Chapter 626 Battle of the High Heaven Palace

Although it is easy for Yang Jian to break through the Great Luo Jinxian, but Yang Jian's breakthrough is not just as simple as breaking through, but to take advantage of this opportunity to carefully understand the laws after breaking through, and make perfect use of his own power as much as possible It will take a long time to be able to grasp 100%.

Yang Jian specifically called Violent Ape, Golden Lion King, Green Snake King, and Elk King over, and told them carefully that during the period of retreat, if Huaguo Mountain was not really in danger of survival, they must not be disturbed, and ordered them The guardian, by the way, taught them about the knowledge of cultivation, and then closed the cave, and began to retreat and break through.

Let’s talk about Heavenly Court, Laojun practiced the Monkey King as a living sacrifice for forty-nine days. During this period, the old soldier dared not leave for a moment, especially in the later stage, when the balance of yin and yang in the Monkey King’s body became more fragile. If it weren't for the Taishang Laojun who has been adjusting the fire, the Monkey King would have been unable to hold on for a long time, and was blown away by the violent power of rigidity and yang contained in the divine fire in the eight trigrams furnace and the extreme yin and coldness of the Xue Pozhu.

On this day, the gossip furnace shook violently, and the Monkey King was surrounded by a ball of golden light, shrinking and expanding continuously, just like a beating heart.

Seeing this scene, Laojun immediately stepped on the mysterious steps, formed a Tai Chi appearance, and continuously rotated around the Bagua furnace. As his footsteps moved, Laojun's palms flew, regardless of the fiery meaning of the Bagua furnace, continuously Slapping the gossip furnace, pouring one after another formula into the furnace, the flames in the gossip furnace suddenly rose.

Originally, the flame in the furnace was already very strong, but upon receiving Laojun's urging, it erupted loudly, almost burning the Bagua furnace completely, and continuously emitted billowing heat waves.

"Roar!" The golden light on the Monkey King's body instantly shattered and dissipated. The Monkey King, who hadn't let out a scream for a long time, suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar, feeling the more vigorous flames, and forcibly mobilized the Snow Soul Orb in his body that had consumed most of its energy. , the power of the most yin to the cold is integrated with the yin and yang.

Laojun didn't pay any attention to the movement in the gossip furnace, and with a wave of his sleeve, the formula in his hand changed again, and he murmured: "Success or failure depends on this moment!"

The old gentleman kept playing the Dao Jue with both hands, and the fiery red light shrouded the Bagua furnace. The Bagua furnace was the center of the entire Tushita Palace, and countless colorful ripples were rippling, which contained the mysterious power of yin and yang and five elements. The circulation exudes a terrifying aura. At this time, Laojun reached out to the Bagua furnace and pointed it out, and the Bagua furnace trembled again.

The Monkey King, who was in the gossip furnace, also stimulated the last ray of yin and cold power in the Xue Po Pearl at the same time. The Snow Pod Pearl was completely shattered, and the power of the bank was completely blended with the masculine power in his body, and he suddenly opened his eyes. When the eyes were opened, the radiance immediately radiated, and the illusory image of the sun and the moon in the eyes was completely formed.

After doing all this, Laojun finally relaxed. At this time, there was a hot red aura in Tushita Palace, and Taishang Laojun waved it away.

The gossip furnace regained its calm, the old gentleman took a breath, and murmured: "Fortunately, there was no accident at all. In order to help this monkey, it is really a big loss, but it should have been successfully trained by now." ? Just, why is there no response?"

Just as Laojun wanted to go forward to see what happened, he saw a ball of sparks suddenly rising from the door of the Bagua furnace, and then a figure rushed out, the whole body was scorched black, but the eyes and the head of the eyes shot out streaks of golden light. A big sun and a bright moon will illuminate the entire Tushita Palace.

Seeing the vision in the Monkey King's eyes, the Taishang Laojun was also horrified. He is not one of those ignorant people who turn the sun into the sun and the moon. The sun and the moon are formed by the eyes of Pan Gu, the Monkey King really has great luck and can obtain such supernatural powers, but I don’t know that he learned it from someone. The Bodhi ancestor probably wouldn’t teach him, right?

When the old gentleman was thinking about where the Monkey King Sun and Moon’s true pupils came from, the Monkey King had already made a fuss. When he got out of the furnace door, he jumped up and kicked the gossip stove to the ground. One of the ninety-nine and eighty-one concentric fire bricks flew out.

Laojun was startled and instinctively wanted to stop the concentric firebrick that was rushing outside, but just as he took a step, his heart suddenly moved, he secretly deduced the secret, and found that this concentric firebrick had another chance, so he stopped immediately. He got down, retreated to a corner to hide his figure, and let the monkey king mess around there.

The Monkey King kicked the alchemy stove, let out a little bit of anger, and finally thought of the Jade Emperor, a wave of evil fire kept rushing up from the bottom of his heart, and immediately showed the golden cudgel, no longer paying attention to the Tushi Palace, only one thought in his mind Thinking, going to the Lingxiao Temple to seek revenge from the Jade Emperor, obviously not clear-headed.

The Monkey King was so emotional that the guards stationed outside immediately noticed it. They rushed in and saw the Monkey King holding a golden cudgel, showing a vicious look. These guards did not dare to hesitate. He rushed forward, trying to stop the Monkey King and capture him.

It's just that those heavenly soldiers are no match for the Monkey King.Kicked them to the ground a few times, rushed out of Tushita Palace without hindrance, aimed at the direction of Lingxiao Palace, and soon encountered a large number of heavenly soldiers and generals to stop them, and immediately waved the golden cudgel, showing three heads and six arms The Law Body fights against it.

At this time, more and more heavenly soldiers and generals received the news. Twenty-eight constellations and four heavenly kings arrived one after another. The monkey king looked in the direction of Tiangong, pulled out a bunch of hairs from behind, pinched them with his hands, and moved forward. Yicai, shouted loudly: "Change!"

In an instant, hundreds of monkey kings appeared around his body, and these monkeys were in the same shape as the monkey king at this moment, all in the form of golden bodies, and all of them had three heads and six arms, holding three golden cudgels.

There was a determination in the Monkey King's eyes, and without a word, he waved the golden cudgel and headed straight for the Lingxiao Palace, followed by hundreds of the same Monkey Kings, who followed closely behind, and the mana in the Monkey King's body would be destroyed. Crazy rush, it is true that the flat peach golden elixir that he ate has not been completely consumed, super-level performance, twenty-eight constellations, and the four heavenly kings can't stop them together.

At this time, the Jade Emperor received the news and immediately issued an order to escort the heavenly soldiers and generals. Countless generals received the order from the Jade Emperor, and all of them put on full armor, took their weapons, and came to the front of the Lingxiao Temple. Outside, waiting for orders.

In a short time, there was a fierce fighting sound from the direction of Tongming Hall, and then there were shouts and calls for help, and soon there was a bang, and the gate of Tongming Hall opened, and countless heavenly soldiers and generals retreated one after another, holding weapons. , retreating to the front of Lingxiao Temple with a look of fear on his face.

Immediately after that, countless three-headed and six-armed monkeys came out of the door, rushed in aggressively, and without the slightest hesitation, a group of heavenly soldiers headed by Nezha rushed up to besiege the monkey king.

As soon as they fought, Nezha realized something was wrong. The strength of the monkey had increased several times, and those avatars could also display [-]% or [-]% of the monkey king's ability. Na Zha wondered in his heart whether the monkey king had already entered the Daluo Jinxian realm?No wonder the four heavenly kings and the others failed to stop the monkey.

Facing Sun Wukong who had unfolded such supernatural powers, all the heavenly generals felt bitter in their hearts, and they had only one thought, that is, how can we fight this?Originally, this monkey was already tough enough to deal with, but now it has been strengthened several times, how can it survive the battle, its scalp is numb all of a sudden, and it dare not go forward.

In fact, there is still a little gap between the Monkey King and the Da Luo Jinxian now, but it is only half a step away. It is just relying on a lot of hard work and the aura accumulated in the body to display the strength close to the Da Luo Jinxian. When the aura is exhausted, Strength will inevitably decline, but since it has reached this level, it will be a matter of time before it really steps into Daluo.

The Monkey King threw himself out with a stick, repelling the third prince Nezha, and then rushed towards the Lingxiao Palace. He was about to get close to the gate, when suddenly one rushed out from the side, holding a golden whip, and the Monkey King immediately raised his hand. He tried to block with a stick, but found that the force of the whip was not small, and forced him to take a step back. Although the opponent retreated more, three steps, it also showed that the opponent was not weak.

The Monkey King looked carefully, but it was Wang Lingguan, the assistant envoy of Yousheng Zhenjun. This person usually has no reputation, but he did not expect to be so powerful, not worse than Nezha.

Wang Lingguan swung the golden whip to block the way, and shouted loudly: "Puhou, I don't want to be rampant here!"

Although Wang Lingguan's strength was somewhat unexpected, but the Monkey King didn't have time to talk to him, he couldn't help but hit him with a stick, Wang Lingguan gritted his teeth and fought together with the stick and whip.

The Monkey King found that this Wang Lingguan was very difficult to deal with. He was not stronger than Nezha in terms of physical strength, but his whipping technique was really weird. After many moves, he gradually fell into a disadvantage, so let him start to fall into a disadvantage.

However, the Monkey King is not so easy to deal with. He gradually saw through Wang Lingguan's tricks and looked for his flaws to fight back. Now Wang Lingguan couldn't hold on anymore, and hurriedly called out: "Everyone, come and help, this monkey is very good!" ferocious!

The third prince Nezha had just beheaded two avatars made of vellus hair. Hearing Wang Lingguan's plea for help, he gritted his teeth and transformed into superhuman beings, armed with all kinds of weapons, and killed them. The Eighteen Constellations, Five Directions, and Six Ding Liujia also got rid of their opponents and handed over to other heavenly generals to deal with, and together they besieged the Monkey King.

At this time, the Monkey King had almost vented, and he calmed down again. When he saw the masters besieging him around him, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling, and instinctively wanted to escape, but at this time, the idea that the Taishang Laojun was understating and blocking his gold suddenly appeared in his mind. In the case of the cudgel, even if his strength has increased several times now, he still has no chance of winning against the Taishang Laojun.

The Monkey King knew he couldn't escape, so he could only accompany them to continue the drama. At this time, the Monkey King was already standing outside the gate of the Lingxiao Palace, and through the gate, he could see the aloof Jade Emperor with a panicked expression. The Taishang Laojun reported the appearance.

That's all!Don't you want to act?Just keep playing with you, let me go crazy again and see what step I can make.

The Monkey King roared angrily, took out Nezha's third prince's fire-pointed spear, and rushed towards the Lingxiao Palace against him.

Wang Lingguan rushed over and whipped the Monkey King's head from the side. The golden light was shining around him, obviously not to be underestimated.

The Monkey King snorted coldly, turned his head, his eyes gleamed, a big sun and a bright moon emerged, two beams of light shot out at the same time, one cold and the other hot, aimed directly at Wang Lingguan.

Wang Lingguan instantly sensed an extremely dangerous feeling, forcibly retracted the golden whip, and placed it horizontally in front of his body, injecting mana from his whole body into it, and the golden light became more intense, hoping to block the blow.

boom! !

The golden whip in Wang Lingguan's hand shattered instantly, and then was blasted out by a violent force, smashed heavily on the gate of Lingxiao Palace, and then fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

This is not the most serious thing, the most serious thing is that Wang Lingguan can feel two forces, one cold and one hot, appearing in his body, crazily destroying his body, he can only use the magic power of his whole body to resist, and completely loses the power to fight again .

The third prince Nezha and all the gods around him gasped. The beam of light in the monkey's eyes was so powerful that it severely injured Wang Lingguan with one move. Monkey used it before, did he show mercy or did he just practice it?

It's a pity that they can't allow them to think too much now, because the Monkey King has already killed again, and the previous powerful blow shocked the gods. He was afraid of using the previous beam of light to attack again, so he looked a little weak when he shot Powerless, you only use three percent of your strength to attack and seven percent to defend, for fear that the beams from the Monkey King's eyes will hit them.

It's just that the heavenly soldiers and generals don't know that the monkey king uses the true pupil of the sun and the moon to launch an attack that consumes too much mana to use it easily.

The Monkey King seized the opportunity to attack with all his strength, smashed through the siege of all the heavenly soldiers and generals, and immediately rushed to the Jade Emperor sitting on the King Dragon Chair.

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