The passage of time and space gradually took shape, and Yang Jian walked in without hesitation. Following the traces of time, he soon saw a glimmer of light and rushed over immediately.

When Yang Jian walked through the passage, he found that the surroundings were quiet, and the wellhead could no longer see the light of the sky, but was covered by the house. Yang Jian could hear the sound of cars with sensitive ears, and even faintly heard a plane in the sky. The sound of planes flying by.

Yang Jian lightly jumped out of the Shiku well, walked out of the room along the stairs, looked at the well-organized houses, and knew that this was the shrine of Higurashi's family. The smell of car exhaust in the air convinced Yang Jian that he had really returned to modern times. .

Yang Jian walked along a path, turned a corner, and saw a little boy playing on the grass.

Because Yang Jian didn't deliberately hide it, the little boy quickly noticed Yang Jian as an uninvited guest. He was startled at first, then relieved, and asked curiously: "Brother, who are you? Why are you in my house?" ? Your clothes are so strange, and your knife is real?"

I don't know if it's because the people of Rimu's family are naturally nervous. Looking at Yang Jian's attire, with two knives on his body, which are proper murder weapons, and he didn't take any precautions, isn't he afraid of being hacked by a knife? ?

But fortunately, Yang Jian didn't mean to hurt the other party, and had already guessed the identity of the little boy, and said with a smile: "Hello, little guy, if I guessed correctly, you are Kagome's younger brother, Mrs. Right? I heard your sister said about you, my name is Yang Jian, you can call me Brother Yang Jian, I just traveled from ancient times."

"What! You, like Brother Inuyasha, traveled from ancient times. It's amazing, wait a minute! My sister said that there are many demons and ghosts over there, so I must be careful. Since you can cross over, then Are other monsters okay? Will our world be in danger?"

Yang Jian nodded, finally this little guy is not confused about big things, "Don't worry, my situation is special, except for your sister and Inuyasha, it is basically impossible for others to travel through, I am able to do it because I have mastered the secret of the law of time." If you do this, you don’t have to worry, I’m here this time to see how the world will be different after 500 years, can you be my guide?”

Cao Tai was relieved when she heard Yang Jian's words, but she didn't doubt Yang Jian's words at all, she nodded immediately and said, "Of course it's no problem, I can take you wherever you want to go, whatever you want to buy."

It is said that children of poor people start their own families early. Although Higurashi’s family is not poor, as a single-parent family, Kagome and Caota are raised entirely by their mother, so Caotai is very sensible.

"That's great, I'll leave it to you next time, by the way, is your sister back yet?"

"No, my sister has been staying on the other side for a long time because she wants to collect the jade of the four souls with Brother Inuyasha."

"That's a pity. I wanted to catch up with your sister, but it's okay. I should be able to meet her when I go back. Now let me put down all the troubles and let me live in this 500 years later. Let’s play around in this world. By the way, I know that no matter which world you are in, if you want to live happily, you must have money. I heard that these stones are very precious in your world. Do you know where you can exchange them? Is it money?" Yang Jian said as two crystal clear stones appeared in his hand.straight

"This... what is this? Could it be a diamond?" Cao Tai looked at the two egg-sized stones in front of him, his eyes almost popped out. Although he was young, he still knew some basic knowledge. That diamond is priceless.

"Diamond? What is that? On my side, this kind of stone is called diamond. It is one of the hardest stones in the world. Some monsters use this kind of stone as a weapon." Yang Jian was also not good at acting. Too much, pretending not to think so.

Of course Yang Jian knew that the so-called diamonds were diamonds, so he specially made some, and it finally came in handy today.

"That's right. Diamonds are also known as the hardest gemstones in the world. They can be exchanged for a lot of money. One is enough. You can put the other one away. I will take you to the jewelry store. They must be very happy." Willing to buy it."

"Then thank you very much. By the way, since one is enough, the other one will be given to you." Yang Jian generously put one of the diamonds into Cao Tai's hands.

"No, no, this kind of thing is too precious, I can't have it." Cao Tai hurriedly pushed the diamond back.

Yang Jian is more and more satisfied with Cao Tai, but since the things that have been sent out, of course they will not be taken back, "Okay, since it is given to you, you can accept it. As I said, this kind of thing is not available on our side." It’s not very precious, it’s just a gift from friends, I don’t think you’ll sell it, if that’s the case, what does it matter if it’s precious or not?”

Cao Tai was fooled by Yang Jian for a while, finally nodded, and put away one of the diamonds, making up her mind that it was only kept as a gift and would never be sold.

After accepting such a precious gift from Yang Jian, Mrs. Cao would of course do her best to satisfy Yang Jian's request. After learning that Yang Jian didn't want to disturb other people, she secretly found a few clothes of his dead father's for Yang Jian to change into. He left by the back door and went straight to a nearby jewelry store, where he exchanged diamonds for a large sum of money.

Although the price of the diamond was lowered by the jewelry store because the source of the diamond was unknown, the price was discounted, not even half of the original value, but Yang Jian didn't care at all. In fact, even if it was one tenth, it was enough for Yang Jian Enough, with money in hand and no panic in mind, Yang Jian then started a crazy big purchase.

Chapter 689 Goodbye Inuyasha

In order to prevent unnecessary troubles, Yang Jian used a little trick to attach a monster to Cao Tai's body, temporarily changing him into a 15-year-old boy, and then the two of them rushed to supermarkets, shops, Waving a lot of banknotes to start buying, buying, buying!

Throughout the whole day, Yang Jian swept away countless supermarkets and gained countless fans, especially some little fans who secretly stuffed a lot of small notes to Yang Jian with their phone numbers on them. There were even a few bold beauties who were about to throw themselves into their arms on the spot. Fortunately, Yang Jian was determined enough to lead Cao Tai to break out of the encirclement after untold hardships.

Yang Jia bought too many things, all kinds of spices, fine wines, delicacies... Yang Jian would bring some if she thought she might need them, and then sent the truck to a warehouse that had been rented in advance.

In the evening, Yang Jian and Cao Tai came to the warehouse, looking at the pile of goods, Cao Tai couldn't help being curious, how did Yang Jian plan to take away so many things?

Then Yang Jian's performance made Cao Tai's eyes almost pop out, only to see Yang Jian took off the gourd hanging from his waist, pulled off the cover, and with the mouth of the gourd facing the goods, he yelled softly: "Take it!"

A tornado blew up in the warehouse, and the mountain of goods was rolled up, like a tired bird returning to its nest, it was generally put into the gourd.

"What is that? Why can a small gourd hold so many things in it? How big is it inside? Could it be that this is the legendary artifact?" Cao Tai opened his mouth and asked a series of questions.

Yang Jian nodded and explained: "It is indeed an artifact. In the past, this gourd could forcibly absorb some powerful monsters, and it would turn into pus in a short time. Unfortunately, it has been damaged now, and its power has been greatly reduced, but this is also good. , can be used to hold some materials, it is considered a piece of space equipment, the space inside is very large, as big as several football fields.”

Cao Tai looked at Yang Jian expectantly, and asked, "Really? Can I go in and have a look? It's so interesting."

"I'm afraid not. Although this gourd is damaged, if you stay in it, it will still cause serious damage to your body. After all, you are an ordinary person, and you cannot protect your body with demon power like me, unless you are sealed, but so As soon as you come, you will fall into a deep sleep, and you will not be able to see anything." Of course, Yang Jian is lying to Cao Tai, if he wants, Yang Jian can completely protect him with demon power, so that he will not be affected by the gourd, but now he is inside the gourd. It also has a body that is exactly the same as Kagome's. If Cao Tai sees it, it is easy to think too much. In order to avoid misunderstanding, let's forget it.

"Well, it's just a pity."

"In the future, if I think of a way in the future, I will take you in and have a look. That's it for today, we should go back, but we have to pretend that what we did today has attracted the attention of many people. There are people following us outside .”

"Then what should we do?" Cao Tai suddenly became nervous.

"Don't worry, I have a solution. Now we are using a disguised appearance. As long as you don't tell, no one will know our secret. Just get rid of the eyes of these people. Let's go now!" Yang Jian said, With a wave of his hand, a cloud of mist enveloped the two of them, and when the mist cleared, they were nowhere to be seen. .

There are indeed people outside monitoring Yang Jian and Cao Tai. After all, the two of them made too much noise. It’s nothing to buy out a lot of supermarkets and shops. The key is that Sister Yang also bought some knives, swords, and bows. Such weapons, if it wasn't for the fear of causing too much commotion, Yang Jian would have wanted to buy some guns and ammunition, and the sellers were afraid that Yang Jian would do something like killing people and stealing goods, so they immediately called the police after selling the items.

Not long after Yang Jian left, the warehouse was surrounded by police officers. Outside, a policeman with a loudspeaker kept yelling for the people inside to surrender. Unfortunately, there was no movement in the warehouse, and they dragged on for an hour. After entering, they found that the warehouse was empty, not only the people disappeared, but also the mountains of goods disappeared. They had no clue how they were transported away. This has become an unsolved mystery in Japanese history.

At this time, Yang Jian had already bid farewell to Cao Tai, and returned to his own era through Shikujing. The things he purchased this time were enough for him to use for a long time.


The morning sun shone on the green grass, and the water droplets bent the grass, exuding infinite vitality.

"Two tigers, two tigers run fast, run fast, one has no eyes, the other has no ears, how strange, how strange..."

There was a shelf in front of Yang Jian, and a copper pot was sitting on it. Yan Ti lowered his head and opened his mouth, shooting flames from his mouth. He kept a posture that made him feel tired. There was a trace of grievance in his eyes, but it was a pity. But he didn't dare to listen, and kept the temperature.

The red chili oil and spices such as prickly ash in the copper pot are constantly tumbling, tumbling, Yang Jian throws the prepared vegetables, meat slices, etc. into the pot for a few times, and then takes them out to dip in the ingredients Hold it with chopsticks and put it in your mouth, chew it twice and eat it with a satisfied face.

That's right, Yang Jian is eating hot pot. To be honest, eating hot pot early in the morning is a bit strange, but Yang Jian has not cared about it for so many years, and finally tasted this familiar taste again, it is spicy, spicy and fragrant Feeling the explosion in his mouth, Yang Jian's eyes narrowed.

With the delicacies from modern society, Yang Jian's appetite opened up, and he ate and ate non-stop. For a whole hour, he ate 30 times the food equivalent to ordinary humans, and then he stopped, his stomach was bulging, and his whole body revealed With a sense of satisfaction.

But the opposite of Yang Jian was that Yanho felt the world's full of malice. For a whole hour, it kept its body still and breathed flames from its mouth to maintain the same temperature. It didn't consume much demon power, but it needed to Concentrating on it, I can't relax for a moment, my spirit is almost overdrawn, I feel like I have been fighting for three days and three nights, I almost collapsed.up.

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