"My lord..." Gao Lan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yuan Shao.

"The top priority now is to recover the lost ground!"

At the thought of regaining the lost ground, Yuan Shao's eyes lit up.

What is lost will come back!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Marquis of Dongyang has already retreated, and now he has regained the lost ground without the slightest difficulty.

It can be said that this is the credit for picking up in vain.

Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and Yuan Shang were eager to make a move, wishing they could raise a troop and set off immediately.

"My lord, do you want to wait any longer? Let's see what the Marquis of Dongyang has planned." Tian Feng said cautiously.

"Lord Tian's words are wrong. The Marquis of Dongyang has already withdrawn his troops, and half of the army has already crossed the river. Based on the efficiency of news transmission, the Yangzhou army may have returned to Qingzhou." Yuan Shang said.

Yuan Tan was not to be outdone, and continued: "Before we lost many cities, and the morale of the army was in turmoil. If we can regain it now, not only will my father's reputation not be damaged, but it will go a step further."

Yuan Xi was more straightforward and said: "I also ask my father to give my son fifty thousand soldiers and horses to redeem my merits. No matter what plots and tricks Dongyang Hou has, my son will bear it all!"

That is to say, Yuan Xi is willing to put himself to the test of danger to explore the way for Yuan Shao.

If there is a loss, it is the loss of Yuan Xi alone and part of the army, which is harmless to the overall situation.

Yuan Xizheng was worried about losing Youzhou before, and he didn't know how to get it back. Now the opportunity is in front of him, how could he not grasp it!


Yuan Tan was very disdainful, but in the end Yuan Xi took the lead.

Seeing his sons scrambling to be the first, Yuan Shao was also very pleased.

"Who said the Yuan family dare not fight? It's just that the time has not come yet."

Now is the time!

Yuan Shao finalized the matter with one sentence.

Send troops to regain lost ground!

"Send my military order!" Yuan Shao's voice was like a bell.

Everyone sat upright and looked at Yuan Shao with firm eyes.

"Yuan Tan commanded an army of [-] to recover Bohai County!" Yuan Shao said.

Yuan Tan took a step forward, respectfully and solemnly said: "The last general takes orders!"

To be on the safe side, Yuan Shao asked Guo Tu to assist Yuan Tan, and Guo Tu couldn't ask for it.

"Yuan Xi commanded an army of [-] to recover Leling County!" Yuan Shao said.

Yuan Xi was overjoyed, this is an army of one hundred thousand!

Sure enough, his first speech still played a role.

Considering that Leling County is close to Dongyang Houdu River, Yuan Shaoduo explained, "First wait and see in Pingyuan County, and remember not to act rashly."

Yuan Xi was stunned for a while, if he didn't take advantage of Dongyang Hou's retreat and recover the lost ground all the way, he still had to wait?

But Yuan Xi didn't dare to disobey, and quickly said yes.

Yuan Shao felt that it was not safe, so he asked Ju Shou and Tian Feng to assist Yuan Xi.

"Yuan Shang commanded an army of [-] to recover Anping County!" Yuan Shao said.

Anping County is the closest to Wei County. It can be said that Yuan Shao prefers Yuan Shang and assigns him the safest task.

However, Yuan Shang is not satisfied, because this means that his contribution will be reduced.

Feng Ji and Shen Pei, as Yuan Shang's supporters, will also follow him.

After the arrangement, Yuan Shao also breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuan Shao asked the minister to step down, leaving his three sons alone, saying:

"I ask you to do one thing, don't ask for merit, but seek no faults. No faults are meritorious!"

For the three people who are eager to do meritorious service, this sentence is very unpleasant, and Yuan Shao also knows this.

Too cautious!

But there is no way, the Yangzhou Army put too much pressure on him, and so far there is no news that Dongyanghou has passed away.

Therefore, Yuan Shao decided that while recovering one or two counties is inspiring, he must also proceed with caution.

Anyway, the county city is here, and I can't run away.

As long as the Yangzhou Army really retreats, everything will be fine.

"Father, the child must obey your arrangement!" Yuan Shangdao, anyway, his goal is Anping County, and he will arrive as soon as he leaves Wei County, so he agreed very readily.

Yuan Xi is just as constipated, it's all credit!

It wasn't until Yuan Shao glared at him that Yuan Xi nodded in agreement.

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