After beheading the Yuan brothers, there will be an explanation to the Marquis of Dongyang, and Liaodong can continue to rule.

"Kang'er, take the heads of the two of you and go to Dongyang Hou to explain clearly that you have no other intentions for being a father!" Gongsun Du said eagerly.

After hearing these words, Gongsun Kang felt relieved.

As long as there is no obsession!

"No, I have to go there in person for my father." Gongsun Du changed his mind.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gongsun Du and Gongsun Kang rushed to Youbeiping County without stopping.

In order to show his loyalty, Gongsun Du didn't care about getting old, and Gongsun Kang couldn't care less about being tired.


Two boxes were placed in front of Liu Ke.

"Reporting to Marquis Dongyang, this Marquis is incompetent and unable to capture the Yuan brothers alive. They resisted fiercely and were killed on the spot." Gongsun Du knelt halfway, as if pleading guilty.

"Get up, don't be too polite, Brother Yuan, I haven't paid attention to it yet." Liu Ke said.

At the end, Liu Ke added, "Bury well."

"For the burial, please leave it to me." Ju Shou said.

Liu Ke agreed to the matter.

"I also ask the Marquis of Dongyang to pardon the Yuan family!" the judge said suddenly.

For various reasons, Liu Ke still detains Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi's family members.

"The Yuan family had no fault at all, so why did the pardon come about? It's just a fight for hegemony." Liu Ke said, "In order to avoid disputes, let's take Yuan Shao's descendants to Yangzhou."

"Thank you, my lord!" Shen Pei and Ju Shou said in unison.

To collect the corpses of the Yuan brothers and do the last bit of duty as a minister is the will of the judge and judge.

At this point, Yuan Shao's family withdrew from the stage of history.

Liu Ke didn't kill them all, but he was already lenient.

And Gongsun Du seemed to have discovered Liu Ke's soft side, and his attitude became more humble, and he didn't even dare to raise his head.

"Liaodong Marquis." Liu Ke shouted, which startled Gongsun Du.

"Don't be nervous." Liu Ke reassured, "I'm going to use troops against Wuhuan next, and I still need to rely on your strength."

"Marquis Dongyang was joking, the Yangzhou army is so powerful, I'm afraid we won't be able to help you much. But if it's useful to me, please just order it." Gongsun Du said.

"We need some guides." Liu Ke said, this is something that has been considered long ago.

"No problem! I will select some clever scouts from the army to lead the way for the Marquis of Dongyang." Gongsun Du agreed without hesitation.

"It's best to be someone who is familiar with Wuhuan's habits." Liu Ke said.

What is the most troublesome thing about grassland warfare?

Just look for the enemy!

If you can't even find the enemy, Liu Ke's army will naturally be useless.

"Okay, I will check them one by one," Gongsun Du said.

It was originally a trivial matter, but Gongsun Du was so caring, which surprised Liu Ke.

After all, Gongsundu is still a very capable king, otherwise it would be impossible to manage such a large site in Liaodong.

It can only be said that Gongsun Kang's ideological work is very good!

Now Gongsun Du gave Liu Ke the feeling that he was frightened, and he didn't know how Gongsun Kang frightened him.

Next, Liu Ke has to deal with a headache, which is the tribe of Tadun.

As for the Wuhuan cavalry, Liu Ke would of course kill them all. Even if he took prisoners, they would still be reformed through labor.

But after a huge loss, there are not many men in the Tadun tribe, and women and children account for the vast majority.

Don't even think about letting them go, will there be a bunch of little Wuhuan again?

As for how to arrange it, Liu Ke has no idea.

It is impossible to bring it back to Yangzhou.

After Yangzhou developed, Liu Ke consciously controlled Yangzhou's household registration.

Therefore, the [-] people became Liu Ke's biggest headache.

"How does Wuhuan usually deal with prisoners?" Liu Ke asked Gongsun Du.

"Kill the male, keep the female, and the old will fend for itself." Gongsun Du replied succinctly.

This solution is very realistic. Liu Ke didn't want to cause too many kills, so he didn't consider it directly.

"Is there a solution for the Han people?" Liu Ke asked.

Gongsundu has been running Liaodong for so many years, and he must have dealt with the affairs of foreign races. Liu Ke just wanted to refer to his opinion.

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