"No, bandits attacked Tianjiazhuang!" Tian Fang said in shock.

As expected of a defeated soldier, Tian Chou may have been fooled if he knew how to lure a snake out of the hole.

"Don't panic, you gather people to put out the fire and protect the people in the village, and we will take care of the bandits," Liu Ke said.

Tian Fang agreed to the plan when he saw that the officers and soldiers were well-armored and they were elite divisions.

"Brother, I don't bother you to do it, just leave it to us." Dian Wei said.

"Okay, you can go around Zhuangzi with your troops." Liu Ke said.

Afterwards, Dian Wei led two hundred people to the place where the fire was set in a murderous manner.

At the same time, Liu Ke ordered the soldiers to blow the horn.

This is the unique melody of the Yangzhou Army.

woo woo woo woo--

If the bandits were really a rout, they must be very familiar with the sound of the horn.

Sure enough, before Dian Wei arrived, the bandits had already started to retreat, but how could Dian Wei let them go so easily, and chased after them with a knife.

"Eat your grandfather with a knife!"

A bandit who was running slowly was directly cut in half by Dian Wei, and the scene was very bloody.

The Yangzhou army rushed over one after another, killing the bandits crying for their father and mother.

In a short time, all the bandits who came to sneak attack were killed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This bloody scene shocked everyone in Tianjiazhuang.

The invincible bandit was defeated by a charge like a chicken and a dog.

People look at Dian Wei, not a devil, but a hero.

Killing is nothing in troubled times, and the people have long been accustomed to it. What they lack is a hero who can protect them.

Tian Chou did this, so he was supported by everyone.

At this moment, Tian Fang looked at Liu Ke differently, strength represented everything.

"I don't know how to address this lord?" Tian Fang asked respectfully.

"The surname is Liu, the same family as Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou." Liu Ke said.

"It turned out to be Lord Liu!" Tian Fang shouted a little excitedly, the rule of Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou, was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Tian Fang started to follow after Tian Chou lived in seclusion, but he still admired Liu Yu very much after hearing and seeing.

During the period of Liu Yu, the common people had enough food and clothing to keep warm. For this point, it is worth remembering by the common people.

To be honest, the reason why Liu Ke stabilized Youzhou easily was because of Liu Yu's convincing.

"Please also Master Liu to go back to the villa with the villain, I will send someone to inform the owner of the villa." Tian Fang said.

"It's a matter of seriousness. Since Tian Chou is suppressing the bandits, let's go to him and help him by the way." Liu Ke said.

"The little one will lead the way for you." Tian Fang said excitedly. He could clearly see the combat effectiveness of the officers and soldiers. If they helped, these bandits would be nothing.

In order to prevent bandits from attacking the village again, Liu Ke left a hundred people to guard him.The war horse was inconvenient to carry, so it also stayed in Zhuangzi.

After walking for almost a mile, they suddenly found a team of hundreds of people passing by in front of them.

"It's the owner!" Tian Fang recognized it at a glance, and hurried forward to reveal her identity.

"Is Zhuangzi okay?" Tian Chou asked eagerly.

"Reporting to the owner, we have defeated the bandits who attacked, thanks to the help of the officers and soldiers." Tian Fang replied.

It turned out that Tian Chou attacked the bandits' camp, but found a problem, that is, the number of bandits was wrong.

These are rout soldiers, knowing some tactics of war, Tian Chou immediately guessed that the bandits must have diverted the tiger away from the mountain, Tianjiazhuang is in danger!

So, he hurriedly led Xiangyong back and met him on the road. Fortunately, the crisis has been resolved, otherwise Tian Chou would not forgive himself.

Tian Chou is concerned with the safety of a Zhuangzi, so he dare not neglect.

"Thank you all!"

"Master Tian, ​​don't come here unharmed." Liu Ke said.

Tian Chou looked up, seemed to be remembering, and then was taken aback.

"Dongyanghou, why are you here?"

Tian Fang was also taken aback. This person turned out to be the world-famous Marquis of Dongyang!At first I thought it was just a handsome noble son, but I didn't expect...

"Greetings to Marquis Dongyang!" Tian Chou cupped his hands.

"You don't need to be too polite, let's solve the trouble of the bandits first." Liu Ke said.

As soon as he mentioned bandits, Tian Chou's face became a little dignified, and he said: "The bandits here are rout soldiers. They dare not do evil in the government's territory, and they don't want to be good, so they started to rob houses. It's shameless."

Suddenly, Tian Chou realized that he had said the wrong thing.

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