo Mountain, and his own With similar names, he was really curious about what kind of person the other party was.

"Second brother, what are you looking at?" Nezha got up at this time, except for a slight pale complexion, there was no visible injury on the surface.

God Erlang sighed and said: "I heard that the valley behind Huaguo Mountain is the place where the mysterious Second Great King practiced. I was curious in my heart, and was hesitant to see him."

"No way!" Nezha stopped immediately, "Second Brother, the Second King is not something we can afford to provoke, so it's better not to meet him."

Immediately Erlangshen became curious, and didn't understand why Nezha reacted so strongly. When he was about to ask clearly, he saw Brother Meishan walking out of the camp, and the boss also said: "The third prince Nezha is right. Do not go."

Speaking of this, Erlangshen also realized that something was wrong, and whether it was the Meishan brothers or Nezha, their faces were a little pale, and they were clearly injured, and their faces suddenly sank, "Tell me clearly, what is going on and who is hurting?" you?"

The Meishan brothers and Nezha looked at each other, they knew very well Erlang God's temperament, he was cruel to the enemy, but he was extraordinarily loyal to his brothers, if he didn't explain clearly, Erlang God might go directly to the second king to fight for his life.

Nezha sighed helplessly and said, "I can't blame anyone else for this matter, it's just that we are too utilitarian. Some little masters caught the monster monkeys, so that the high-level people were overwhelmed. Who would have thought that the second king of Huaguoshan would actually be so greedy?" Is it a quasi-sage strong?"

"Quasi-sage!?" Erlang almost jumped up, quasi-sage, the top group of people in the world is not something he can provoke.

Nezha explained what had happened in detail, and Erlang God no longer had any intention of revenge, so he rushed to heaven with Nezha and the others to revive the decree.

Originally, in order to ensure that they would be wiped out, they should send heavenly soldiers and generals to search the mountain, and then set fire to wipe out the monster monkeys, but after learning that there might be a quasi-sage on Huaguo Mountain, no matter whether it was Erlang Mountain or Li Tianwang, they gave up this idea without hesitation. Thoughts, I just walked around the mountain casually, and even offered to help, extinguished the remaining flames on Huaguo Mountain, and didn't dare to investigate carefully. After the surrounding heavenly soldiers evacuated all the eighteen roads, they ignored it.

After all the heavenly soldiers and generals left, Yang Jia came out from the east, and the leaders such as the violent ape and the long-haired horse monkey were very pleasantly surprised when they saw Yang Jian, and stood up to greet him.

"Second King, it is thanks to your supernatural powers that we were able to save our lives this time."

Yang Jian waved his hand to signal them to be quiet, and then he said: "Now that the war is over, the heavenly soldiers and generals have withdrawn, the king has been captured by the heavenly court, and Huaguo Mountain is still a place of right and wrong, after you leave, take the order of the Thirteen Taibao The leader is scattered all over the Huaguo Mountain, not allowed to gather in large numbers, pretending to be little monsters, wanting to open some mountain fruits for food, and not to cause trouble within a hundred years, do you understand?"

The long-haired horse monkey and the others all changed their expressions greatly, "Then what should the king do? I can't wait to see the king being captured by the heaven and ignore it. I must rescue the king no matter what."

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