"That's right, the Four Fighting Gods have been defeated. I have to tell Lan and the others the good news, as well as Master Zuoji. They will be very happy when they find out." Qian Cong acted too much like a child at this time , jumping and jumping, showing people her lively side.

"Then let's hurry up!" Yang Jian picked up Qian Cong, jumped onto Yanti's back, and Yanti immediately chased towards the village.

It took only a few minutes to arrive at the speed of Yantou. As soon as he stopped, Qian Cong jumped off his horse and ran towards the house where a group of half-monsters were, at the same time shouting: "Blue, orange, purple Wan ...Where are you, I'm back."

Yang Jian had set up barriers around the house, if Qian Cong bumped into her like this, he would definitely be bleeding, and Yang Jian was so frightened that he quickly removed the barriers.

At this time, a group of half-demon little guys in the room were in trouble, Yang Jian specifically explained that they must never take the initiative to walk out of the barrier, no matter who called them from outside, they could not agree, for fear that it was a trick of the enemy.

The previous series of roars had already frightened a group of half-monsters like frightened birds, and now they were worried about how the duel between Yang Jian and the Four Fighting Gods would be. Now they heard Qian Cong's voice, and they were both happy and apprehensive.

But soon, these half-demon little guys don't have to worry about it anymore, Qian Cong has already rushed into the room, and announced loudly: "I have good news for you, the Four Gods have been defeated by Master Yang Jian, and Master Zuo Ji is still alive... ...No! She is dead, but her soul is still there, and she can be resurrected...and the residents of the island who were thrown into the melting furnace by the Four Fighters before, they are also alive..."

Because Qian Cong was too excited, her words were a bit out of line, which made all her little friends confused. They all wondered if their sister Qian Cong was confused, or if she was dreaming. Yang Jian defeated the Four Fighting Gods? It's easy to say, but Master Zuo Ji has been dead for more than two hundred years, how could he come back alive?There are also residents on the island, who were thrown into the melting furnace of roaring, and were reduced to ashes long ago, how could they possibly be alive.

"Sister, what are you talking about? It seems that you are exhausted and confused, or you should go to sleep first."

"I'm not confused, what I said just now is true, you... oh! Forget it, let Master Zuo Ji speak for himself."

The more Qian Cong talked, the more anxious and chaotic he became, and finally he couldn't take out the Soul Cultivation Jade directly, a soul flew out from it, and Zuo Ji's transparent soul greeted him: "Long time no see, blue, cute yellow, green... "

A group of half-demons were dumbfounded. Although 200 years had passed, they still recognized Zou Ji, the mistress who once protected them and brought peace and tranquility to Penglai Island.

"It's really Master Zuo Ji, how is this possible?"

"Are my eyes dazzled? I'm still dreaming."

"Probably not, I saw it too."

"Great, Master Zuo Ji is back, she is still alive, what Sister Qiancong said is true, wait, isn't it true that Sister Qiancong said that the people who were thrown into the melting pot of noise are still alive, But what happened to those souls?" Lan thought about something, turned to look at some light spots surrounding the house, and could feel a kind of sadness, they always thought that these were the souls of dead half-demons.

"That's not the soul, but the longing!" At this time, Ji Ji took the initiative to explain to everyone: "When those half-demons who were thrown into the melting furnace thought they would die, and they missed their loved ones in their hearts, the sadness and vibrations in their hearts The power of the melting pot combined to form these points of light, because their emotions are contained in them, so it is easy to think that they are replaced by souls."

Including Yang Jian, everyone showed a sudden look, and only then did they understand what was going on. It turned out that they had misunderstood everything.

Chapter 685

"Okay, all the suffering is over, don't dwell on the past, let's welcome the bright future together, it's time to reunite with your relatives, everyone, follow me." Yang Jian clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention Come here, then grab the gourd and go out.

A group of little half-demons hurriedly followed, and soon everyone came to an open space outside. Yang Jian pulled off the cover of the red gourd, and with a slight push of the demon force, the gourd spit out figures from inside like a blowout, and landed on the ground in a neat arrangement There are countless people, and they are in a deep sleep at this time.

Although their seals were lifted when they came out of the gourd, it may be because they had been asleep for too long and could not wake up for a while. Yang Jian thought for a while, and condensed a green air mass in his hand, which contained pure With a light throw of the vitality, the green air mass dispersed and merged into the bodies of those half-demons like water mist. The half-demons who were originally sleeping began to move, and slowly opened their eyes one by one.

"What's going on, am I dead? What is this place?"

"Is this hell? But it's no different from the island."

"Are my eyes dazzled? I seem to see my brother, or maybe it's a hallucination."


When these half-demons were thrown into the melting furnace, they were directly put into the gourd by Zuo Ji, because the soul power would be consumed every time, which would cause a lot of damage to Zuo Ji, so after putting them into the gourd, put them into the gourd. Seal it up, go to recuperate immediately, and don't bother to explain anything to them. Their consciousness is still at the moment they were thrown into the furnace, so they think they are dead.


At this time, the half-demon girl named Lan saw a familiar figure in the crowd, she couldn't help but shed tears, and rushed over like a middle-aged man crying.

"This...isn't a dream, it's really you, Lan, you're still alive, and so am I!" Feeling the warmth from his daughter, the middle-aged man finally understood.

"elder brother!"

"Sister, mother..."


"I'm alive, I'm alive, that's great!"

"This is not the underworld, we are living people, I saw my daughter."

"I saw my son too."

Soon there was more and more shouting, hugging each other, cheerers!They couldn't stop their tears. At this moment, they felt extremely happy.

Qian Cong looked enviously at those half-demons who were embracing, but she didn't step forward, with an indescribable disappointment on her face.

This made Yang Jian a little strange, and asked, "Qiancong, where are your parents? Are you an orphan? No parents!"

Qian Cong shook his head and said: "My parents were not thrown into the melting furnace of noise, they were killed by the Four Fighting Gods to protect me."

Yang Jian doesn't know how to comfort her now. Although Yang Jian is a half-demon in this world and her life is difficult, at least she has a mother who loves her. Even in the most difficult time, life is not bad, and she is not too much. Caring about the so-called parental love does not empathize with Qian Cong's feelings, so naturally he has no right to say anything, so Yang Jian can only pat Qian Cong on the shoulder and tell him to be stronger.

Under the explanation of a few little half-demons, these half-demons who just came out of the gourd finally understood what was going on, and came to Yang Jian one after another, respectfully thanked him and said: "Thank you, Mr. Yang Jian, for saving your life. I will be grateful." , willing to be driven by Master Yang Jian in the future."

Yang Jian waved his hand and said seriously: "Don't worry about small things, I am also a half-demon, and within the scope of my ability, I should do something for my own kind. Okay, I know you just reunited with your family, there must be more There are a lot of things to say, let’s go back to rest today, and talk about things tomorrow.”

The group of half-monsters glanced at each other. Although they were very grateful, they also felt that Yang Jian was right. They immediately led their children away and returned to their dilapidated home, but they could barely live there.

Maybe it was because I was so excited, I had to stay up all night for everything, telling my relatives what happened in these years.

They were still very energetic until the next day, and everyone reunited to discuss how to survive in the future. Some people suggested that Yang Jian be the Lord to lead them, but Yang Jian refused, because he still had a problem outside. Where will he stay on the island and be the owner of the island.

The half-demons of Penglai Island were very disappointed about this. Finally, there was a powerful similar person who was unwilling to stay. They racked their brains to think of a way to make Yang Jian the nominal owner of Penglai Island. The power on the island can be mobilized. If Yang Jian has any request, they can accept it, and they can also use Yang Jian's name to protect the island.

It sounds like Yang Jian has taken advantage of this condition, but the half-demons on Penglai Island don't care. In their eyes, Yang Jian is the benefactor who saved Penglai Island, and it doesn't matter if they kill them. Yang Jian, who is a half-demon, will not harm them.

Yang Jian could only say that this group of half-demons were too innocent, that is, he didn't intend to trick them, otherwise he would definitely die a miserable death.

In order to enhance the strength of Penglai Island, so as to avoid being attacked by monsters and being unable to resist again, Yang Jian engraved a method suitable for half-monster cultivation on the stone outside the village where they lived, so as to enhance their strength and let them They have some self-preservation strength, although they are not very brilliant, but they are superior in Zhongzheng's peace, and they are qualified to aspire to the big monster if they persevere.

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