Ma Teng is a descendant of Ma Yuan, a famous general in the Eastern Han Dynasty. By the time of his generation, he no longer had the shadow of his ancestors.

However, tutoring has not been left behind.

Ma Teng's father was poor, so he married a Qiang girl and gave birth to Ma Teng.Ma Teng grew up poor and had no resources to rely on, so he developed a resolute character.

This point also has a great impact on Ma Chao.

When Ma Chao was born in 176, Ma Teng hadn't made a fortune yet, and was still "poor and without industry. He often cut wood from Zhangshan Mountain and sold it to the city for self-supply."

Simply put, it is to chop firewood and sell it to support the family.

"Father, let's go back to Liangzhou." Ma Chao said excitedly.

However, Ma Teng poured cold water on him and said, "The great cause has not been accomplished, so I dare not leave Chang'an lightly."

"Father, Chang'an is a dangerous place. If you failed to save Emperor Xian this time, Bandit Cao must be wary. What's the use of you staying in Chang'an under the current situation?" Ma Chao's tone was a little offensive under his impatience.

But Ma Teng didn't take it seriously, and said: "The Han Dynasty is not prosperous, so what's the use of returning to Liangzhou?"

Ma Teng made his fortune in the first year of Zhongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty. The Yellow Turban Uprising broke out in this year.

Among them, Han Sui was the biggest rebel, who once led the rebels to fight near Chang'an.

The famous generals Huangfusong, Dong Zhuo, and Sun Jian at that time all participated in the crusade against this rebellion.

Although repelling the rebels' invasion of Chang'an, they could not completely wipe out the rebels in Longxi.

At that time Zhang Jiao was the number one enemy of the imperial court.

Therefore, the imperial court allowed the governor of Longxi to organize an army to wipe out the rebels.

Like Liu Bei and others who joined the army to destroy the Yellow Turbans, Ma Teng also joined the army at this time. Because of his bravery in combat, he was favored by Geng Bi, the governor of Liangzhou, and was constantly promoted.

Ma Teng's luck is very good!

Geng Bi was killed on the way to attack Han Sui, and most of the prefects and counties died in battle.

Ma Teng became the spokesperson of the government in Liangzhou, with military power in his hands.

Dissatisfied with what Shi Changshi did, Ma Teng began to listen to the tune and not to the announcement, and later rebelled directly, forming an alliance with Han Sui, and controlling Liangzhou.

However, for the Han Dynasty, Ma Teng is still very affectionate.

When Cao Cao sent Zhong Yao to Liangzhou to recruit security, Ma Teng agreed.

Later Ma Teng discovered that the imperial court was different from what he had imagined.

Since Cao Cao took Emperor Xian under his control, "holding the emperor to order the princes", he has been rampantly authorizing power, and he has never paid attention to the emperor.

When Xu Tian was hunting, Cao Cao even presumptuously used the emperor's special imperial arrows, and after shooting the prey, he stood up in front of the emperor and openly accepted the title of "long live" from the officials.

Ma Teng was disappointed.

Later, Dong Cheng accepted the entrustment of Emperor Xian and wanted to deal with Cao Cao, but he was alone, with no soldiers or power, and could do nothing.

Ma Teng is a great official in the frontier with a heavy army in his hand. If he can be recruited into the gang, then the possibility of killing Cao Cao will be great.

After a series of trials, Ma Teng joined Dong Cheng's camp to assist Emperor Xian in taking power.

After Dong Chengshen died, Ma Teng did not give up and became one of the ministers closest to Emperor Xian.

Gradually, Emperor Xian often complained to Ma Teng, and Ma Teng felt aggrieved and his blood boiled at the same time.

If Cao Cao can be eliminated and the emperor supported, the Ma family will definitely be able to reach a higher level.

Although Ma Teng has half of the Qiang blood, he was educated by the Han people, and the concept of loyalty to the emperor is deeply rooted.

Later, Ma Teng discovered that it was impossible to get rid of Cao Cao. Even in Chang'an, Cao Cao had hundreds of guards every time he traveled.

Only then did he change his mind and rescue Emperor Xian from Chang'an.

One of the reasons why Ma Teng refused to leave was that he had a very deep relationship with Emperor Xian. After contacting him during this period, he has become a confidant.

However, Ma Chao couldn't understand, and said, "Father, Liangzhou is our foundation!"

"Meng Qi, Liangzhou will be handed over to you in the future." Ma Teng said.

"But father, Han Sui is aggressive, and he can't do without you!" Ma Chao said.

When Ma Teng was an official of Liangzhou, he was an enemy of Han Sui, and later rebelled. He and Han Sui became brothers, and the two jointly controlled Liangzhou.

Later, Ma Teng became an official in the court, and Han Sui flirted with Cao Cao.

After Liangzhou temporarily settled down, the relationship between the two families broke down.

In order to compete for the position of the leader of Liangzhou, there are constant skirmishes.

"Han Sui is just a minor illness. I believe you will be able to handle it well," Ma Teng said.

Ma Chao sighed. During this period of time, he worked hard to save his father, and gave up some benefits in order to stabilize Han Sui.

Now it turned out to be such a result, which is unacceptable.

"Meng Qi, as long as you are strong enough, Cao Cao will not dare to harm me." Ma Teng said.

"Father, I will definitely do it." Ma Chao said.

"If Cao Mengde threatens my life, remember not to agree." Ma Teng urged.

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