After all, he also ordered people to draw two "God Statues" of Huangfusong, and hung them at the gate of the camp, and the prisoners stopped for a while.

This matter was passed as a joke for a while.

"My lord, aren't you afraid that Huangfusong will trouble you?" Guo Jia laughed.

"General Huangfu shocked Xiaoxiao, this is the blessing of the great man!" Liu Ke said.

The two looked at each other, clapped their hands and laughed.

Then, the subordinates came down to report that Zhao Yun, Gongsun Zan's subordinate, came to visit.

In the last battle of Guangzong, the two met in a hurry and did not talk deeply.

Gongsun Zan thought he was not helping, so he voluntarily gave up his nomination in the battle report, and then went straight to Xia Quyang.

Zhao Yun also went to Quyang, but Huangfusong was grateful for Liu Ke's hard work and kept him in Guangzong.The two never had a chance to meet.

Zhao Yun, who had been thinking about this all the time, asked for leave immediately after the Battle of Xia Quyang ended and came here.

"Inspector Liu, I'm Zhao Zilong." Zhao Yun clasped his fists and said.

Liu Ke nodded in return and repeated Zhao Yu's experience.

"That day, your father was critically ill, and Zhao Yu couldn't eat enough, so he couldn't seek medical treatment. He happened to meet him by chance, so he gave a helping hand..."

After Zhao Yun heard it, he immediately knelt down and said, "Thank you benefactor!"

"Please get up quickly!" Liu Ke stretched out his hand to help, not because he was pretentious, but because he really couldn't bear the heavy courtesy of the ancients.

Moved by Liu Ke's sincerity, Zhao Yun stood up, took out a jade pendant from his bosom, and said, "This is not Yu'er's personal belonging...I thought there was little hope, but I didn't expect it to be her...Thank you God bless."

Not personal?

Liu Ke suddenly had a feeling of being fooled, and after thinking about it, he understood.At that time, Zhao Yu was poor and destitute. With such a valuable thing, he must have exchanged it for food or medicine.

Go back and let her raise her for a few years before giving it to me, that's the decision.

Although it is not a close-fitting item, but with the word "rain", there is no need to say what it represents.

Zhao Yun's eyes flickered involuntarily.

He has been practicing martial arts with his master since he was a child, and he has been on the mountain for more than ten years, and occasionally goes home, but his attention to home is not enough.

This also resulted in the displacement of his father and sister, which he was completely unaware of.When he returned to that home again, the whole village had been bloodbathed by bandits.

Liu Ke knew that now was the critical moment, if he couldn't impress Zhao Yun, he would miss this fierce general.So, facing Zhao Yun's puzzled gaze, he said:

"That day, I took Yu'er home. After she was washed and exchanged for a reward, she looked gorgeous. I was a little bit thoughtful and lied that she was her brother's friend..."

The corner of Zhao Yun's mouth twitched. He had a good impression of Liu Ke, and even once thought that a gentleman was talking about Liu Dingfang!

Unexpectedly, he also has such a nasty side...

"Zilong don't worry, Yu'er has traveled all over the world and knows all kinds of people's ways of life, so how could she be easily deceived?" Liu Ke said.

It's not good to call Zhao Yu stupid at this time... After all, she was poor and white at the time, and she didn't know that it was her who was being plotted by others.

Sure enough, Zhao Yun breathed a sigh of relief. If his sister followed her voluntarily, he wouldn't say anything. If it was cheating... he would ask the spear in his hand whether he would agree or not.

"Even though she was uneasy, she still agreed to stay. After all, she has nowhere to go and her father is not in good health."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun felt a twinge in his heart, not everyone is a big dog like Liu Ke.What's more, Liu Ke is not bad... so it's not surprising that this jade pendant appeared on him.

However, the belated sense of responsibility made Zhao Yun think that his sister was still wronged.

"Zhao Yu said that as long as her eldest brother is found, the matter will be settled. Can Zilong be wronged and serve in our army?" Liu Ke said earnestly.

He didn't force it!

Zhao Yun admired him very much.

What is Zhao Yu's identity?Zuo Zuo is just a pretty country girl with a promising older brother.

But what is that little promise... This one in front of me is the official worship governor of Yangzhou, the nephew recognized by the current emperor!

"General Gongsun has been kind to me..." Zhao Yun sighed, and it would be a lie to say that he was not moved.

"Is General Gongsun a man of bad marriage? I leave it to you to handle the matter of filial piety!" Liu Ke said.

"Come on!" Guo Jia smiled brightly, and there was another good wine to drink.

Afterwards, the whole process became Zhao Yun's reception banquet, and everyone ate and drank till dawn.

The next day, Liu Ke received the task settlement from the system.

"Host: Liu Ke"

"Age: 25"

"Identity: Governor of Yangzhou, nephew of Emperor Ling"

"Acquired Items: Intermediate Gift Pack"

Liu Ke couldn't wait to open the gift bag:

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill book of all weapons proficiency +1!"

His riding skills were immediately promoted to the middle level, his bow skills were also at the middle level, his spear skills were even at the high level, and the rest of his skills were all improved.

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