Cao Hong and Cheng Pu did not act recklessly, but chose to take care of the wounded.The six of them gathered together again, how could they still be as energetic as before?

Under the leadership of Sun Ce, they broke through the phalanx of the heavy infantry with great strength.

However, now Liu Ke swept him away with a single shot.

It is unacceptable.

"My lord is invincible!" shouted the soldiers of the Chongbu Battalion, and their morale, which was originally stable, rose instantly.

With such a master, how could he fail!

Sun Ce hated him so much that the six of them went out to fight, but they couldn't do anything to the Marquis of Dongyang!

Is Dongyang Hou already this scary?

"If you want to be distracted from fighting me, aren't you afraid of death?" Xu Chu shouted loudly.

The two have played against each other for more than a hundred rounds, and so far there is no winner.

Sun Ce was speechless. How could this rough guy have the face to say it?Isn't he also worried about his master.

Sun Ce intended to get rid of Xu Chu's entanglement, but the latter did not give him a chance.

The two continued to fight each other until it was dark.

On the other side, six people gathered together, except for Cao Zhen who was seriously injured, the other three were fine.

Whoever is harmless is embarrassed.

Cao Hong was very embarrassed, because at a critical moment, he got off his horse and went to take care of Cao Zhen.

Cheng Pu also blushed, he was still old after all.

"You kid, you can throw weapons even in a one-on-one match, that's amazing." Wei Yan mocked.

Pan Zhang's face was gloomy, he was already aggrieved after being injured by Dongyang Hou, and now he still has to look at your face?

"Hmph, who knew you could react so slowly!"

"Alright!" Wei Yan laughed back angrily, "What you said really makes sense!"

"Okay, stop arguing!" Cheng Pu scolded angrily.

Pan Zhang and Wei Yan are both in the same camp, and Cheng Pu has the oldest qualifications, so they have to sell his face.

It was precisely because of this that Wei Yan was very dissatisfied.

Although Sun Bofu is powerful, what are the generals under his command?

Old men like Huang Gai and Cheng Pu should have retired a long time ago, and they insisted on occupying important positions and would not let go.

It's no wonder that Jingzhou can develop.

The reason why Liu Ke didn't pursue the victory was because he had more important things to do.


The battle situation has been corrupted.

However, there is no chance.

"Order the army to gather and move closer," Liu Ke said.

Liu Ke has just demonstrated his unparalleled force, and many people have seen it.


So it is not a difficult thing to reunite the army at this moment.

Oh oh oh!

The rallying horn sounded.

Since the start of the war, it has lasted for three hours.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The fight so far has exceeded everyone's expectations.

The Allied forces suffered heavy losses, and the Yangzhou army was exhausted.

"Sun Bofu, you are amazing, but you are still too young to beat me." Xu Chu said, even taunting him so directly.

Sun Ce was speechless. Seeing the heavy infantry assembled in an orderly manner, he sighed secretly, retracted his gun and retreated calmly.

Xu Chu didn't pursue, because he was not in a good state at the moment, and he was on par with Sun Ce, so he continued to fight, but there was no good result.

Sun Ce retreated, which meant that the beheading operation failed.In order to carry out this plan, the Allied Forces sent out six generals, including Sun Ce, seven people, and countless followers.

It still failed.

But Tai Shici was still trying to charge forward, but unfortunately there were too many guards around Cao Cao, and he couldn't do anything.

"Your Excellency, there is no need to waste your efforts. If the loss is here, the Marquis of Dongyang will go crazy and seek revenge on me?" Cao Cao said calmly.

In fact, Cao Cao was also afraid of Tai Shici's sudden explosion, so he wanted him to retreat in spite of the difficulties, after all, there was no general around him at the moment.

How could it be so simple to take the head of an enemy general out of thousands of troops?

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