"It's a pity that Sima Zhongda, who is well-known for his knowledge, didn't stay in Yangzhou to serve," Liu Ke said.

"Marquis Dongyang, you are joking, you have so many talents under your command, how could you use someone like me? Look at Guo Fengxiao and Zhuge Kongming beside you, which one is not a genius in the world? There are even Pang Shiyuan, Jia Wenhe..." Sima Yi gushed Unceasingly, I praised everyone again.

It's a pity that Liu Ke doesn't take his top hat.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

Sima Yi didn't beat around the bush, and said:

"As long as the Marquis of Dongyang retreats, my lord is willing to pay any price."

This is to blow out the cowhide first, and then bargain.

any price?

At first glance, it is very false.

But it looks generous.

"Meng De can give me whatever I want, it depends on whether he is willing or not." Liu Ke said.

"The Marquis of Dongyang really speaks quickly," Sima Yi said.

"Meng De wants peace, so he can give [-] million gold every year, and hand it in once every year of peace. As the defeated party, Cao Cao's army needs to give [-] million gold, which is not included in the annual tribute. " Liu Ke said.

As expected, Dongyang Hou will open his mouth like a lion!

Cao Cao can take it out, but is the army not supporting it?Don't you need to develop other aspects?

Sima Yi was very embarrassed and said, "Ten million gold per year."

"I don't accept bargaining." Liu Ke said.

"I need to report this matter to my lord, and please allow the Marquis of Dongyang a few days." Sima Yi said.

Anyway, the barracks on both sides are so close, Liu Ke did not refuse.

"The second condition is that Meng De declares to the world that Yuan Benchu ​​broke the covenant and returned to Jizhou. The two families cut off all relations and shall not have any further contact." Liu Ke said.

Sima Yi's face turned green. This condition was more difficult than the first one.

If you understand it literally, Sima Yi can agree on the spot without saying a word.But behind the words, there is an astonishing intention hidden.

That is, Dongyanghou is going to attack Jizhou!

Regardless of the relationship between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, if Dongyang Hou's power continues to expand.

The situation of Cao Cao's army became more dangerous as time passed.

"Marquis of Dongyang!" Sima Yi still wanted to fight, but Liu Ke ruthlessly interrupted him.

"This is my condition, can you agree?"

Sima Yi hesitated.

Now that Yangzhou occupies an absolute advantage, Sima Yi dare not speak loudly.

"If you can't agree to the two conditions, then keep the status quo and don't mention the peace talks." Liu Ke said.

Sima Yi cupped his hands and said, "Prime Minister represents the imperial court, and I ask the Marquis of Dongyang to save some face."

Since hard power is not enough, then come soft.

Against the imperial court, the reputation is not good, right?

"As long as you agree to my two conditions, you can declare to the outside world that I am defeated." Liu Ke said.

Sima Yi didn't know what to say.

That's not the way to save face... I just want to change the conditions!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sima Yi returned to Chenliu and reported to Cao Cao.

"The Marquis of Dongyang agreed?" Cao Cao asked, very eager in his heart, but he didn't show it.

"The Marquis of Dongyang put forward two conditions..." Sima Yi replied categorically.

Cao Cao fell silent after hearing this.His intelligence is beyond ordinary people, so how could he not hear the meaning behind Liu Ke's words.

This is to sell Yuan Shao!

Cao Cao covered his temples, as if he had suffered from gout again.

"Prime Minister! Invite the Imperial Physician!" Sima Yi shouted.

"No need, it's just labor pain." Cao Cao waved his hands.

Hearing this sentence, Sima Yi already knew the answer, cupped his hands and said, "Prime Minister, this is a last resort."

"I know." Cao Cao said helplessly, he didn't want to be a victim.

Why protect Sun Ce and Yuan Shao from the wind and rain?

Cao Cao thought that he had done his best.

Since we want to choose a victim, why can't it be Yuan Shao?

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