The monkey king's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he felt more and more that this method would work, "Great, be careful, you really have it, is this your deduction and calculation ability? It's too powerful, I was just suppressed, such a short You deduced the way to deal with it in time."

"Thank you. In fact, it took me twelve years to deduce the method of tempering the body with the help of the Five Elements Mountain. It's not as exaggerated as you think."

"Wait, I heard you right when you said twelve years, right? I was pressed under the Five Elements Mountain for less than a cup of tea, so where did twelve years come from?" The Monkey King scratched his ears, wondering if he Misheard.

"You heard me right, the outside world is indeed only a short moment, but it has been here for twelve years, because the flow of time here is different from the outside world, you can regard it as an illusion, but this illusion After rigorous calculations, the data are basically the same as those of the external world. For example, those supernatural powers and spells, learned here, can also be used in the outside world. You will need to practice here for a long time in the future. This will be great for you. It is the biggest test, because time will wear down your beliefs, can you always stick to your heart? Can you never give up?"

"Of course I will stick to my true heart. No one can make me give up my belief." The Monkey King said without hesitation.

"That's good. I said that I still have the ability to create illusions. Through the data left by Yang Jian, I can create a corresponding environment for you to hone yourself. It allows you to experience the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of the world, and refine your mind in the world of mortals."

"The world of mortals refines the mind, what's the use of this?"

"Of course it is useful. This will make your Dao heart clear and allow you to control your own power more perfectly."

"Perfectly control your own power? Master a higher realm."

"That's right, when you fought against Yang Jian before, you lost miserably every time. He obviously suppressed his mana to the same level as yours, but you still haven't won, even once, because of his The realm is higher than you, and you have stronger control over your own mana. A little mana can exert ten times, or even a hundred times the power. As for you, the training time is too short after all. If you have mana but can't use it, if you want to take revenge, you must first polish your mana and make it meticulous, this is just the most basic."

"Can your illusion help me do this?"

"Yes, sure."

Xiao Jin flicked his fingers, and dozens of white light balls flew out, "Each light ball represents an illusory world, you can plunge into it, and experience life and death in that illusory world." , All kinds of battles, all kinds of enemies, the power of various systems, through continuous fighting to hone your own martial skills, how about, choose one and give it a try."

The Monkey King looked at those balls of light carefully, and after a while he chose one, jumped up, turned into a streamer of light and got in.

After an unknown amount of time, when the Monkey King flew out of the ball of light again, there was a trace of vicissitudes in his eyes, he turned to look at Xiao Jin next to him, and asked, "How long have I been away?"

Xiao Jin immediately replied: "Using the time of this illusion to calculate, you have been there for [-] years, three months and seven days. If it is the outside world, it will only take half a stick of incense. In the eyes of others, you have just been suppressed by the Five Elements." It’s not long before you go down the mountain, how is it, what did you experience in it? How did you gain?”

The Monkey King asked curiously: "Don't you know what happened in the illusion? This environment was created by you, you should know it very well."

"Although I know the illusions, I can't completely control them. To be precise, these illusions are formed by the data left by Yang Jian, so I can't understand the situation."

"It turned out to be like this. There are no gods and monsters in the fantasy world I entered, and the people there can only practice martial arts. In my opinion, it should be the apocalypse that caused the aura to dissipate, and the remaining aura could not be used effectively to carry out Practice, that's why I created something called martial arts, but it was quite suitable for my grandson. I practiced a set of kung fu called the Great Sage Splitting and Hanging Palm to perfection, fought against the heroes of the world, and finally became the number one in the world. name."

"Is it number one in the world? It seems that you have made a splash in that world, how about it? Do you want to try other worlds? Of course, the previous worlds are also fine. These illusory worlds are not for one time, but you need to enter them next time." Change your identity."

The Monkey King thought for a while and shook his head and said, "Let's stop here for the time being. I have to go outside to see the situation. I was suppressed here. I think Tiantian will send people to guard it. I don't know if it is some old friends."

"Alright, you can go back first. I'll do some research in this period of time. When you come back next time, I think I should be able to create a new illusory world."

The Monkey King under the Five Elements Mountain opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment. He felt as if he had passed away for a while. Although the outside world has only passed by for a while, decades have passed in the illusion. This gap made the Monkey King unable to adapt for a while. .

The Monkey King took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and suddenly said: "Wufang Yedi, what are you doing hiding there, won't you come out to meet my grandson?"

After a burst of energy fluctuations, five fierce gods appeared in front of the Monkey King. It was Wufang Jiedi, who looked at the Monkey King with a sneer on his face. When they were in the Heavenly Court, the five of them were beaten badly by the Monkey King. Now the feng shui turns, Of course, we should take this opportunity to humiliate the Monkey King.

"Sun Wukong, why did you ask our brothers to come out? Why, are you hungry? It just so happened that the Jade Emperor ordered me to prepare the best food for you. The Great Sage can enjoy it. Land, quickly bring the food..."

A little old man emerged from the ground, and under the surveillance of Wufang Jiedi, he brought a bowl of boiling copper water and a dozen iron pellets to Monkey King tremblingly, and said in a trembling voice: "Great Sage, it's time to eat again." , you must not blame the little god, the little god has no choice but to do so!"

"I know, you don't need to worry. Even if the old grandson takes revenge, he won't take your anger out on a small piece of land. Okay, go down." The monkey king glanced at the land, and didn't blame him. Di, "It's just five little guys, what do you dare to do to me?"

The Monkey King Wufang Jiedi looked down on him very much, squinting, his face was full of sarcasm.

"Sun Wukong, you are looking for death!" Wufang Yedi clenched his fists and was about to hit the Monkey King.

The Monkey King was suppressed by the Five Elements Mountain, and he couldn't resist at all. However, he has the indestructible body of a vajra, so even the strength of the five directions can't hurt him. It's just that if he is humiliated for no reason, he will definitely feel unhappy.

"If you dare to touch him, I will let you fly around, believe it or not?" A voice suddenly sounded behind Wufang Yedi.

"Who?" Wu Fang Ji Di turned around at the same time, and found a red-haired monkey appeared behind him at some point.

Wufang Jiedi was still about to speak, when the red-haired monkey suddenly pointed out, the vitality in the air suddenly surged, Wufang Yedi felt as if he was hit by a big mountain, his body shook violently, and he vomited blood and flew out backwards.

"I will teach you a lesson this time, next time you commit a crime, you will never be forgiven, so get out!"

Wufang Yedi didn't even dare to fart, struggled to stand up, turned around and left, and the land also turned into a white smoke and burrowed into the ground.

"Red Monkey, you are here!" The Monkey King greeted naturally.

"Stone Monkey, sorry for being late."

"It's not too late, it's time."

Suddenly, Yang Jian pointed lightly at the Five Elements Mountain, and the Five Elements Mountain shook violently, crooked cracks appeared on the peak, which was shocking, and the whole Five Elements Mountain seemed to let out a mournful cry, seeing small cracks appearing continuously on the mountain, In a blink of an eye, they are densely connected into one piece.

But soon Tathagata's six-character mantra left on the Five Elements Mountain's golden light masterpiece instantly descended on the base of the Five Elements Mountain, stabilizing the trembling Five Elements Mountain base pointed by Yang Jianyi, and soon, under the golden light After repairing, the entire Five Elements Mountain returned to normal, and the cracks on it gradually disappeared.

"Buddha, we brothers meet, how about giving us some time?"

At this time, Tathagata, who was attending the banquet in the heavenly court, was moved in his heart, and he played a spell in his hand. The Five Elements Mountain in the lower realm suddenly flickered, and the Monkey King suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, but he still couldn't escape.

There was a smile on Yang Jian's face. Now Yang Jian is already a Daluo Jinxian, but because he has the realm of a quasi-sage, the one finger just now can shake the Five Elements Mountain. Without Tathagata personally observing the situation, it is impossible to figure out the reality of Yang Jian. Before, Yang Jian only relied on his own understanding of the law to fight against the power of the law of the Five Elements Mountain. No quasi-sage could do this. Realm, it is impossible.

Even if Tathagata is the number one expert in the Three Realms on the surface, he still has to give face to other quasi-sages, not to mention that Yang Jian is also a fastidious person. Naturally, Tathagata would not trouble Yang Jian with the big plan of Buddhism, because it is not worth offending a quasi-sage with a trivial matter.

The Monkey King stared at Yang Jian for a while before he began to say: "Red Monkey, I thought that my strength has improved. After entering Daluo, I should be able to get closer to you and see your strength clearly, but now it seems that I want to Too much, your real strength is really terrifying! In my eyes, there is almost no change, you still look like an ordinary monkey, but this is what makes it unimaginable."

"It's just some little tricks, not worth mentioning." Yang Jian took out a few wine jugs, a few dishes of side dishes, and a few huge peaches from his bag, and placed them in front of the Monkey King.

The Monkey King looked at the wine and food, especially those huge peaches, and was startled for a moment, then grabbed a peach and gnawed it, his face was covered with juice, until he finished eating all the peaches, and finally there was only He took out the peach pit and threw it away, then wiped his mouth and said: "I have eaten all the fairy fruits in the sky, but this Huaguo Mountain is the most memorable."

"Because what you eat is not peaches, but memories." Yang Jian took out a few more wine gourds and handed them to the Monkey King, saying: "My new batch of monkey wine from Huaguo Mountain was brewed some time ago, and with my You should save some of the previous stocks."

"Really? Then I won't be polite." The Monkey King exclaimed, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to grab a gourd, took it to his nose and sniffed it, showing a look of intoxication, and finally took a hard gulp.

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