Karma Taj's mages know what the temple represents. That is the core of the super magic circle. If the temple is destroyed, the super magic circle will temporarily lose its function. It is very likely that the dimension demon will seize the opportunity to invade. Fortunately, As long as the three super magic circles are not completely destroyed, as long as there is still one, they can resist the enemy.

But unexpectedly, bad news came one after another. It didn't take long for them to be lucky, and they received the second news that the second temple was destroyed, which made them terrified. The temple was protected by a magic circle. It may not be a problem to bomb directly with nuclear bombs, but why is it so vulnerable this time?

After investigation, everyone soon found out the reason. It turned out that someone from Kama Taj was a second-five boy, and it was Master Modu with a high status in Kama Tai, the most trusted disciple of the Supreme Master Gu Yi, who betrayed Kama Taj .

Suddenly, the mages of Kama Taj were very angry, but at this time, the ancient master comforted them, and also told everyone a more surprising news, their holy land Kama Taj was also bombed by Modu.

This time the pot exploded again, each of them hated their teeth itching, wishing to tear Mo Du into pieces, but they also knew that no matter how resentful they were, it was useless, they obediently obeyed the arrangement of Master Gu Yi, and began to search for bombs, and at the same time Some people were sent to the three temples to investigate.

Nowadays, Kama Taj is panic-stricken. There is a bomb installed under his ass, which may be blown to the sky at any time. There is only one of the three super magic circles left. If the last Hong Kong temple is also destroyed by the magic circle, it will lose its effectiveness. The demon god Dormammu will come. This is an existence that even the supreme mage can't confront directly. For many years, it has been able to resist it by relying on the super magic circle. What should we do?

Before Karma Taj fell into chaos, Yang Jian had brought a curly-haired mage who was still a budding newcomer to Hong Kong.

"Master Yang, it's really good that we are like this. The enemy may sneak attack on the last temple at any time, but you are here to eat skewers. If the final super magic battle is also useless, how should we fight against Domamu?" ?” The new mage Slantqi looked at Yang Jian eagerly and asked.

That's right, Yang Jian is eating skewers at a stall in Hong Kong, and sitting across from her is the future Doctor Strange, Slantkey, who originally thought that he should go straight to the Hong Kong Temple after arriving , but unexpectedly, Yang Jian stopped halfway, ordered a lot of food at this barbecue stall and ate it, as if he was here for tourism, not to support the Hong Kong Temple at all.

"Don't worry, haven't the enemies come yet? Just wait until they come before you start. Fill your stomach first, so that you will have the strength to fight later." Yang Jian didn't care at all, and grabbed a bunch of kidneys eat up.

"But we don't know what's going on inside the temple here. Master Modu betrayed him. He knows the situation inside the temple like the back of his hand. Maybe he's already infiltrated there and started planting bombs like the other two temples. Lost.

"Then we can't go in even more. If there is a bomb inside and they detonate it directly after entering, wouldn't we be dead? So it's safer to stay here, fill our stomachs first, and if the enemy appears later , let’s just roar twice, try not to fight head-on with the enemy, if we are really targeted by the enemy and have to do it, we have already run for our lives, if we can’t escape, then we can only wait to die, so the last It's better to fill your stomach, even if you die, you will be a full ghost."

Slantqi felt like being kicked by a donkey. Looking at Yang Jian's handsome face, he wished to punch him hard.

"Then why did you let me come with you? Wouldn't it be better to change to a powerful mage? If you encounter danger, you can let a powerful mage protect you."

"Choosing you is of course beneficial. If your strength is weak, if you encounter danger later, I will take you away. When others ask, I can say that I have to let the enemy go to protect you. , so that no one will say anything about me."

Shameless, really shameless!Slant.Roaring in his heart, if he couldn't beat Yang Jian, he would have done it now. I have never seen such a shameless person, but he is still a superhero.

"Okay, I'm almost done eating. For the sake of teaching you the philosophy of life, this time you treat me, go and pay the bill."

"You...you bastard, I have no money with me."

After speaking, Slantchi stood up and was about to leave. He didn't want to stay with Yang Jian for a moment. He still had some money, but he didn't want to pay for a shameless person like Yang Jian.

Chapter 630 Training Slantky

The Yang family looked at Slant and sneered, "What if you don't have money? If this is the case, then I have no choice but to let you stay here to pay the bill. Are you sure you have no money?"

"You! You! You...shameless!" Slantage finally broke out and cursed.

But Yang Jian didn't seem to care at all, and stretched out a finger to make a little space, and Slantchi suddenly felt that he lost control of his body, and sat down on his original position.

"What's the matter with being shameless? It's better to be shameless again, especially our enemy is the Dimension Demon God, who has always been insidious, cunning, and cunning. If you want to deal with them, you have to be more insidious, cunning, and shameless than them. Since you have no Qian, let me figure out a way, your ring is good, first use it as collateral, remember to come back when you have money, or it will be miserable if it is sold by others." Yang Jian really stretched out his hand to pick Silan Unique ring.

"Wait! Wait! Don't take my ring, I have money, I'll pay the bill." Slantage finally relented, there is no way, the ring was a gift from his girlfriend, it was very valuable, if I really took it to pay the bill, and I don't know if I can lose it back.

Now Slantage is already a poor ghost. After paying the bill for Yang Jian, he has less than 10 dollars on him, but he didn't eat just now, and now he is hungry. Thinking of his recent experience, that is called A bitter one!I just want to cry but have no tears.

Back then, as the top doctor in the world, Slantchi lived in a high-end villa, drove a luxury car, and got a lot of money in his account for any surgery. He lived a chic life.

But a car accident took away his hands, he lost his former flexibility, and he could no longer undergo surgery. In order to heal his hands, he spent all his money. The high-end villas were confiscated, and the luxury car was also sold. Unfortunately, there is still no cure. good hands.

Finally, I got hope again from Karma Taj. By learning magic, I recovered my hands and began to change my profession to become a magician. Slantage is indeed a genius, especially after being trained in surgery before. His hands are exceptionally flexible, and his control has reached a level of meticulousness, and he soon became a magic apprentice.

In the world of magic, Rys Lantage witnessed miracles and devoted himself completely to magic. Just now, he had some gains. Unexpectedly, he encountered the invasion of the Dimensional Demon God. He was ordered to go to the Hong Kong Temple with Yang Jian to support him. He witnessed Yang Jian's death with his own eyes. Shameless.

Slantqi was very anxious, because the ancient one gave him the green light and opened a small stove. Although he hadn't studied magic for a long time, he knew the corresponding knowledge well. The earth is eyeing, and wants to swallow the earth, and then swallow the entire universe.

Slantage is a responsible and kind-hearted person. Influenced by American culture, he advocates heroism, especially in the era of superheroes. He is very happy that he can participate in the plan to save the world, but Now there is no good mood, only despair, isn't it a joke to let people like Yang Jian fight against Weiwei Demon God?If you don't surrender directly, it's not bad to be a [-]-year-old boy. The future of the earth is dark.

After eating and drinking enough, Yang Jian got up slowly and walked towards the location of the Hong Kong Temple. Slant was anxious in his heart, but he didn't dare to rush, otherwise who knows what kind of moth Yang Jian will make?

boom! !

Suddenly there was an explosion sound from a distance, and Slantqi looked up, his face changed drastically, "No, it came from the direction of the temple, it seems that the Hong Kong temple was also destroyed, it's all your fault, if it wasn't for you You are so slow, we should have rushed over to support the mages of the temple, and fight against the enemy together."

Yang Jian gave Slantqi an angry look, "It should be said that it's fortunate that I stopped you and didn't let you rush over foolishly, or you would have been killed by the bomb right now."

Yang Jian stretched out his hand and grabbed it, a cloak and a necklace appeared in his hand, he threw it to Slantage, and said, "Put on this cloak, and you should know the necklace. Eye of Agamotto, Kamatai Ji's most precious treasure, Master Gu Yi asked me to give it to you, I have some doubts, are you the illegitimate son of Master Gu Yi, and actually gave you these two precious treasures."

Slantage was also a little dumbfounded looking at the treasure in his hand. He had tried the Eye of Agamotto himself, and it could turn back time, but why did the Ancient One give him this treasure?There is also this cloak, it seems that it is not simple, does the Ancient One have any thoughts about him?

Slantage shook his head vigorously, leaving behind the messy thoughts in his mind, and now it was important to find a way to deal with Dormammu.

"Is this cloak also an artifact? What's its use?"

"The suspension cloak allows you to fly freely. It has its own consciousness. You can treat it as a life, a partner, or a friend. He will sense your heart, know your thoughts, and cooperate with your actions."

Slantage's eyes lit up, and he immediately put on the cloak, thinking about flying, and sure enough, a force dragged him into flight.

"Great, with this cloak to help you farewell, it's even more powerful, let's go to the temple!"

Yang Jian didn't refuse anymore, and opened the space door directly with his hand. Slantage was too impatient, and rushed in before Yang Jian. Yang Jian was afraid that something would happen to him, so he immediately followed.

Above the Hong Kong Temple, a pitch-black dimensional passage opened, forming a black vortex, expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even in the dark night, the detached and independent black was colder and deeper than other areas.

The passage is in the expansion stage, and now this passage is not enough for Dormammu, the Lord of the Dark Dimension, to pass through, but a few figures are fighting on the ruins of the temple.

When Yang Jian and Slantqi arrived, everyone was fighting fiercely.

The bald head of the ancient mage is particularly conspicuous in the dark night, exuding a strange luster, while his opponent is wearing a red hood with a red cloak and red boots under his feet.

The Ancient One mage didn't have a weapon in his hand, but all kinds of magic were at his fingertips, which was so superb that it dazzled people. He used the fighting skills to the extreme, unstoppable, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became.

The opposite is the red hood. Logically speaking, the cloak he wears and the boots under his feet are all artifacts, and he holds a magical transformation in each of his hands. He is armed to the extreme. Unfortunately, he is no match for the ancient mage. suppressed from the start.

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