Although it was difficult for the Four Gods to move, there was a look of gratitude in the eyes they looked at Qian Cong.

Yang Jian asked with a sneer: "You plead for them! Have you forgotten how they treated you in the past? How did you treat the half-demon on Penglai Island?"

"I haven't forgotten, but they are so pitiful, why don't you just give them a good time and kill them!"

"Wouldn't it be cheaper to kill them like this? Since they killed so many half-demons in Penglai Island, they have to pay the price and use the rest of their lives to atone for their crimes. Otherwise, why do you think I keep them?"

"Let them atone for their crimes! What do you mean?" Zuo Ji heard a different meaning from Yang Jian's mouth, and seemed to have other plans for the Four Fighting Gods.

"It's very simple. They destroy Penglai Island and bring what should be there to Penglai Island. Then let them guard Penglai Island in the future and protect the safety of Penglai Island until the end of their lives. At that time, I will set up a formation on Penglai Island and let them Become the guardian spirit of Penglai Island, so that everyone does not have to worry about the weakening of the enchantment once every 50 years, and let them be responsible for resisting when monsters attack."

Zuo Ji's eyes lit up immediately, she nodded and said, "This method is not bad. The Four Gods of Fighting join hands with few opponents, and the combined strength of the final fusion is comparable to that of the peak monsters, but how can we ensure that they will not rebel?"

"Don't worry about this, I will leave a restriction, and you can activate the life-death soul lock at any time. If you find that they have different intentions, punish them with the method just now. After a few more times, you will be honest."

At this time, the Four Fighting Gods who were still lying on the ground shuddered suddenly. At this time, the black chains on their bodies had disappeared, but the feeling that they could not survive or die was deeply imprinted in their hearts. All have psychological shadows, the feeling of soreness, itching, numbness and pain is a gambling god, and I absolutely don't want to bear it again.

"Don't pretend to be dead! Stand up for me, or I'll ask you to check the power of the soul lock of life and death again." Yang Jian kicked the four fighting gods lying on the ground respectively, cursing angrily.

The Four Gods of Fighting were already exhausted, and it took a lot of effort to even move, but when they heard Yang Jian's words, they stood up from the ground like a spring. Even though their faces were pale and they looked like they might fall down at any time, their bodies still stood up straight .

"You have heard what we said just now. From now on, you will be responsible for protecting the safety of Penglai Island. Anyone who has malicious intentions towards Penglai Island will be killed. If the half-monsters on the island suffer any damage, I will use life and death. Soul Lock will punish you all day, understand?"

"Understood, master, we will protect Penglai Island, and if we want to harm the creatures on Penglai Island, unless we step over our corpses..."

"That's right, Penglai Island is our life..."

"Any tool, Penglai Island is my enemy."


The Four Gods of Fighting quickly expressed their opinion, as if I was the only one in the center, but I don't know what they think in their hearts.

Yang Jian nodded in satisfaction, and reached out to pat the Four Fighting Gods to help them recover their strength. Moderately, their pale complexion became a little more rosy.

"Very well, you have to have this kind of awareness. By the way, I still have something to ask you, but you didn't answer honestly."

"Master, if you want to ask anything, just ask, we will know everything, and we will talk endlessly." Long Luo almost patted his chest to promise.

"I want to know what is the relationship between you and the legendary four holy beasts. Don't give me sloppy eyes. When you merged, the phantoms of the four holy beasts appeared. Although they are very faint, others cannot see them, but I can see them."

The Four Fighting Gods glanced at each other and hesitated.

Yang Jian's face changed immediately, and he shouted angrily: "What? Do you have any difficulties? Or you have forgotten it, why don't I remind you."

Yang Jian raised her hand as she spoke, as if about to snap her fingers.

"No! No! Master, spare your life. Since Master wants to know, then we will tell you." Ji Luo hurriedly begged for mercy, and said: "When our four brothers were still high-level monsters, we discovered the ruins of an ancient temple and accidentally triggered the mechanism. Falling into the ground, I accidentally got a trace of blood essence from the legendary four divine beasts."

"The blood essence of the four holy beasts?"

"According to the inheritance we have obtained, this is indeed the case, because the energy contained in the blood of the holy beast is too strong, we can only swallow it and then hide in a remote cave to refine it. It took hundreds of years to refine it. We barely succeeded in time, and our foreheads became four beads, which became the source of our power. We also advanced to become big monsters in just half a year, because our power comes from the four holy beasts, so we use In the name of the Four Fighting Gods."

A hint of greed and laziness suddenly appeared in Yang Jian's eyes, and his eyes became hot. The essence and blood of the four holy beasts were so ruined by them. Transformation can definitely break the ceiling of this world and become an existence beyond the big monsters, or kill the Four Fighting Gods.

Seemingly sensing the aggressiveness in Yang Jian's gaze, Beast Luo hurriedly said: "Master, this blood has been sucked by us, and no one else can use it, and we have to protect Penglai Island. The task you delivered cannot be completed."

Yang Jian sensed it carefully, and sure enough, as Beast Luo said, he didn't feel the divinity of the holy beast at all in the four fighting gods, only the depraved monster aura, the blood of the holy beast has been tainted, even if he took it by himself When it comes to refining again, it is impossible to achieve the desired effect. It is better to continue to let the Four Fighting Gods use their waste heat and use the waste to protect Penglai Island and make it a pure land for half-demons.

Yang Jian let go of the greed in his heart, sighed and said: "It's a pity, the blood essence of the holy beast seems to have nothing to do with me, don't worry, I won't snatch you."

The Four Fighters breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Yang Jian's words. They were really afraid that Yang Jian would forcibly take away their holy beast's blood regardless of their life or death.

Yang Jian thought for a while, then waved towards the distance, and the "witch" who was sealed by Yang Jian before flew over automatically, "Tell me what is going on with this woman? He actually possesses demon power and spiritual power in his body at the same time." , and her spiritual power is actually the power to destroy demons, but it's not a half-demon, it seems to be closer to humans, where did you get it?"

The Four Fighting Gods didn't dare to hide anything at this time, and Long Luo hurriedly explained: "This is a witch who came to Penglai Island fifty years ago, and he was accompanied by a half-demon named Inuyasha. We had a great battle with them, and we finally defeated them. During the battle, we found that he actually possessed the power to break demons, which just happened to restrain all seals. We also knew that the seal of the Jade Box was laid by Sou Ji at the cost of his life. Yes, it is very difficult to destroy it, so we planned to use the power of breaking the magic. The four of us joined forces to make a clone with the blood left by her, and retained the power of breaking the magic, but after all, we are not real humans. With the support of our monster power, we can't live for long."

"It's unbelievable that you can actually create a human body while retaining each other's strength. So how did you do it?"

"This ability is obtained by fusing the essence and blood of the four holy beasts. The four holy beasts represent the four forces of earth, wind, water, and fire. After these four forces are fused, it seems that they can promote the birth of life, but the comparison is limited. Big, after creating this body, it has been sealed to prevent her from dying."

Yang Jian immediately understood what was going on. According to the legend, Feng Shui Huo is the origin and foundation of everything. The unity of the four phenomena can indeed promote the birth of life. Although life cannot be created, if there is target blood, it can create a shell. It's not a problem, but the survival time of this body is too short.

Yang Jian was about to ask other questions, but at this moment, his heart moved, and he thought of a question. This kind of body cannot survive for too long mainly because of the conflict between the demonic power and spiritual power in the body. What will happen if he transforms the demonic power in his body into spiritual power? ?

Thinking of this, Yang Jian untied the seal, and the black substance on the surface of the "witch" disappeared, and Yang Jian reached out and pressed on the opponent's chest.

It's just that Yang Jian's hand hadn't dropped yet, and he suddenly felt a murderous aura, and couldn't help looking up, but he just met Zuo Ji's fierce gaze, and Qian Cong was also looking at Yang Jian with strange eyes.

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses, smiled awkwardly, and said, "Don't get me wrong, I just wanted to do an experiment. It was easiest to press her heart, but other places are not impossible."

Yang Jian switched positions, pressed his hand on the forehead of the "witch", and used his power of chaos to transform the demonic power in the witch's body into spiritual power little by little.

The power that Yang Jian calls the power of chaos is formed by the fusion of demon power and spiritual power, and it can also be transformed into demon power or spiritual power again, so the process went smoothly, and it didn't take long for the demon power in the "witch" to completely disappear. Disappeared, completely transformed into spiritual power, without the conflict between the two forces, it would not be so easy to die, Yang Jian also specially adjusted her body.

"It's amazing!" Although Zuo Ji only has a soul left, she is more sensitive to spiritual power and demon power. She can naturally feel the changes in the body of the "witch". .

"How did you do it? Her power to destroy demons is very strong. You can even transform this. Are you really a half-demon?"

"Of course I am a half-demon, and it is precisely because I am a half-demon that I was able to do this step." Yang Jian shrugged his shoulders, with a calm expression on his face, and then asked: "You are a soul now, if you integrate into this In the body, can it be resurrected?"

Zuo Ji shook her head and said: "No, although this body also has powerful spiritual power, it is not mine after all, so I will inevitably learn to reject it. After a long time, my soul will undergo changes, and who knows that I will become What does it look like, maybe it will be a different kind of monster at that time, I don't want to become a monster."

"That's it, let's change the method, let the Four Fighters recreate a body for you, isn't it possible, do you want to be resurrected?"

Zhuo Jiwen's eyes lit up immediately, feeling that this proposal is feasible, and this method has no hidden dangers at all. If they can live, who would want to die?

But when Yang Jian and Si Dou Shen turned their eyes to Si Dou Shen, Si Dou Shen shook his head without hesitation and said: "No, we can't do it, our ability can't create things out of thin air, we must have the other party's blood or flesh , and it needs special activity. If the time is too long, the activity of the body will disappear. What's more, when Zou Ji jumped into the melting furnace, the body has been reduced to ashes. It is impossible to make a body. We are powerless! "

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