"What else do you want?" Ta Dun asked back.

Yu Fuluo smiled, and told Liu Keping the Yellow Turban, defeating Yuan Shu, defeating Dong Zhuo...a lot of deeds, which shocked everyone.

"Dongyanghou is so terrifying." Gu Jin stared at him for a moment, this guy did not provide complete information.

Ta Dun felt aggrieved, if he had known that Marquis Dongyang was so fierce, why did they go to rescue Yuan Shao?

But it's too late now, and it's too late to regret.

"At this time, Youzhou has [-] Yangzhou troops, which is very difficult." Tadun said.

"[-]... Our military strength does not occupy much advantage." Gu Jin looked dignified, "This requires us to be united. If you are unwilling to contribute, you can leave now. Once the war starts, there will be no way out."

"I have no problem with the Huns, it's just a battle, and casualties are inevitable." Yu Fuluo said.

Immediately afterwards, Nengchendi and Tadun also expressed their views.

Gu Jin nodded in satisfaction.

Everyone discussed the battle plan again, but the prairie cavalry just went on a rampage and crushed their opponents.

What battle plan is needed?

In fact, the most important reason is that I can't think of it myself.

This kind of nerve-wracking thing is not suitable for grassland people.

"Forget it, our goal is Dongyanghou's [-] troops, as long as we defeat them, no matter in Youzhou or Jizhou, we can do whatever we want." Gu Jin said.

"It makes sense!" Ta Dun said excitedly, he likes to do whatever he wants.

After a while, Nan Lou hurried in and said, "Shan Yu, I have something to report."

"What's the matter?" Ta paused.

"It's news from Youzhou." Nanlou said.

"Since it's news from Youzhou, everyone is considered an outsider, but it's okay to say it." Ta paused.

In order to show his selflessness, Ta Dun would not mind performing once.

"Then the king said it." Nanlou said.

"Say, Mo Mo Chi Chi, is it still me, Big Wuhuan?" Ta paused.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is offering a reward of [-] gold in Youzhou to take your head." Nanlou said.

Two hundred thousand gold?

Just a head?

What a great handwriting.

Neng Chendi couldn't help being envious.

Ta Dun was extremely embarrassed at the beginning, he didn't expect it to be such a thing, but he was quick-witted, and quickly reacted, saying:

"It seems that Marquis Dongyang is afraid of me, haha!"

Da Dun's eyes swept around, as if to say, none of your heads are worth as much as mine!

Although this is the truth, can you not show it?

"It's a good sign that our lord has become famous before going out to battle." Yu Fuluo said with a smile.

Ta Dun was extremely angry, but he couldn't show it, so he could only agree with Yu Fuluo's words.

Dongyang Hou, you wait for me!

Two hundred thousand gold, thanks to you!

"Congratulations!" Gu Jin said, "After this battle, it's time for the Marquis of Dongyang to reward me!"

It seems that Gu Jin is very confident.

"I'm afraid Marquis Dongyang doesn't even know we're here." Gu Jin continued.

Otherwise, how could there be no rewards from them, only Tadun alone.

Neng Chendi's eyes lit up, this is good news!

"Our army might as well set off three days in advance." Neng Chendi suggested.

"I'm afraid you are still living in your dreams. Before I came here, I met a group of scouts. If I guess correctly, they are Yangzhou scouts." Yu Fuluo said.

Nengchendi was a little disappointed.

"Since you can't make a surprise attack, let's build up your momentum!" Ta Dun said impassionedly.

"What's the master plan?" Yu Fuluo asked.

Ta Dun smiled confidently.

Six hundredth Chapter 17 anti-reward

"The Marquis of Dongyang can offer a reward to me, and I can offer a reward to him too." Ta paused.

"Indeed, offering rewards can motivate soldiers to fight bravely." Yu Fuluo said.

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