A hero does not suffer from immediate losses, let alone Lu Bu is not the only one.

Gao Shun is also ready to move.

Tibetan Pa tactfully withdrew from the competition.

"My lord, my subordinates are willing to go!" Gao Shun begged.

Gao Shun was the first group of generals to follow Liu Ke. He was extremely brave in the early battles and won Liu Ke's respect.

It's just that later, with more and more generals, Gao Shun's chances to fight became less and less.

Lu Bu also stood up and said, "My lord, I am willing to be the pioneer!"

Liu can see the situation, it's really hard to make a decision.

"My lord, let Lu Bu cross the sea, and Gao Shun be the vanguard." Guo Jia suggested.

After Liu Kelue thought about it, he understood Guo Jia's meaning. Attacking from the sea requires a mobile force, and Lu Bu's cavalry is the most suitable.

And Gao Shun's trapped camp is more proficient in battle formation, which can buy time for the troops.

"Just do it like this." Liu Ke said with a final word.

Gao Shun is also very satisfied with this result, after all, what he wants is only the chance to play.

"Obey!" Gao Shun said.

Gao Shun agreed, and of course no one would object.

As for why Gao Shun and Lu Bu were not sent to the expedition together, the reason is very simple. Lu Bu's style focuses on attacking aggressively, while Gao Shun is attacking while defending, playing steadily.

Due to limited transportation capacity, Lu Bu only led an army of [-] to the expedition, and Ding Feng's Bohai Fleet was responsible for transporting troops.

"I'm sorry, General Ding," Lu Bu said.

"General Lu, you are being polite. Don't dare to disobey my lord's order." Ding Feng said.

Lu Bu's landing was very smooth. After all, Yuan Shao had no navy and could not stop him at all.

Similarly, it is impossible for Yuan Shao to deploy heavy troops on the coastline, because the coastline is too long to be defended at all.

Can only send people to monitor.

Fortunately, the scouts in Jizhou were not blind. They had already seen countless large ships and reported to Yuan Shao.

Lu Bu's task was to create opportunities for the army to cross the river, so he did not attack Bohai County, where Yuan Shao made his fortune, but Leling County.

Leling County is adjacent to Qingzhou and across the Yellow River. It is one of Liu Ke's planned river crossing locations.

Yuan Shao was shocked when he learned that Lu Bu's [-] troops had entered Leling County, because he did not expect that Liu Ke's speed would be so fast.

"The Marquis of Dongyang has already sent a large army into Leling County. Leling cannot tolerate any loss. Please tell me how to deal with it," Yuan Shao said.

"My lord, you can mobilize the army to enter Leling County." Xu You said.

Isn't it a simple matter for one hundred thousand people to fight against thirty thousand people.

However, how can combat only compete in quantity.

Thirty thousand Yangzhou troops are enough for Yuan Shao to have a headache.

"The judging army cannot move, otherwise the Dongyang Marquis crossing the river will be even more difficult to resist. I am afraid that Lu Bu's appearance is to facilitate the Dongyang Marquis crossing the river. If he mobilizes the judging army at this time, wouldn't he fall into the trap of the Dongyang Marquis?" Yuan Shaodao said .

"My lord is right." Tian Feng said.

But Lu Bu couldn't ignore it, so he could only transfer troops from the base camp.

Yuan Shao sits in the center and still has [-] troops, which can be flexibly mobilized.

"My lord, give me a soldier and horse, and it will be easy to expel Lu Bu." Gao Gan volunteered.

Yuan Shao knew that Gao Gan was brave in battle, but he still wanted to test him, saying, "What are your plans?"

"It was a step too late for our army to transfer troops from the base camp. However, my subordinates decided that Lu Bu would not go north to the North Sea, but would go west to contain the assigned camp. Therefore, as long as we lay an ambush on the road we must pass, It will definitely solve Lu Bu's hidden danger," Gao Gan said.

Nice plan!

Yuan Shao also thought so.

"General Gao is brave and resourceful, and he is the most suitable coach." Tian Feng also praised him.

"Okay! The high-ranking officials listen to the order. You immediately lead an army of [-] to Leling." Yuan Shao said.

"My lord, [-] troops are enough, why do we need [-]?" Gao Gan said.

Since it is an ambush, it is normal to fight more with less.What's more, for the sake of safety, senior officials applied to bring [-] horses.

"Don't underestimate the enemy. Lu Fengxian's courage to win the three armies is not something ordinary people can compete with." Yuan Shao said.

"My lord, we are using resourcefulness, and we won't confront Lu Bu head-on." Gao Gan said.

It's a pity that Yuan Shao still allocated [-] troops to the high-ranking cadres for the sake of prudence, otherwise he would not be at ease at all.

"Although I have many soldiers in Jizhou, I can't take risks casually. It is reasonable to fight more and fight less to quickly resolve the battle. Besides, this is the first battle, which is of great significance. We can only win but not lose." Yuan Shao said.

"Yes, my lord!" Gao Gan clasped his fists and said.

"Remember not to take it lightly." Yuan Shao urged.

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