In other words, under Fengji's plan, Yuan Shao won Jizhou.

Later, another faction was added to Yuan Shao's camp, that is, the Ruying faction.

These people were all Han Fu's subordinates, and after Han Fu gave up Jizhou, they all surrendered to Yuan Shao.

And Han Fu is one of the representatives of Yingchuan's four major families, and most of his subordinates are from Yingchuan, such as Chunyuqiong, Guo Tu, Xun Chen, Xin Pi, Xin Ping and so on.

After a long struggle, Yuan Shao stabilized the situation in Jizhou, and one of the factions contributed a lot.

That is the Hebei faction. They are all local gentry from Jizhou and Youzhou.

There are many factions within Yuan Shaojun, fighting endlessly and tearing each other down.In the face of such a powerful threat as Liu Ke, of course they will be united.

But when the danger recedes, the factional rivalry becomes apparent.

Unfortunately, Yuan Shao didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.He mediates in the middle, everyone does give him face, and Yuan Shao's prestige is enough to suppress Jizhou.

However, in terms of heirs, Yuan Shao was a bit conniving.He loves the youngest son Yuan Shang the most, and wants his youngest son to take over. For this, he has made a lot of preparations.

The first action was to kick Yuan Xi to Youzhou. If it wasn't for the lack of territory, Yuan Tan might be kicked out too.

The Nanyang Party knew Yuan Shao best, so they supported Yuan Shang one after another.

Guo Tu, Xin Ping and others who came from Ying Chuan were at odds with Feng Ji, and Han Fu's death had a lot to do with this old Yin.

Once Yuan Shang succeeds to the throne, Feng Ji will be more powerful, will they still be alive then?

Therefore, they supported Yuan Tan one after another, playing the banner of "establishing the elders but not the young".

As for Yuan Xi, he was the key figure introduced by Yuan Shao to appease the hearts of the people in Hebei, including the marriage with the Zhen family in Hebei.

If the Hebei faction does not support him, who else can they support?

It's just that a little accident happened later, the marriage failed, which caused Yuan Xi to lose power.

Speaking of which, this is still due to Liu Ke.

The faction's struggle caused Yuan Shao's army to disperse. Now that the crisis is over, everyone can't hold back anymore.

The first point of performance is to grab credit!

Yuan Shang's contribution is already great enough, so he sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

In order to regain the Bohai Sea, Yuan Tan traveled hundreds of miles a day, driving the soldiers like livestock, and finally conveyed the good news to Yuan Shao.

Yuan Xi can't wait any longer, if he doesn't take down Leling again, won't it make people gossip?

There are [-] troops in the air, doing nothing in Pingyuan County.

Can't stand it!

Yuan Xi won Leling, creating the best opportunity for Liu Ke.

"My lord, the army is ready." Zhao Yun said.

"Okay, the whole army goes out!" Liu Ke gave an order, and the [-] elites who had been prepared earlier crossed the river first.

After a few round trips, everyone is familiar with crossing the river, and the efficiency is three points faster.

The Jizhou scouts on the other side of the river gasped when they saw the scene in front of them.

Dongyanghou turned out to be pretending to retreat!

This news must be conveyed, otherwise Jizhou will be doomed.

However, before the scout could leave quietly, Huang Zhong took his life with one arrow.

Liu Ke had already arranged manpower, lurking, just for this moment.

Huang Zhong eliminated a total of five hidden sentries, which were all the forces Yuan Xi deployed here, and none of them escaped.

The moment Liu Ke landed, Huang Zhong was standing there, clasped his fists and said:

"Fortunately not humiliated!"

"The old general has worked hard!" Liu Ke said.

Huang Zhong's action bought Liu Ke more than half a day.

There are unique contact methods between scouts. For example, every two hours, send someone to report the situation to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Now Huang Zhong pulls out a few secret whistles with the momentum of a thunderbolt, which will definitely alarm other Jizhou scouts.

Therefore, there is not much time left for Liu Ke.

Liu Ke's first target, of course, was Yuan Xi's [-] troops.

Leling County is the closest to Qingzhou, so it is easy to surprise attack.

When all the [-] troops crossed the river, Liu Ke went straight to Leling County without stopping.

But Yuan Xi was not prepared at all, and even prepared a banquet in the barracks to celebrate the recovery of Leling County.

That night, the Yangzhou army caught up with Yuan Xi's army, and under Liu Ke's command, attacked Yuan Xi's camp.

How could this kind of temporary camp resist the Yangzhou army's attack? Lu Bu took the lead and broke through the gate of the camp. The cavalry rushed out, killing people and setting fire everywhere.

Yuan Xi was halfway through drinking, when he suddenly heard the sound of killing, he broke out in a cold sweat, and asked quickly, "What happened?"

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