Sen Ran's spear pointed forward.

Cao Cao couldn't help his scalp tingling, because the Yangzhou army's heartbeat was the same, shocking.

Then, the cavalry hit hard.

Immediately, ghosts and wolves howled, and people turned on their backs.

Cao Cao didn't believe it at first, but then he gradually became stunned.

The infantry phalanx remained motionless!

The phalanx is too dense, almost people leaning on each other, leaving only some gaps as support points.

According to the current unit of measurement, each set of armor weighs about [-] catties!

Different types of arms have different armor weights, but the difference is not big.

As for the strong man who can serve as the front row, the armor is a hundred catties!

Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Saber only weighed eighty-two catties. A soldier might be injured by a single strike, but the armor would never be broken.

And the number of heavy infantry is [-], a total of [-] sets of armor!

The dense phalanx is the addition of these weights. Although there is some loss in the connection, it is definitely not something that light cavalry can break through.

Even if Zhang Xi's heavy cavalry came out, if it was a frontal assault, they would be on the spot with hatred.

Not to mention the light cavalry of flesh and blood?

The Heavy Step Battalion withstood the first round of attacks. Before they could do anything, the cavalry in the rear fell down one after another.

People crowded people, horses crowded horses, and some cavalrymen who fell from their horses were even more miserable, being trampled into meat paste alive.

The Allies were thrown off their feet.

The Yangzhou army was safe and sound.

Seeing this scene, Cao Cao's eyes bulged out.

"how can that be?"

Cavalry fights infantry, isn't the elder brother beating the younger brother?

Yangzhou infantry, so terrifying.

"This is no longer infantry in the traditional sense." Zhou Yu sighed, "Maybe it can be called heavy infantry."

However, it is meaningless to discuss this issue now.

The infantry phalanx withstood the first round of impact and completed the most difficult step.

Facing the continuous flood of cavalry, Liu Ke responded calmly.

At the beginning, they quickly gathered together and formed a dense square formation, like a wall full of spears and at the same time impenetrable, resisting the enemy's attack with the strength of the group.

Then came the moment of miracles.

The heavy infantry began to advance!

The crowd moved forward slowly with neat steps, crushing the enemy's bewildered cavalry under their feet.

Seeing that the forward attack was frustrated, the cavalry had already slowed down.

However, it was only slowed down, and the rear army was still squeezing the front army.

If they wait a little longer, they will definitely be able to adjust.

It's a pity that Liu Ke didn't give them this chance.

The advance of the heavy infantry made the disaster worse.

The cavalry was pushed back by the infantry, which is unique in history.

But it happened right in front of Cao Cao's eyes. Cao Cao had to accept the reality and said, "Order the cavalry to turn and retreat."

What the cavalry pays attention to is to go all out, and now that the momentum is gone, what else can they do?

We can only retreat and regroup.

However, when the cavalry stopped, Liu Ke was no longer satisfied with the current advancing speed.

"Modao team, step forward and open the way!"

The cavalry who stopped were just lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

The Modao team lined up in a long line, and the team moved forward neatly, advancing like a city wall.

If people and horses stop you, you can cut the people and horses into two pieces with one knife.

Even after being battle-tested, such a bloody scene still shocks people's hearts.

The Modao team opened and closed, and went forward indomitably.

"My subordinates are so strong?" Xu Chu questioned his heart.

In such a short while, at least [-] cavalry died on the battlefield.

How long has it been since?

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