The idea of ​​escape still prevailed.

"Go! The enemy's pursuers are coming!"

The sound of crying attracted the Yangzhou cavalry patrolling nearby, and they immediately reported to Zhang He.

Knowing the urgency of the situation, Yuan Xi said hastily: "Brother, go with brother, otherwise, how can you avenge your father if you fall here? You must not let that villain Yuan Tan get away with it."

Thinking of hatred, Yuan Shang calmed down and ran away desperately.

When Zhang Yun arrived with a large army, Yuan Shang and others had fled for a quarter of an hour.


Through the horseshoe prints, Zhang Yun judged the direction of Yuan Shang's escape on the spot, and quickly chased after him.

They didn't even recognize Yuan Shao's body!

As soon as Zhang He left, Yuan Tan came here with a thousand cavalry in command.

Seeing that the person lying on the ground was his father, Yuan Tan felt like he was dreaming, so he crawled down to check Yuan Shao's pulse.

already dead.

He wept bitterly, leaving some men and horses to guard, and then continued to pursue.

"It's that guy Yuan Shang, if he didn't insist on taking father out of the city, such a thing wouldn't have happened!"

Yuan Tan's hatred grew stronger, and he vowed not to stop until Yuan Shang's body was broken into pieces.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yuan Shang was quite cunning, and divided his troops on the way to escape to attract attention.

Along the way, hundreds of people were divided into more than [-] times.

Zhang Yun chased after him and complained endlessly, because he couldn't tell which way Yuan Shang had gone.

Now it was nighttime, and tracking was even more difficult.

There are many clues left behind.

Until Yuan Tan caught up with him, Zhang He still didn't make a judgment.

"General Zhang, where did my two younger brothers go?" Yuan Tan asked eagerly.

"There are two most likely directions, one is Bingzhou and the other is Youzhou. Of course, they may also take a long detour," Zhang He said.

Yuan Tan also had some headaches.

These are just two big directions!

"How about this, our army pursues the direction of Bingzhou." Zhang He said.

This road is the shortest, so Zhang He plans to go out in person.In the direction of Youzhou, Chen Deng can also be notified to set up checkpoints for interrogation.

Of course, it would be great if he could catch up with the opponent in Wei County.

"I will kill my enemies!" Yuan Tan said.

After the discussion, Yuan Tan headed north.

After hearing these words, Zhang Yun's expression became very strange.

Why did he suddenly become an enemy?

Although they are not like brothers.

Zhang Xi didn't care so much, the pursuit was more important.Liu Ke sent him to inspect Ximen, but Yuan Shang ran away, which is a dereliction of duty.

Yuan Tan didn't stop and chased after him all the way.

Now he has only one thought, to tear Yuan Shang into pieces!

It was he who killed his father.

The emperor paid off, and at dawn, Yuan Tan discovered the place where Yuan Shang took a nap.

"Young master, be careful!" Xin Ping said cautiously.

However, Yuan Tan couldn't hold back his rage, so he directly raided Yuan Shang's temporary camp without resting.


When the shout of killing sounded, Yuan Shang retreated under the protection of his guards like a frightened bird.

"Yuan Shang, don't run away if you have the guts!" Yuan Tan roared angrily.

However, how could Yuan Shang be obedient and run away after getting on his horse, and Yuan Xi did the same.

After Yuan Tan led his army to fight for a while, only half of Yuan Shang's troops remained.

"Young master, the soldiers are exhausted and should not chase anymore." Xin Ping suggested again.

Yuan Tan refused to listen and continued to pursue until noon.

At this moment, Yuan Tan was seriously exhausted and hungry, so he could only order to rest for an hour.

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