"This is……"

"Its name is Yanti. It is a demon horse that can fly in the sky. In terms of speed, there are very few in the entire demon world that can surpass it. It will soon catch up to Inuyasha."

"Then what do you do? And my bicycle, is it lost here?"

"Actually, I can fly too. As for your bicycle, leave it to me." Yang Jian directly put the bicycle in with a gourd.

In the next step, Kagome had nothing to say, thought for a while, and finally got on Yantou, Qibao hurriedly followed, and also jumped on Yantou's back, "Gagome, I will go with you too. I will go too."

Flames ignited under Yanhoof's feet and soared into the sky. Kagome hugged Qibao in her arms, looked down at the beautiful scenery below, and couldn't help being a little addicted.

A cloud rose under Yang Jian's feet, and it also supported Yang Jian to fly up, following behind unhurriedly. Yang Jian got a bad idea, deliberately concealed himself and Kagome and the others, and hung Inuyasha far away.

It was the first experience of riding a horse and flying in the sky. Kagome was a little excited at the beginning, but after the excitement passed, she calmed down slowly and realized something was wrong.

Kagome suddenly thought that Yang Jian could put the crystal that sealed the body in a gourd, and go to find Kikyo with Inuyasha, and then take it out after finding someone. There is no need for Inuyasha to run with a body on his shoulders. Yang Jian ignored it. ?

When Ge Wei saw the smirk on Yang Jian's face, she soon understood. It's not that Yang Jian forgot again, but that he intentionally tricked Inuyasha and made him suffer with a body on his shoulders. His face twitched suddenly, feeling sad for Inuyasha and helpless for Yang Jian's black belly.

Inuyasha below, uh, was chasing after a little aura in front of him, running faster and faster, Inuyasha was already sweating profusely, panting, and wanted to stop and take a rest, but that aura didn't mean to slow down at all, Inuyasha also He could only grit his teeth and continue running.

Inuyasha was drenched all over, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted. There was a fire burning in his heart, although there were still some conflicts between him and Kikyo.However, it has been determined that Kikyo sealed himself at the time because of a misunderstanding. Someone turned into himself and attacked Kikyo, and made Kikyo think that he wanted to snatch the jade of the four souls, so he was sealed for 50 years. Although the real murderer has not been found yet, but Inuyasha believes that the misunderstanding will be resolved one day. For Kikyo, the woman who really walked into his heart, the two experienced an unforgettable love together. Also willing.

Inuyasha didn't know it at all, Yang Jian was hiding in the sky watching his jokes at this time, all he wanted in his mind was to see Kikyo as soon as possible, and save her first.

I don't know how long it took, Inuyasha saw the outline of a village in the distance, Inuyasha's eyes lit up, he had a feeling that he was about to see Kikyo.

At the same time, in the village, a witch in white clothes and red trousers shot an arrow with a bow, and shot out a sharp arrow containing powerful spiritual power, killing a monster, and the monster was directly reduced to ashes by the forced spiritual power.

Kikyo breathed a sigh of relief, this clay body has not yet adapted, and it is too reluctant for her to exert the power to break the demon. Fortunately, this monster is not very strong, and finally eradicated it.

When Kikyo withdrew her bow and arrow and looked back at the villagers protected by her, she found that there was no gratitude in their eyes, only fear.

These villagers are not fools, and Kikyo didn't deliberately hide it. These days, Kikyo hasn't eaten or drank water. In addition, Kikyo has hugged children before to save others. As for the cold matter, those villagers also understood that the platycodon is not a human being at all, so of course they would be worried and scared, for fear that the platycodon had some purpose, such as keeping them in captivity for food, etc.

Kikyo's beautiful face showed a trace of disappointment, feeling that she didn't have a body without the slightest warmth, she could only sigh helplessly in the end, she could understand the attitude of these villagers, so she didn't mean to blame them.

Forget it, let's leave, after all, I'm no longer a human being, and it's normal for them to be afraid, so it's good for me and them.

Kikyo silently packed up her things, turned around and walked out of the village. The villagers watched from a distance, and a few people stretched out their hands, as if they wanted to say something, but in the end they still didn't say anything, they could only watch. Watching Kikyo leave.

When Kikyo walked to the entrance of the village, he suddenly felt the demonic aura coming from a distance. His heart moved, and he murmured: "Inuyasha's demonic aura, why did he appear here? The target is obviously this village. Does he know?" I am here?"

Chapter 685

"Okay, all the suffering is over, don't dwell on the past, let's welcome the bright future together, it's time to reunite with your relatives, everyone, follow me." Yang Jian clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention Come here, then grab the gourd and go out.

A group of little half-demons hurriedly followed, and soon everyone came to an open space outside. Yang Jian pulled off the cover of the red gourd, and with a slight push of the demon force, the gourd spit out figures from inside like a blowout, and landed on the ground in a neat arrangement There are countless people, and they are in a deep sleep at this time.

Although their seals were lifted when they came out of the gourd, it may be because they had been asleep for too long and could not wake up for a while. Yang Jian thought for a while, and condensed a green air mass in his hand, which contained pure With a light throw of the vitality, the green air mass dispersed and merged into the bodies of those half-demons like water mist. The half-demons who were originally sleeping began to move, and slowly opened their eyes one by one.

"What's going on, am I dead? What is this place?"

"Is this hell? But it's no different from the island."

"Are my eyes dazzled? I seem to see my brother, or maybe it's a hallucination."


When these half-demons were thrown into the melting furnace, they were directly put into the gourd by Zuo Ji, because the soul power would be consumed every time, which would cause a lot of damage to Zuo Ji, so after putting them into the gourd, put them into the gourd. Seal it up, go to recuperate immediately, and don't bother to explain anything to them. Their consciousness is still at the moment they were thrown into the furnace, so they think they are dead.


At this time, the half-demon girl named Lan saw a familiar figure in the crowd, she couldn't help but shed tears, and rushed over like a middle-aged man crying.

"This...isn't a dream, it's really you, Lan, you're still alive, and so am I!" Feeling the warmth from his daughter, the middle-aged man finally understood.

"elder brother!"

"Sister, mother..."


"I'm alive, I'm alive, that's great!"

"This is not the underworld, we are living people, I saw my daughter."

"I saw my son too."

Soon there was more and more shouting, hugging each other, cheerers!They couldn't stop their tears. At this moment, they felt extremely happy.

Qian Cong looked enviously at those half-demons who were embracing, but she didn't step forward, with an indescribable disappointment on her face.

This made Yang Jian a little strange, and asked, "Qiancong, where are your parents? Are you an orphan? No parents!"

Qian Cong shook his head and said: "My parents were not thrown into the melting furnace of noise, they were killed by the Four Fighting Gods to protect me."

Yang Jian doesn't know how to comfort her now. Although Yang Jian is a half-demon in this world and her life is difficult, at least she has a mother who loves her. Even in the most difficult time, life is not bad, and she is not too much. Caring about the so-called parental love does not empathize with Qian Cong's feelings, so naturally he has no right to say anything, so Yang Jian can only pat Qian Cong on the shoulder and tell him to be stronger.

Under the explanation of a few little half-demons, these half-demons who just came out of the gourd finally understood what was going on, and came to Yang Jian one after another, respectfully thanked him and said: "Thank you, Mr. Yang Jian, for saving your life. I will be grateful." , willing to be driven by Master Yang Jian in the future."

Yang Jian waved his hand and said seriously: "Don't worry about small things, I am also a half-demon, and within the scope of my ability, I should do something for my own kind. Okay, I know you just reunited with your family, there must be more There are a lot of things to say, let’s go back to rest today, and talk about things tomorrow.”

The group of half-monsters glanced at each other. Although they were very grateful, they also felt that Yang Jian was right. They immediately led their children away and returned to their dilapidated home, but they could barely live there.

Maybe it was because I was so excited, I had to stay up all night for everything, telling my relatives what happened in these years.

They were still very energetic until the next day, and everyone reunited to discuss how to survive in the future. Some people suggested that Yang Jian be the Lord to lead them, but Yang Jian refused, because he still had a problem outside. Where will he stay on the island and be the owner of the island.

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