
"I'm alive, I'm alive, that's great!"

"This is not the underworld, we are living people, I saw my daughter."

"I saw my son too."

Soon there was more and more shouting, hugging each other, cheerers!They couldn't stop their tears. At this moment, they felt extremely happy.

Qian Cong looked enviously at those half-demons who were embracing, but she didn't step forward, with an indescribable disappointment on her face.

This made Yang Jian a little strange, and asked, "Qiancong, where are your parents? Are you an orphan? No parents!"

Qian Cong shook his head and said: "My parents were not thrown into the melting furnace of noise, they were killed by the Four Fighting Gods to protect me."

Yang Jian doesn't know how to comfort her now. Although Yang Jian is a half-demon in this world and her life is difficult, at least she has a mother who loves her. Even in the most difficult time, life is not bad, and she is not too much. Caring about the so-called parental love does not empathize with Qian Cong's feelings, so naturally he has no right to say anything, so Yang Jian can only pat Qian Cong on the shoulder and tell him to be stronger.

Under the explanation of a few little half-demons, these half-demons who just came out of the gourd finally understood what was going on, and came to Yang Jian one after another, respectfully thanked him and said: "Thank you, Mr. Yang Jian, for saving your life. I will be grateful." , willing to be driven by Master Yang Jian in the future."

Yang Jian waved his hand and said seriously: "Don't worry about small things, I am also a half-demon, and within the scope of my ability, I should do something for my own kind. Okay, I know you just reunited with your family, there must be more There are a lot of things to say, let’s go back to rest today, and talk about things tomorrow.”

The group of half-monsters glanced at each other. Although they were very grateful, they also felt that Yang Jian was right. They immediately led their children away and returned to their dilapidated home, but they could barely live there.

Maybe it was because I was so excited, I had to stay up all night for everything, telling my relatives what happened in these years.

They were still very energetic until the next day, and everyone reunited to discuss how to survive in the future. Some people suggested that Yang Jian be the Lord to lead them, but Yang Jian refused, because he still had a problem outside. Where will he stay on the island and be the owner of the island.

The half-demons of Penglai Island were very disappointed about this. Finally, there was a powerful similar person who was unwilling to stay. They racked their brains to think of a way to make Yang Jian the nominal owner of Penglai Island. The power on the island can be mobilized. If Yang Jian has any request, they can accept it, and they can also use Yang Jian's name to protect the island.

It sounds like Yang Jian has taken advantage of this condition, but the half-demons on Penglai Island don't care. In their eyes, Yang Jian is the benefactor who saved Penglai Island, and it doesn't matter if they kill them. Yang Jian, who is a half-demon, will not harm them.

Yang Jian could only say that this group of half-demons were too innocent, that is, he didn't intend to trick them, otherwise he would definitely die a miserable death.

In order to enhance the strength of Penglai Island, so as to avoid being attacked by monsters and being unable to resist again, Yang Jian engraved a method suitable for half-monster cultivation on the stone outside the village where they lived, so as to enhance their strength and let them They have some self-preservation strength, although they are not very brilliant, but they are superior in Zhongzheng's peace, and they are qualified to aspire to the big monster if they persevere.

Next, we studied how to solve the problem of food. In the past, there were only a few half-monsters left on the island. They just got some wild fruits in the forest and some fish from the sea. The fields have long been abandoned, and now that there are so many of them, there is simply not enough food.

After Yang Jian thought about it, he could only rely on fishing. Yang Jian personally killed some large fish in the sea, dried the fish slices, and provided enough rations for hundreds of people for a month. In one month, they were allowed to build their own boats and net into the sea to fish. In addition, some people were assigned to reclaim farmland and grow food. Only then did the problem be solved.

After the early problems were solved, Yang Jian didn't need to bother so much. Yang Jian asked them to select a few highly respected half-demons and organize the half-demons to work together. In the morning, there was a big construction scene in full swing.

After everything was on track, Yang Jian brought his fighting skills to the front of the melting pot and put forward his own request.

"You said you wanted to use the furnace of Myeongdong to refine weapons?"

"Yes, I have asked people to help build weapons before, but those weapons are really bad. Few people's weapons can bear my strength. Later, I collected a meteorite with great effort. After many attempts, I can confirm that It is strong enough to withstand me, but I can't melt it with all kinds of methods, so I want to try it with the fire of the red lotus in the melting furnace. I think this so-called strongest flame in the world should not let me Be disappointed."

Zuo Ji nodded and said: "No problem, this small matter is nothing compared to your great kindness to Penglai Island, are you ready to start now? I can help you, after all, I have been in the melting pot for two years. For more than a hundred years, it is easy to control, even if it is only a soul now."

"Thank you very much, but the meteorite is limited, so I can barely forge a demon knife. In order to prevent accidents, I have to practice my hands first." Yang Jian unwrapped a package, revealing several weapons, the wind blade Ya, Thunder Blade Ya, Red Evil Ghost Fan, and Qi Tian Cannon are the weapons used by the Four Gods before.

Zuo Ji immediately understood Yang Jian's meaning, "You intend to fuse these four weapons into a brand new weapon, right?"

"That's right, the four bastards have done so many bad things, these four weapons, let's count them as a little debt for their first singing."

Yang Jian put the four weapons in front of him, looked at them carefully, and felt a little awkward. These weapons are also divided into attributes. Although Lei Renya can control the power of thunder, it is formed by stirring water vapor in the sky. So Yang Jianlei's blade can represent water.

Needless to say, the wind blade tooth, of course, represents the wind. Yang Jian thought that it might have been a weapon of Beast Luo, but later he got the Qi Tian Pao, so he gave it to Long Luo to use.

The Tianxie Ghost Fan represents fire, but Qi Tian Pao, can it represent earth?Certainly not, Yang Jian has checked carefully, the function of the Qitian Pao is only to compress the injected demon power to form a cannonball, which can be any power of any attribute.

Yang Jian thought for a while, then suddenly got up and said to Zuo Ji: "You wait for a while, I will come as soon as I go."

Under Zuo Ji's suspicious eyes, Yang Jian soared into the sky, flashed a ray of light, and flew to the north. Zuo Ji waited quietly. Not long after, a Gang Luo roar came from the north, which seemed to be in pain. After a while, Yang Jian came back holding a huge turtle piece.

"This...could it be?" Looking at the somewhat familiar turtle shell, Zuo Ji, you also guessed where it came from.

"You cut it from my back from Gang Luo, and it's still fresh." Yang Jian shook the tortoise shell in his hand triumphantly. It wasn't a complete tortoise shell, but just a piece of it, with only seven pieces on it. hole.

Zuo Ji couldn't help but feel sad for Gang Luo in her heart, the Four Gods have no human rights, "You just exposed his four turtle shells, aren't you afraid of accidentally killing him?"

"Don't worry, cutting the life force of that tortoise is not so easy to die. It really can't be done. Let Ji Luo help, he will be a god every time, can't he fit together? At that time, he will be able to recover after being reborn from the ashes." Yang Jian said. He doesn't care, in his opinion, the Four Gods deserve it for suffering too much.

Zuo Ji could only sigh in her heart, the Four Fighters had suffered eight lifetimes of misfortune to meet Yang Jian, the evil star, but they did it on their own, and happened to hit the muzzle of the gun to atone for the half-demon who was once killed by them.

Putting the Qitian Cannon aside, and putting the turtle shell together with the other three weapons, it really felt more pleasing to the eye, forming a trend of four images flowing.

"Okay, let's do it now, and see what kind of magical weapon will be produced after these four weapons are fused together?"

Zuo Ji nodded, and with a light wave of her hand, the roaring furnace was automatically turned on, and a fiery breath rushed towards her face.

Without hesitation, Yang Jian threw in the three weapons plus the tortoise shell, then looked at the rest of the Qitian Cannon, hesitated for a moment, then had an idea, and simply threw the Qitian Cannon in as well.

Although separated by the furnace, Yang Jian left a trace of spiritual power on those weapons, which can be controlled remotely. When they fell to the bottom of the furnace, Yang Jianjia began to create them using the art of refining weapons from the world of Shushan. The method began to refine.

Zuo Ji controlled the furnace to start heating, and a huge lotus-shaped flame rose from the lava lake at the bottom. The temperature of the already scorching red furnace increased by more than ten times again, and those weapons were wrapped in it. As the temperature rises gradually, those weapons slowly fuse,

Feeling the changes in the weapons inside the furnace, Yang Jian was very pleasantly surprised. Things went smoother than expected. According to this situation, it would not take long to fuse these weapons into one, and the Red Lotus Fire deserves to be called the most powerful weapon in the world. The strongest flame, at least after Yang Jian came to this world, he has never seen a second one that is stronger than it. If he enters the furnace by himself, he may not be able to bear it, and it will turn into ashes after a long time. If the fire can't melt Yang Jian's meteorite, then he can only give up the idea of ​​using food to make weapons.

For three whole days, Yang Jian sat cross-legged in front of the swaying furnace, refining it meticulously. If it was an ordinary person, he would not be able to hold on, but to Yang Jian, it was nothing at all. It doesn't matter if you sleep or not, but Zuo Ji is just a soul body and cannot stay outside for a long time. Fortunately, the Ming Furnace only needs to adjust the fire once in a while, and Zuo Ji will not be too tired, so she persisted.After pulse,

Three days later, when the weapon was formed, Yang Jian immediately summoned the Four Fighting Gods, and the moment the weapon was released, the orb on his forehead simultaneously injected a ray of original power into it, and then he left with a pale face.

In just a few days, the Four Fighting Gods were beaten a lot by Yang Jian. First, they were beaten to death, and then they were forced to consume their original power to help Zuo Ji make a body. Now it consumes the power of the source to refine weapons, and the energy consumption is too much, and it is a little bit unbearable.

Of course, Yang Jian didn't have the slightest sympathy for the Four Fighting Gods, so he didn't care what happened to them?Holding a newly released demon knife in his hand, he began to examine it carefully.

The demon sword is more than one meter long from the handle to the tip, and its style is similar to the samurai sword commonly used in Japan. However, after Yang Jian injected a little demon power, it immediately transformed into a giant demon sword with a length of nearly two meters. It is a group of fiery red feathers, which looks like a shrunken red evil ghost fan. After being demonized, the blade is very similar to the previous Wind Blade and Thunder Blade, but there is a place more than ten centimeters away from the handle. There is a circular gap, and there are seven holes in the center of the blade. I don't know if it is a coincidence, but the seven holes are arranged in the spoon shape of the Big Dipper.

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