Therefore, the three of them could only wait here.

This wait is three hours!

The Yangzhou army is still flowing, as if it will not stop.

One hundred thousand allied troops trembled aside.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Is the Yangzhou Army moving very slowly?

Not so, their pace is more than twice as fast as that of ordinary troops.

It went on for several hours without stopping.

The onlookers were already numb, and their legs could hardly stand still.

Seeing this, Chen Deng ordered everyone to disperse the army, and then brought Jian Weiju, Baqi, and Gongsun Kang to meet Liu Ke.

"Meet Dongyanghou!"

Looking at the world, who can show off with an army of [-]?

Not only that, but the three of them also got a piece of information, that is, the troops left behind in the states far exceeded [-].

In other words, the Marquis of Dongyang has an army of millions.

If necessary, this number will be expanded to a terrifying two million.

The entire population of Liaodong is no more than that.

Hard to imagine.

Therefore, at this moment, the three of them are very sincere, sincere to the point of humility.

In the past, they were in awe of Liu Ke because they were defeated and suffered a crushing defeat.

Now it has become a deep fear, as if Liu Ke moves his finger, they will be wiped out.

"You don't need to be too polite." Liu Ke said, and got off the horse.

This move made everyone feel a lot of emotion.

Even if Liu Ke is condescending, no one will be offended.But his actions all show that the Central Plains is a state of etiquette!

Especially Gongsun Kang, who is a Han, felt even more deeply, because he knew that Liu Ke defeated the coalition forces of Cao Cao and Sun Ce before going north, forcing Cao Cao to bow his head.

Who is Cao Cao?

Princes with [-] troops under their command!

Was convinced by Liu Ke.

Later, Liu Ke attacked Jizhou, besieged Yuan Shao's [-] troops, and defeated Yuan Shao's allies with [-] Wuhuan cavalry.

In total, Liu Ke defeated an army of one million!

With the prestige of victory under his belt, he headed aggressively northward, trying to teach Taton, who refused his request, a profound lesson.

The Marquis of Dongyang must take revenge, and those who offend him will not end well.

And as an ally, he is extremely happy, because Dongyang Hou is modest and polite, and his conversation is like a spring breeze.

"Northern Xinjiang needs your help to be stable," Liu Ke said.

help?How can they help?

"Marquis Dongyang, you are being polite. From now on, we will do well under the command of Taishou Chen." Ba Qi said.

It's funny to say that he is a majestic king, but he has to obey the orders of a prefect.

However, Baki didn't have any temper at all.

Because, even a prefect can mobilize [-] defenders.

The entire Goryeo Kingdom now has only [-] horses!

As long as Chen Deng is willing, he can completely destroy Korea.

Baekje is the same.

Liaodong County needs to be stronger, but only a little bit.

Youzhou is the border, and Liu Ke must keep at least [-] troops to guard it.

"In the future, I would like to ask Taishou Chen to give me more advice." Jane said, cupping her hands.

Chen Deng accepted with a smile, this is the effect he wanted.

Gongsun Kang's status is more embarrassing, because his father has been granted the title of Liaodong Marquis by the court, and in a sense, he is on an equal footing with Liu Keping.

If Liu Ke personally issued orders, Gongsun Kang certainly would not dare to disobey.But obeying the orders of a prefect is still unacceptable.

Gongsun Du's self-proclaimed King of Liaodong has become a thing of the past.

However, Gongsun Kang still expressed his loyalty, saying: "If you are sent, just ask."

"Don't worry, I won't bother you for no reason." Liu Ke said, "In order to repay everyone's great help this time, I decided to set up a mutual market in Lelang County and Youbeiping County. Someone will discuss the specific plan with you."

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