Yang Jian said to inject more demon power, the fiery red feathers on the hilt suddenly ignited, and the flames quickly covered the entire blade. The flames burned most vigorously at the cracks, slowly healed in the burning flames, and soon recovered as ever.

"Hey, this is the ability of Ji Luo's rebirth from the ashes. I didn't expect it to be applicable to weapons." Zuo Ji was very surprised. I didn't expect that the demon knife could also repair itself.

"Of course, otherwise, why do you think that when the sword came out, I specially called the Four Fighting Gods to let them inject their original power. This is an alternative use of rebirth from the ashes."

"In this case, this knife should be able to satisfy you."

"It's not enough, let's try other abilities." Yang Jian took a deep breath, waved the gun in his hand, and suddenly the wind flew, slowly condensing into a fierce tiger, and shouted in his mouth: "White tiger cracks!"

The fierce tiger condensed by the strong wind let out a roar, and suddenly sprang out and rolled up huge waves, roaring bursts, tossing the river and sea, and then exploded loudly, and it took a long time to calm down.

"Thunder Dragon Break!" Yang Jian raised the knife in his hand, and suddenly the water vapor filled the air, and the dark clouds were densely covered. It seemed that an invisible big hand was stirring the roar, and it condensed into a thunder dragon, and it exploded. A large pit with a diameter of more than a thousand meters, and then the surrounding sea water replenished, and there was a loud bang, and Zuo Ji was shaken to the point of collapse.

"Fire and Phoenix Dance!" Yang Jian swung the knife for the third time, and the raging fire movement transformed into a huge firebird, which flew and circled for a while, and then exploded, and the sparks transformed into small firebirds, which landed on the surface of the sea On the sea, the sea boiled, as if the whole sea was boiled.

"Xuanwu shield!" Finally, Yang Jian thrust the demon sword in his hand into the ground, and with a rumbling sound, the ground rolled like a sea wave, and the ground bulged up, slowly condensing into a giant turtle, holding its head upright. After letting out a roar, Yang Jian immediately dispersed it. This is a defensive move, and the attack power is not too strong.

Yang Jian nodded slightly, "It's not bad. This single-attribute move has attack, protection, and support, but it's a little too monotonous."

Zuo Ji said angrily: "You are still not satisfied with such a powerful demon sword? What else do you want?"

"Naturally, I want a more powerful one, and the attributes of this knife don't suit me. I don't care about it, and then I will try the combined skills."

"Wind and fire tornado!" With a wave of the knife in Yang Jian's hand, the sea of ​​flames first burst into the sky, and then the gust of wind hit, swirling and sucking the flames in. .

"Wind and thunder!" Under the turbulent wind this time, the dark clouds became thicker, and thunder after thunder bombarded the sea, turning into a hell of thunder!

"Thunder and fire berserk!" The combination of flame and thunder, these two forces are already violent enough, but now they are double superimposed, and the power of the explosion has been increased several times.

"Flying sand and rocks!" The ground surged like a wave, and then was swept in by the strong wind. The attack power of this move is not strong, but its coverage is huge.

"Lianzhu Demon Bullet!"

The seven spoon-shaped holes on the knife body suddenly lit up, and the monster power gathered to form seven energy bombs. After being thrown out, there was a series of roars, and seven large pits with a diameter of tens of meters appeared on the ground.

"The last move, Four Spirits Break!" This time, Yang Jian injected more monster power in an instant, and an energy group exuding four kinds of luster began to appear in the circular gap of the blade body, which became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a ball with a diameter of The demonic energy bomb several meters away was very similar to the move performed by the Four Fighting Gods after they merged. Under Sister Yang's control, it flew hundreds of meters away and landed in the sea.

Boom! ! !

This time the explosion made much more noise than before, and the sea seemed to be sent over, setting off huge waves, which spread far away, and the waves at the highest point could reach nearly [-] meters.

The monstrous waves lasted for more than ten minutes before subsiding slowly, and dense fish carcasses slowly floated up on the sea. According to a rough estimate, if these fish are treated, it will be enough for the semi-monsters on the island to survive for two or three months. The ration was gone, and Yang Jian was a little dumbfounded, but he somehow solved the food problem.

After the demon sword in Yang Jian's hand was undemonized and returned to the ordinary samurai sword form, Zou Ji came back to her senses. She was really shocked just now.

"Congratulations, you have refined a powerful demon sword. By the way, what's the name of your sword?"

"Is there a name? I haven't thought about it yet. Just pick one. Anyway, this knife is just a trial product, or you can call him Si Lingya." Yang Jian said, sticking the knife on a rock, and In the eyes of others, the incomparably precious demon sword, in Yang Jian's eyes, seems like garbage that can be discarded at will, and there is no meaning of cherishing it at all.

Even Zou Ji felt a bit unworthy of the four spirit teeth, such a powerful demon sword, but the master didn't know how to cherish it at all, "Is it the four spirit teeth? It contains the power of the green dragon, white tiger, and vermilion bird basalt. The four spirits of the world are not bad. This sword The saber is almost comparable to Dou Ya Wang's Cong Yun Ya, especially the last move, Si Ling Po! Its power is not inferior to Cong Yun Ya's final Profound Prison Dragon Po, are you really just treating him as a trial product? "

"No way, no matter how powerful the sword is, it's useless. If the attributes don't match, it can't exert its true power. I want to create a monster sword that really belongs to me and fully fits my own strength. But then again, you and King Douya are really familiar. , Not only do you know Cong Yunya, but you even know his ultimate profound truth Prison Dragon Po, you said that the power of Si Lingpo is similar to that of Prison Dragon Po, have you seen the power of Dou Ya Ya Prison Dragon Po with your own eyes?"

The once domineering figure of Dou Ya Wang seemed to appear in Zuo Ji's eyes, and she fell into the memory for a while, and it took a while to recover.

"Yes, King Dou Ya and I are good friends, but our relationship was actually very bad at the beginning, and we could even be said to be enemies. Because of some misunderstandings, I once suspected that he contacted Penglai Island for other purposes. After all, he It’s a big monster who thought he was going to take Penglai Island for his own use and let the half-monsters on the island fight for him, and even clashed with him and started a big war.”

"Why did you fight against King Dou Ya, but you were not killed? You are lucky." Yang Jian knew the strength of King Dou Ya, and the size of a monster can often represent his huge monster power. Thinking about his corpse, just one The head is similar to the demonized Sesshomaru. When Inuyasha and Sesshomaru fought for the first time, they fought on the corpse of the Douya King. You can imagine how powerful the Douya was when he was alive.

"Yes, it was indeed luck. If King Douya wanted to kill me at that time, I had no room to resist. His strength surpassed me by a lot. Fortunately, he was a good person and didn't kill me. He was just to deter me. , used Prison Dragon Break once, it really frightened me at that time, and I didn’t dare to do it again, after that time, we didn’t know each other and became friends.”

"It turned out to be like this, Cong Yunya, Prison Dragon Po, but I don't know if I will have a chance to see it with my own eyes. It's best to wait for my natal demon knife to be forged, so I can learn from it."

"I'm afraid it will be very difficult. Since King Dou Ya is dead, I think he will probably seal up Cong Yunya due to his personality and put it where no one can find it. After all, King Dou Ya said that he will not give Cong Yunya to anyone. , because Cong Yunya's evil spirit is too strong, it is easy to be controlled, and if he stays there, he may harm his own people."

Sure enough, Zuo Ji knew King Dou Ya very well. According to the original plot, King Dou Ya did seal Cong Yun Ya in a secret place and did not give it to anyone. In the shrine of the Wei family, a theatrical version of the plot of the sword of the world's overbearing took place.

Then Zuoji said again: "Now I am more and more curious about the natal sword you said, the four spirit teeth are already so powerful, but you still don't pay attention to them, so how strong will your natal demon knife be?" ? Really see it with my own eyes.”

Yang Jian smiled confidently, "There will be a chance, please taste it then."

"Then start refining your natal demon sword next?"

Yang Jian shook his head and said, "Wait a minute, it takes more thought to refine the natal demon sword, I have to recharge my energy and refine it in the best state, and I also need to wait for you to be fully resurrected to avoid any accidents." , By the way, the meteorite I am going to use to forge the natal demon sword, I have to go back to the half-demon city."

"That's good, this way, there will be enough time, and I will be able to help you more after my resurrection."


Next, Yang Jian prepared to refine his natal demon sword. Yang Jian carefully cleaned up the roaring furnace, removed all the vines and roots wrapped around it, and asked a few half-demons to help him clean the surrounding area. Refreshed and refreshed.

Taking advantage of the time, Yang Jian left Penglai Island alone and returned to the city of the half-demon. First, he visited his mother and younger brother. Then he returned to the castle and got the meteorite without disturbing anyone. Then he secretly checked the half-demon. The current situation of the city.

Yang Jian found that the foreign campaign of Banyao City was very smooth. At this time, the territory had expanded more than ten times than before. Izumo, Yanlong, and Yuenv fought steadily. Teach the residents of the captured land new planting methods, allocate land to them, and wait for those people to accept the rule of the half-demon city, hold a meeting and continue the conquest.

Seeing the performance of his subordinates, Yang Jian was very satisfied, so he left without saying hello to them, and returned to Penglai Island soon.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed. On this day, Yang Jian bathed and changed his clothes to keep himself in the best condition, and came to the melting pot of noise again with Zuo Ji.

At this time the sun was just rising, and the warm sunlight shone on the two of them, making their shadows longer.

At this time, Zuo Ji is no longer that kind of illusory and transparent soul, but a real body, and she has been resurrected.

After a few days of running-in, Zuo Ji's body has been fully mastered, and her eyesight has returned to its full potential. At this time, she looked at Yang Jian confidently and said, "I'm ready, I can start!"

Yang Jian nodded, took the red gourd from his waist, and patted it lightly, a black meteorite that was as tall as a person flew out of the gourd.

"Next, please!"

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