"When are you going to leave? Say goodbye to the little guys on the island again?" Zuo Ji looked at Yang Jian, the person who saved Penglai Island and her, with complicated eyes.

"Forget it! I don't like that kind of parting scene, so I will leave quietly later, and say sorry to Qian Cong and the others for me, and come to see them again when I have a chance."

"So soon?" Zuo Ji couldn't help being taken aback, her eyes hesitated, as if she was making a difficult decision, and then she seemed to have made up her mind and said, "Leave one more day, leave early tomorrow morning, I have a gift to give you."

"Is there a gift for me? What is it? Is it necessary to be so troublesome? Why don't you just give it to me now?" Yang Jian was a little puzzled. What kind of gift is it, and it is so serious? Could it be some special magic weapon?

Thinking of this, Yang Jian looked at the red gourd hanging on his waist. At this time, the gourd had been given to Yang Jian by the concubine Zuo. The ability to deter the enemy is greatly reduced. It can absorb some little monsters at most, but it is enough for Yang Jian, because the inside of the gourd claims to be a space, and Yang Jian uses it as a mobile warehouse. Now it has filled a lot of messy things. Things, including a lot of food, clothes and so on these daily necessities.

This Penglai Island has been passed down for many years, and there may be other unique magic tools, even miraculous. Yang Jian couldn't help but look forward to the gift from Zuo Ji's mouth.

"You'll know when the time comes, it's getting late, you should rest first."

Zuo Ji turned around with a cold face and strode away, but Yang Jian didn't notice that there was a blush on Zuo Ji's face and a shyness in her eyes.

"Well, I'll just wait one more night. I'll leave tomorrow morning. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry." Yang Jian shrugged without thinking too much.

At night, Yang Jian was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. He heard light footsteps outside in a daze. Yang Jian immediately opened his eyes, sat up from the bed, put on a pajamas, and before he had time to do anything, he The figure has pushed the door open and entered.

The place where Yang Jian lives now was built with the help of the half-demons of Penglai Island. They have always regarded Yang Jian as a savior. Although the conditions are limited, they have done their best. After locking the door, it is logically impossible for anyone to break in, and usually no one would bother Yang Jian at this time, but someone just did this and broke the door bolt.

The visitor was dressed in a white maiden costume, hanging down to the ground, with long hair reaching his waist, without any extra decorations, formally playing the concubine.

Yang Jian looked at Zuo Ji curiously. Even in the dark night, Yang Jian's half-demon eyes could still see clearly. At this time, Zuo Ji's face was flushed, and some dared not look at Yang Jian, and even wanted to shrink back. , but in the end she made up her mind and rushed towards Yang Jian without hesitation.

A woman came to Yang Jian's room in the middle of the night, and her face was flushed and shy. Yang Jian didn't understand what was going on. It stands to reason that Yang Jian should take the initiative at this time and hug her hard. A kiss.

But I never expected that Yang Jian would reach out to stop Zuo Ji, "Zou Ji, what are you doing, don't mess around."

Yang Jian burst into tears in his heart, it was so uncomfortable, he didn't expect that he would have such a day to choose between beasts and beasts, am I a beast?What about animals?Or a beast?

There was a hint of embarrassment in Zuo Ji's eyes, and she pretended to be calm and said: "I said I would give you a gift, and now the gift is here, don't you want it?"

I wipe it!Your gift is too heavy for me to bear.

Yang Jian only felt a burning desire in his heart, and he almost couldn't hold it back. He kept thinking in his heart, his heart was as clear as ice, the sky was falling, and he tried to calm himself down. Yang Jian was never a good person, and women in the castle were also Quite a few, and they never refuse anyone who comes, but the problem is that Zuo Ji is different from those women, and she dare not accept this feeling at all.

Yang Jian actually didn't have much relationship with those women in his half-demon city. Those women were basically offered to him by the people below as tributes. They used those women as a transaction in exchange for Yang Jian's protection. Those women also knew that they were a tool from the beginning, and they knew that everything about them belonged to Yang Jian, not only their body, but even their soul and thoughts.

If Yang Jian's behavior was placed in the 21st century, it would definitely be humane and ruined, and it would not work at all, but it is normal in this era, and even those women are very happy to do so, because if Yang Jian did not accept them, they would The fate is definitely more miserable, being killed by soldiers, eaten by monsters, or starved to death due to lack of food, but now eats well, sleeps well, wears well, and works easily, in some ways Yang Jian really did a good deed.

But Zuo Ji, she is different from those women who have no ability to protect themselves. He is a powerful witch who can protect himself completely and does not need Yang Jian's protection. Take it easy, the status of the two is equal, if Yang Jian accepts Zuo Ji, then he must treat her sincerely, and both parties should pay together, at least Yang Jian thinks so.

In addition, there is Yuenv who is in a similar situation to Zuo Ji. Yang Jian also sensed Yuenv's feelings for her, but Yang Jian did not dare to accept it, not only the other party's figure was far better than Yang Jian's, but more importantly Yang Jian didn't know how to respond to this feeling, even though Yuenv always called Yang Jian her master and was willing to give everything, but Yang Jian couldn't treat her like those women in the castle who used to vent.

Yang Jian racked his brains to think of a solution, his heart moved, his body swelled up, and in a blink of an eye, he turned into a monster nearly three meters high, but it was Yang Jian's half-demon form.

"Zou Ji, you should understand that I am a half-demon. If we want to get together, we are destined to experience more suffering than others. Don't let yourself regret it?"

Seeing Yang Jian like this, Zuo Ji was a little annoyed, "Do you have to humiliate me like this?"

"I didn't mean to humiliate you, but I just don't know if I can make a promise to you, and our species is different, the size doesn't match, it will kill you."

"I don't need promises, I just need you to remember me, change me back now."

But Yang Jian didn't move, proud of himself, still maintained the form of a half-demon, pretending to be serious and said: "But this is my true face, I am a half-demon. Although I can maintain the human form or transform into a monster Form, but it needs to consume demon power, and the emotion is too agitated, if you can't control it, you will return to this appearance, go back, or you will really die."

Of course Yang Jian lied to Zuo Ji. In fact, Yang Jian has completely controlled the power of the blood and maintained a certain form. And retreat.

Zuo Ji took a deep breath and took a few steps back. Just when Yang Jian thought her strategy was successful, she didn't expect Zuo Ji to pull her clothes and slip them off her body.

"After experiencing one death, I have already looked away. I have thought about it a lot these years, and what I regret the most is that I didn't have a vigorous love. I don't want to miss it again." Zuo Ji said and rushed towards Yang Jian again.

Things have come to this point, if Yang Jian can still calm down, then he is no longer a man, he will die as soon as he dies, his body shrinks, and he regains his human shape, hugs the body that is rushing towards him, and the two of them fall on the bed at the same time.

The night was dark, and the moon seemed to be shy, and hid behind the dark clouds.

Chapter 688 Coming to Modern Times

Three days later in the morning, there was no cloud for thousands of miles, and above the vast sea, there was a sudden wave of fluctuation in the place that was originally empty. The air seemed to be torn apart, revealing a passage, and a figure rode a white horse that was burning with flames. Come out from inside.

Yang Jian turned his head and looked behind him. The torn barrier of Penglai Island had healed again and disappeared, so he sighed helplessly.

Yang Jian was supposed to leave three days ago, but unexpectedly, he had a bad relationship with Zuo Ji, and ended up staying on the island for another three days.

During these three days, Yang Jian and Zuo Ji fished together, cooked together, bathed together, and made love together...

The two are like an ordinary couple, living the days of working at sunrise and resting at sunset. Yang Jian is a little addicted to it, and even really thought of staying on the island in her heart, so that she can live with Zuoji all the time. The idea of ​​going down.

But in the end, Yang Jian dispelled this idea with great perseverance. Now is not the time to relax. Although Yang Jian has confidence in his own strength, there is almost no one in the entire Inuyasha world who can beat him. Naraku, Yang Jian is not completely sure that she can't let the sugar-coated bullets erode her heart.

And Yang Jian also has his own pride deep in his heart. Other buddies stand at the top of the world in their own way in different worlds. Although they are all clones, Yang Jian does not want to be compared to himself. Yang Jian also has his own ideas, Inuyasha The world is not a very advanced world, Yang Jian felt that he should break the ceiling of this world and become an existence above the world.

"I'll be back! Wait for me!"

Yang Jian said softly, with a strange vibrating force in his voice, which passed through the barrier and reached the ears of Zuo Ji standing on the edge of Penglai Island.

A gleam of light flashed in Zuo Ji's clear eyes, her pretty face blushed slightly, and then she disappeared, "I'll wait for you!"

After Zuo Ji finished speaking, she turned and left with the sword in her hand. After leaving the shore, the original little woman's posture changed, and she returned to the heroic and awe-inspiring witch.

"set off!"

Yang Jian lightly pinched the horse's belly, his hooves moved towards the flames, all four hooves moved together, and he started to run quickly on the sea.

Yang Jian has flaming hoofs instead of walking, so he just needs to sit and touch the red gourd hanging on his waist. The figure of Zuo Ji once again appeared in his mind. He had just left, and he actually missed her a little. His movements seemed to be stroking his lover.Embalming, like touching your lover in general.


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