If Simpi is unwilling, Shenrong will not force him to stay.

My lord will definitely understand!

"It's my honor to surrender to Marquis Dongyang, it's just a drag on my family." Xin Pi said.

If it wasn't for worrying about the safety of his family, Simpi would also want to surrender directly. However, he has too many things to consider.

"That's such a pity." Shen Rong said.

"I don't have military power in the city, so I can't help the Marquis of Dongyang, but there is one thing, please tell the Marquis of Dongyang." Simpi said mysteriously.

Xin Pi whispered a few words in Shen Rong's ear, and Shen Rong's complexion suddenly turned pale.

"George, this is a great achievement!" Shen Rong said, no wonder Simpi came out in person, letters alone might not be enough to win people's trust.

"This is a nomination certificate, and I would like to ask Brother Shen to say a few words in front of Dongyang Hou." Simpi said.

"Definitely!" Shen Rong agreed.

Although Simpi did not surrender immediately, but tonight was not without gains.

"I can't leave for too long, so I'm leaving now," Simpi said.

"Take care, George!" Shen Rong clapped his hands.

Seeing that Xin Pi had safely returned to the city, Shen Rong's expression became solemn, and he hurried back to the Yangzhou military camp.

Seeing Shen Rong coming back alone, Zhen Yao was a little surprised and said, "Failed?"

"No, it's half the battle." Shen Rong said.

Next, Shen Rong begged to see Liu Ke overnight.

"My lord!" Shen Rong saluted.

"Have you gained anything from this trip?" Liu Ke asked without any sense of fatigue.

Shen Rong even had a feeling that the lord was not asleep, but was waiting for the news, so he couldn't help being moved, but also grateful.

Also, tonight is not without gains.

Shen Rong reported the incident to Liu Ke, and said: "My lord, Guo Tu offered Yuan Shao a poisonous plan to dig the water of the Zhang River in an attempt to drown our army."

Yuan Shao would never have imagined that Liu Ke would know about the brilliant idea he had just got.

This is no small matter.

Liu Ke took the map of the camp and heaved a sigh of relief. The camp was so high that even the water from the excavation couldn't submerge them.

The siege troops are only threatened when they are besieging a city.

Fortunately, I got the news in advance, otherwise I will attack the city rashly, I am afraid that I will lose troops and generals.

"This news is very important." Liu Ke affirmed Shen Rong's achievements.

"This was revealed by Simpi to his subordinates." Shen Rong didn't take the credit, and Simpi needed it more than him.

Otherwise, when the city is broken, it will be hard to say what will happen to the Xin family.

Even if Liu Ke is kind, the Xin family will decline because of it.

With this credit, it is completely different.

"I remember." Liu Ke said.

These four words are promises.

Simpi took the risk of delivering the news, and it was not in vain.

The next day, Liu Ke held a meeting on the matter.

Shen Rong attended with dark circles under his eyes. As a party involved, he could not be absent.

However, what he saw was still the radiant Liu Ke.

This is incredible, doesn't the lord need to rest?

In fact, for Liu Ke, sleeping for two hours a day is enough, after all, his physique is different from ordinary people.

Everyone is used to it.

It's just that Shen Rong just took refuge here, and he was very surprised.

Unknowingly, Liu Ke can always bring people confidence, which is the charisma of personality, or unparalleled commanding power.

"Yuan Shao plans to attack by water, how do you all think about it?" Liu Ke asked.

"My lord, the people should be evacuated first," Guo Jia said.

"I've arranged for Zilong to do this." Liu Ke said.

During the war in Yecheng, the people had already fled into the deep mountains and old forests.

Of course, there are also some courageous ones who stayed in the villages outside the city.

Because they trust Liu Ke very much.

Liu Ke said that if you don't disturb the people, you will never disturb the people. Even if you accidentally touch it, you will make some compensation.

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