The red chili oil and spices such as prickly ash in the copper pot are constantly tumbling, tumbling, Yang Jian throws the prepared vegetables, meat slices, etc. into the pot for a few times, and then takes them out to dip in the ingredients Hold it with chopsticks and put it in your mouth, chew it twice and eat it with a satisfied face.

That's right, Yang Jian is eating hot pot. To be honest, eating hot pot early in the morning is a bit strange, but Yang Jian has not cared about it for so many years, and finally tasted this familiar taste again, it is spicy, spicy and fragrant Feeling the explosion in his mouth, Yang Jian's eyes narrowed.

With the delicacies from modern society, Yang Jian's appetite opened up, and he ate and ate non-stop. For a whole hour, he ate 30 times the food equivalent to ordinary humans, and then he stopped, his stomach was bulging, and his whole body revealed With a sense of satisfaction.

But the opposite of Yang Jian was that Yanho felt the world's full of malice. For a whole hour, it kept its body still and breathed flames from its mouth to maintain the same temperature. It didn't consume much demon power, but it needed to Concentrating on it, I can't relax for a moment, my spirit is almost overdrawn, I feel like I have been fighting for three days and three nights, I almost collapsed.up.

"Okay, okay, I know you worked hard, and you performed very well this time. Here, this is your reward. Enjoy it."

Seeing Yanti's appearance, Yang Jian finally remembered Yanti's goodness, so he took out a lot of fruits from the gourd and put them in front of Yanti.

Yanti let out a high-pitched roar, and immediately rushed over and started eating. The monster's adaptability is infinite. After being tossed by Yang Jian for so long, he actually really liked the taste of the fruit.

After eating and drinking, Yang Jian lazily lay on a rock, enjoying the warm sunshine, not to mention how comfortable she was.

But it wasn't long before Yang Jian's ears moved slightly, and when he heard something, he immediately sat up, looked up in a certain direction, and murmured: "It's such a coincidence, I wanted to find them, but I didn't expect to meet them here." Today, it’s time to catch up with old friends when we meet.”

Yang Jian thought for a while, put away the iron frame and the hot pot, then sat there and waited quietly. A bicycle that shouldn't have appeared in this world came galloping here, squatting on the seat behind A red figure was in front of Inuyasha, and in the basket in front of the bicycle was a little demon fox. Yang Jian knew it was Qibao.

When Kagome saw Yang Jian, a smile appeared on his face, he stopped his bicycle and said hello: "Your Excellency Yang Jian, we meet again, how are you doing?"

"Of course, Kagome, how are you doing lately? How many jades of the four souls have you collected, and everything is going well." For a kind-hearted girl like Kagome, Yang Jian certainly would not put on a face like other people.

"Hey, Kagome, why are you coming back to say hello to this one? Let's go, ignore him, and hurry back to Maple Village." Inuyasha was naturally offensive to Yang Jian, and he was upset when he saw it, even if Yang Jian passed on his brilliant practice method, But still looking at Yang Jian is not happy.

As the cute little demon fox Qibao of the team, when he heard Yang Jian's name, his face immediately revealed a trace of curiosity, "Are you Yang Jian? Hello, my name is Qibao. I heard Inuyasha mention you."

"You are also good at Qibao, so what did Inuyasha say about me?" Yang Jian touched Qibao's head with a smile, it was soft and comfortable, and it was indeed a cute thing.

Qibao didn't like others touching him like this, so he turned his head to avoid Yang Jian's palm, and then said: "Every time Inuyasha mentioned you, he always gritted his teeth, saying how hateful you are! What a bastard made you Scolding a bloody dog! How did you offend him?"

Yang Jian was furious immediately, "What! Puppy, how dare you scold me? It's a pity that I still take care of you like that. It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, you don't know how big the sky is."

"Bastard, you called me a puppy again. I'm going to kill you. I'm telling you that I'm different now. Today I'll let you see how sharp my teeth are." Inuyasha said, pulling out his own The Yaodao Tie SuiYa rushed over. At this time, he still couldn't fully control the optimization state of Tie SuiYa, it looked like an ordinary Demon Saber.

"No Inuyasha!" Kagome became anxious immediately, wanting to stop her, and was about to shout out after saying "sit down".

But at this moment Inuyasha had already rushed in front of Yang Jian, and just when Qibao was worried that Yang Jian would be injured, he saw Yang Jian suddenly stick out a hand and reach out to grab Tie Sui Ya.


There was a crisp sound, the demon knife collided with the palm, and there was a sound of metal clanging, the extremely sharp iron teeth did not hurt the palm at all, and then Yang Jian was stunned by Inuyasha, and before he could react, another One hand reached out, grabbed Inuyasha's wrist, and threw it directly over the shoulder, smashing it hard to the ground.


With a roar, a big hole was smashed out on the ground. Inuyasha's steel body didn't suffer any serious injuries, but his whole body was sore and numb. Lying in the hole, he felt like his whole body was put on airs, and he couldn't stand up for a while.

bang bang bang! ! !

Yang Jian took this opportunity to throw dozens of punches at Inuyasha, and focused on greeting Inuyasha's head. Inuyasha's handsome face suddenly swelled up and turned into a swollen pig's head, especially the eyes. Dark circles are particularly conspicuous.

"Ah! It was a bloody battle, puppy. After a close battle, we finally ended in a draw. That's it for today. We will compete more in the future until the winner is determined." After the battle, Yang Jian Rushi expresses emotion.

Kagome and Qibao both have black hair. Look at Inuyasha lying on the ground with a bruised nose, swollen face and miserable body, and then look at the clothes on his body without any mess. It seems that he is Yang Jian who has just returned from going out. Would you unilaterally beat Inuyasha?And you want to come a few more times, this one is just for Inuyasha's life.

At this time, Qibao finally understood why Inuyasha would be furious every time Yang Jian was mentioned, no matter who it was, this bad character, if not for his strength, he would have been beaten to death long ago.

"That...Mr. Yang Jian, let me introduce you, this is Qibao, oh, yes, as I said just now, he is a friend we met when we were collecting the jade of the four souls..." Ge Wei took some medicine to mediate the awkward atmosphere at the scene, and tried to change the topic.

Yang Jian was smiling and wanted to touch Qibao's head again, but Qibao had already taken precautions and was about to retreat, but Yang Jian was already prepared and took out a box of fried chicken from the gourd and put it in front of Xiao Qibao.

"Qibao is so cute, I'll give you something delicious, here's fried chicken, potato chips, cola..." Yang Jian said as he took out a large pile of fat house food.

Originally, Qibao wanted to be tough enough not to eat it, but when he smelled the tempting aroma of fried chicken, he forgot all dignity and the like, grabbed a piece and ate it, not caring about being patted on the head by Sister Yang.

Ge Wei was startled when she saw Yang Jian take out these things. Coke, chicken nuggets, potato chips... These are clearly only things in today's society. How could they appear here in Yang Jian? Could it be that...

"Mr. Yang Jian, have you been to my world?"

"Yes, I also met your younger brother Cao Tai. He was my guide, and I bought these things with his help."

"You actually succeeded! You really traveled to my world, it's amazing!"

"It's nothing special, trivial." Yang Jian said so, but the smile on his face showed that he was very proud of it.

"By the way, how is your collection of the jade of the four souls going? Tell me about something interesting that happened recently."

"We have already collected a lot of jade from the four souls. During the period, we encountered many monsters, toad monsters, and spider-headed monsters! Brother Fei Tianmantian... and the female ghost Gutao who can burn clay puppet soldiers!" Obviously some resentment gave Inuyasha a hard look.

Hearing Kagome talking about scratching the female ghost wrapped in pottery, Yang Jian immediately understood that this stalk had been revived. This was a dispute between the predecessor and the successor. Yang Jian naturally understood why Kagome was full of resentment when she spoke, "What's the matter, Kagome, you It's nothing to argue with the puppy, it's normal for couples to have conflicts, after the bedside quarrel, there's no need to take it to heart."

"Who is a young couple with him, I don't like him, especially this kind of bastard who is in two boats." Hearing this, Kagome immediately ran away, even walked up to Inuyasha who was still lying there, and kicked him hard. It's a pity that Inuyasha kicked him, but Kagome kicked his foot and it hurt.

"Standing on two boats, what's the matter, tell me quickly, I like to listen to this Gulu,"

Yang Jian looked so excited that Kagome wanted to beat him up, so she turned her head away and stopped talking.

Kagome didn't talk about Yang Jian, but there were other ways. Although Qibao didn't experience it personally, but he had been with Inuyasha and Kagome for so long, he must know the situation, and he could also inquire about the news from Qibao.

Yang Jian took out another box of fried chicken and put it in front of Qibao, shook it and said, "Little Qibao, tell me about the puppy riding on two boats, this fried chicken is yours."

As the saying goes, people die for money, and birds die for food. It is normal for a fox to betray his friends for fried chicken, so he immediately told what he knew.

Chapter 690 Bellflower

Following Qibao's story, Yang Jian also learned about what happened to Inuyasha. Just like in the original plot, the female ghost wrapped the pottery and stole the pottery clay of Kikyo, used it to make dolls, resurrected them, and then fought with Chase The conflict between Inuyasha and his party came, and then naturally Kikyo, the love-hate relationship between Kagome and Inuyasha, the predecessor and successor, hatred and love, the relationship became a mess.

Yang Jian rubbed his chin, looking thoughtful, suddenly looked at Inuyasha who was still lying on the ground and smiled, and said, "Puppy, if there is a chance to really revive Kikyo, it's not that kind of clay What price are you willing to pay for a manufactured body, but a real flesh and blood body?"

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