Although Zhang Liao did not take Luoyang, he posed a great threat to Cao Cao's food supply.

What bad luck!

Cao Cao was deeply moved.

If it weren't for the fact that the Runan battle had just ended and the morale of the army was unstable, Cao Cao would have led the army to besiege Zhang Liao long ago.

It's a pity that I can't move now!

Cao Cao had to modify the transportation route, and the grain had to pass through Bingzhou before it could be transported to Chenliu.

It was a lot of trouble to cross the river.

Cao Cao was very proud at first, and told Yuan Shao that if there was a shortage of food, just say so, and he would support it a little.

Now that promise is probably void.

Cao Cao suddenly realized that even with Yuan Shao's full support, he couldn't do anything.

"Meng De, you are still too impulsive." Yuan Shao sighed, the morale of the allied army was destroyed by the first battle.

"I was careless." Cao Cao said.

"If I had known earlier, I should have waited and watched for a while, so that you would not be impulsive." Yuan Shao said.

"..." Cao Cao didn't know what to say.

This time Yuan Shao's support was nothing to complain about.There are a total of [-] troops and [-] support.

Yan Liangwen Chou also lost some.

"Meng De, what are your plans next?" Yuan Shao asked.

Cao Cao was directly questioned, of course he knew Yuan Shao's plan.

Yuan Shao didn't hide anything either, and said, "If I'm sticking to it, to be honest, I can't stay in Yanzhou for a long time. I have already withdrawn all the soldiers and horses in Jizhou. Once I am raided, the consequences will be disastrous."

It's okay if you're not here, the soldiers and horses stay...

Cao Cao wanted to say this very much, but unfortunately he didn't dare to say it. Now that his strength has been damaged, he can only rely on his allies more, and he can't offend Yuan Shao at this time.

"I also understand Benchu's situation. Can I guard it for a month, and then decide to stay at Benchu?" Cao Cao said.

If Dongyang Hou does not attack for a month, Cao Cao is sure to get out of the predicament.

Yuan Shao fell into contemplation. One month is indeed more appropriate. Cao Cao speaks through his brain.

"Okay." Yuan Shao agreed.

Cao Cao was overjoyed and held a banquet to drink with Yuan Shao to celebrate his "big victory".

Unfortunately, it turns out that Cao Cao's so-called one-month declaration is not reliable at all.

After Liu Ke stabilized Runan, he left Xu Chu and his Chongbu Battalion to guard, and then returned to the main battlefield.

Gan Ning's Chishui Army is still active in the Yangtze River Basin, making sure that there is nothing wrong with it.

"Congratulations to the lord on his return from victory!" Zhao Yun and others said in unison.

"You don't need to be too polite." Liu Ke said.

After everyone was seated, Liu Ke went straight in and said, "Next, we are going to push Chenliu County."

"My lord, is the battle going to start?" Lu Bu asked excitedly.

The main battlefield was too quiet, and it was difficult to encounter any friction. Lu Bu couldn't hold back for a long time.

"No, we are just responsible for containment." Liu Ke said.

Hearing this sentence, Lu Bu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Xu Shu had already vaguely guessed, and Liu Ke's next words verified Xu Shu's guess.

"Liaodong came to report that the army has already begun to attack Youzhou. It is enough to delay Yuan Shao's return to help." Liu Ke explained.

"I'm afraid that Yuan Shao will return to the army regardless of the overall situation." Xu Shu thought.

"Then attack Chen Liu directly." Liu Ke made up his mind.

"Yuan Shao will definitely go back, hahaha!" Lu Bu laughed, wishing Yuan Shao would leave quickly.

It seems really suffocated.

Liu Ke is also considering the current situation. If Chen Deng succeeds, Yuan Shao will definitely be in chaos.

In the meantime, how can they expand their advantage?

In the next few days, Chen Liu remained calm. Cao Cao recalled Xiahou Dun and gave up Taishan County directly.

Xiahou Dun was very reluctant, he didn't want to take advantage of Dian Wei.

But the military order is hard to break.

After Xiahoudun left, Dianwei went down to Zhucheng like a broken bamboo.Trying hard, maybe we can cut off the connection between Jizhou and Yanzhou.

After Yuan Shao heard the news, his face was very ugly. Cao Mengde, did you do this on purpose?

In order not to let me go back, I acted like this!

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