"Everyone run with me, isn't it good?" Guo Jia asked back.



"Then five kilometers per person, and ten kilometers for Fengxiao remains unchanged." Liu Ke said.

Everyone complained incessantly, but no one refuted, after all, not everyone has the courage of Guo Jia.

Nothing happened recently.

Snowflakes have gradually fallen in the north.

In the spring of tomorrow, there will be a big battle, but at this moment, it is extremely calm.

Unlike Jizhou, the people of Youzhou welcomed Liu Ke very much, and Liu Ke ruled Youzhou without any trouble.

These are all thanks to Liu Yu!

Not long after, the judge found Liu Ke and said, "Master, if you want to eliminate Wuhuan, you must find someone who is familiar with Wuhuan. Gongsun Kang is always an outsider. Once the army loses its way outside the Great Wall, the consequences will be unpredictable."

Liu Ke deeply agrees.

"Just say anything."

The judge also gradually became familiar with Liu Ke's straightforwardness, and said: "This subordinate recommends two people to the lord, they can help the lord break Wuhuan."

"Who is it?" Liu Ke asked.

"Ertian." Shenpei said, "One is Tian Chou, styled Zitai, and Youbeiping has no end, who is the old department of Liu Yu.

After Liu Yu was killed, Tian Chou didn't want to help the tyrant, so he lived in seclusion in Xu Wushan, devoted himself to farming to support his parents, and attracted the common people.

After Tian Chou was elected as a leader by the people, he made laws, established a system of rites, and started teaching.

After the lord rectified Youzhou, Tian Chou took the initiative to show up and expressed his willingness to obey the laws of Yangzhou. "

Liu Ke still had an impression of Tian Chou, but he didn't expect him to be so loyal.

"The other person is Tian Yu, style name Guorang, a native of Yongnu in Yuyang, who was a general of Gongsun Zan at first, and after Gongsun Zan's death, he wanted to join Cao Cao, but was stopped by Yuan Shao, and now he is at home." Shen Pei said.

The two people recommended by the trial match are both natives of Youzhou and are very familiar with the north.

"Zhengnan, thanks to you, you solved one of my problems!" Liu Ke laughed.

"It's all about sharing the Lord's worries." The judge said modestly.

Now that the trial match has gradually integrated into his role, the death of Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi finally made him make a decision.

This is a good thing!

Liu Ke is also very satisfied with Tian Chou and Tian Yu whom he recommended.

After explaining some things, Liu Ke decided to visit the two of them personally. Now that he is idle, he might as well recruit more talents.

This time Liu Ke didn't bring many people, Guo Jia and Dian Wei were enough, and of course, there were three hundred personal guards.

There are now [-] Yangzhou troops stationed in Youzhou. Even the bandits have been wiped out. A team of [-] people is enough for security.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although Tian Chou contacted the government, he did not leave Xu Wushan.

After arriving at No End, Liu Ke and his party easily inquired about Tian Chou's news.

This is enough to prove that Tian Chou is still very influential in this three-acre land.

The endless people, when desperate, usually go to Xu Wushan instead of looking for the government.

After questioning, Liu Ke gradually learned about Tian Chou's situation.

After Liu Yu was defeated and framed to death, Tian Chou began to live in seclusion. At first he only farmed to support his parents.

However, it is gold that always shines.

Tian Chou is knowledgeable, and the people like to ask him to solve their problems. Gradually, a group of people gathered around Tian Chou.

After the expansion of the team, Tian Chou's reputation also started, and some refugees also wanted to join. Tian Chou did not refuse anyone who came, and established Tianjiazhuang.

However, problems soon arose.

The people in Tianjiazhuang are all from all over Youzhou, so conflicts easily arose.

In order to solve this problem, Tian Chou issued a decree.

After the decree was implemented for a period of time, there were fewer disputes, and everyone thought it was due to Tian Chou.

However, promulgating decrees is the job of the government, and Tian Chou will be beheaded if he crosses the government.

It's a pity that Youzhou under Yuan Xi's rule was peaceful on the surface, but in fact it was undercurrent. No one cared about Tian Chou's actions.

Because there are too many big families, they are much more excessive than Tian Chou.

Think back when Mi's family was in Xuzhou, they raised [-] people, but Tianjiazhuang was only slightly more than that.

After Liu Ke entered Youzhou, the first thing he strengthened was the government's control, and the top and bottom officials were changed.

Although the governor of Youzhou has not been decided yet, it does not hinder the normal operation of Youzhou.

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