"Good! Good!" Old man Zhao was overwhelmed with joy, and said again, "I'll call Yu'er back!"

After finishing speaking, he left in a hurry, leaving behind Zhao Yun and Liu Ke.

Zhao Yun cupped his fists and said, "Master, Zilong's life is yours!"

Liu Ke smiled slightly, indicating that Zhao Yun didn't have to do this.However, he was still a little surprised. It stands to reason that Zhao Yun had already achieved the loyalty of "going through life and death" at this time, why the system didn't reward him.

Oops!It seems that the deadline for recruiting Zhao Yun by myself has passed.If I remember correctly, the deadline is two months...

Will there be any unknown changes?

So far, it seems that only rewards have decreased.

It seems that I must pay attention to it in the future.

Looking at the rewards of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, it is much richer than recruiting Zhao Yun.


After a while, Zhao Yu came back.Seeing Zhao Yun, her face was very exciting, with excitement and hesitation...

"Brother, you are back..."

She stood outside the door with her hands behind her back in bewilderment.

"Well, I'm back. I've always been sorry. If I could have come back earlier, you and my father wouldn't..."

The two talked about the old days for a long time.

"Come in and sit, does dad still have a rule that girls cannot enter the house?" Zhao Yun asked in surprise.

"No..." Zhao Yu stammered, and then walked in.

When Zhao Yu passed by, Liu Ke reached out and grabbed her arm and pulled it, and saw that her fingers were wrapped with a lot of cloth strips.

Zhao Yun was taken aback, suppressed his anger and said, "Yu'er, tell Big Brother that there are still people bullying you here?"

Seeing Zhao Yu's eyes dodge, Liu Ke said directly: "Who would dare! It must be done by myself! Sewing or embroidery?"

"I want you to take care of it!" Zhao Yu struggled, trying to break free from Liu Ke's restraint, but he couldn't break free no matter what.

Only then did Zhao Yun feel relieved, the relationship between his sister and the lord was truly extraordinary.

"Hey, I'm in charge of the territory of Yangzhou." Liu Ke waved his hand and said to the attendants, "Go and invite Doctor Hua over here."

Ever since Zhang Jiao was poisoned to death, Hua Tuo was also hated by the Yellow Turban.Liu Ke took the opportunity to invite him to Dongyang to diagnose and treat the settled refugees, so as to avoid the limelight.

"No need, it's just a minor injury!" Zhao Yu resisted, facing Liu Ke's direct gaze, her eyes averted a little.

"Have you ever thought about our feelings?" Liu Ke pulled Zhao Yun's shoulders, hooked his shoulders and said, "Who will cook now?"

"I..." Zhao Yu was about to speak when Liu Ke raised her hand.

"With your hand, can you touch water?"

Zhao Yu couldn't help lowering his gaze.

Just as the attendant took Hua Tuo over, Liu Ke gave him new instructions.

"Go, invite my dad over for dinner."

After saying that, he took Zhao Yun to cook.

"Can Zilong know how to cook?"

"This..." Zhao Yun hesitated.

"It's just a family banquet, as long as it's delicious. I'll cook some side dishes later, and you should behave well. After all, you've been away from home for so long, and uncle must be very happy to eat the dishes you cooked yourself." Liu Ke said.

Without seasoning, what Liu Ke makes is not delicious in the world, but it can be compared to ordinary imperial chefs.

And Zhao Yun also decided on his own dish, grilled chicken and grilled fish.

In this way, seven or eight men's dishes were served.

Liu Youyi sighed when he saw his son.

A gentleman stays away from the kitchen, but a sage teaches.

But this piece of filial piety can be learned from heaven and earth.

What surprised Zhao Yu the most was that after applying Hua Tuo's medicine, his fingers didn't hurt much.Seeing the performance of Liu Ke and his elder brother, the grievances he had suffered before disappeared in smoke.

"What are you doing standing up! Sit down! There are no official positions here, only elders and juniors!" Liu Ke said.

This meal was very happy.

Liu Youyi was dissatisfied with Zhao Yu's public appearance before, so he turned a blind eye to his son's faint request.Now that she couldn't escape, she took the opportunity to ask for an engagement.

How dare the old man Zhao refuse, and Liu Ke is a well-behaved boy, so he agreed.

Zhao Yu quickly ran back into the house, listening to the movement outside.

Liu Ke and Zhao Yun met each other for a drink, and smiled at each other.

Chapter 61 Inspecting Dongyang

The next day, Liu Ke woke up early with a little headache.

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