Feng Ji's chest was pierced by Yuan Tan's sword.

"It's you, an old thief, you didn't protect Yuan Shang, why did you come to this!"

The corners of Feng Ji's mouth twitched, as if he wanted to say something, but with the loss of strength, he still couldn't say it.

Seeing this bloody scene, Jizhou soldiers fell silent.

Feng Ji is an old man in the army, and many of the people present have served under him.

It was with this in mind that Yuan Tan did not flog the corpse.

"Report! Master Yuan Shang escaped with the lord through the back door!" The scouts rushed to report.

Yuan Tan was startled, he didn't care to clean up the battlefield, and hurriedly led his army to pursue.

"Protect the lord!"

Suddenly a group of soldiers arrived, and the commander was Gao Lan. He was exhausted at the moment, and he had just abandoned the frontal battlefield and led the army here.

"Are you going to stop me too?" Yuan Tan shouted.

"Please stop, my lord!" Gao Lan said, the meaning was obvious.

Yuan Tan was not merciful either, and the two sides fought together.

Then Lu Bu led his army to fight Gao Lan.

"Where is Yuan Benchu?" Lu Bu asked.

"I was taken away by Yuan Shang." Yuan Tan replied truthfully.

"Give me useless waste, Gao Lan, and you go after it." Lu Bu said bluntly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yuan Tan also knew the importance of the matter, so he didn't care about Lu Bu's tone.

Once Yuan Shang is allowed to escape with Yuan Shao, Jizhou will continue to be in turmoil.

Most importantly, Yuan Tan will really become a traitor!

Yuan Tan couldn't tolerate this, he kept hypnotizing himself, and he did it for the sake of his family.

The scouts have found Yuan Shang's trace.

Yuan Tan rode a war horse and led his men to chase him.

"Chasing, you must not let Yuan Shang run away!"

Yuan Shang's subordinates escaped with their feet, and they couldn't run fast.

Now the city is surrounded by the Yangzhou army to suppress the chaos. The reason why Yuan Shang was able to escape for so long was because of the cover of the night.

"Take the alley!" Yuan Shang ordered.

However, unfortunately, just as Yuan Shang came out of the alley, he bumped into Yuan Tan head-on.

"Brother, if you surrender now, I can still save your life!" Yuan Tan said earnestly.

Yuan Shang gritted his teeth and wanted to turn around and go back, but unfortunately, the pursuers had already arrived.

"Give it up!" Yuan Tan persuaded him to surrender. If he hadn't been afraid of hurting Yuan Shao, he would have done it directly.

Suddenly, there was a roar in the night.

"Don't hurt father!"

One person rushed out, it was Yuan Xi, and behind him were leading thousands of soldiers.

"Brother protects you and protects father!" Yuan Xi said to Yuan Shang.

Yuan Shang looked happy and led his personal guards to break through.

Yuan Tan was furious, and the two sides fought fiercely.

"Why stop me?" Yuan Tan scolded angrily.

"I have nothing to say to you, a traitor," Yuan Xi said.

"If you didn't lose Youzhou, why did you end up here?!" Yuan Tan said grimly.

Yuan Xi was taken aback, but he did not give up resistance.After buying time for Yuan Shang, he quietly led dozens of guards and left.

As for the remaining soldiers and horses, I can't take care of so much.

Of course, it was impossible for Yuan Tan to watch Yuan Xi run away and raise his troops to chase him.

It's a pity that he doesn't have many cavalry under his command.

At the same time, news of Yuan Shang's escape with Yuan Shao also reached Liu Ke's ears.

"Order Zhang He to lead five thousand cavalry and block the direction of the west gate."

"As ordered!"

The messenger left in a hurry.

The Yangzhou army entered the city from the east gate, and the barracks on the north and south sides had already been occupied.Yuan Shang wanted to escape, but could only pass through the west gate.

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