In this way, [-] cavalrymen set off from Lulongsai in a mighty manner and headed north.

After Gan Ning received the order, he also went north to the Bohai Sea to join Ding Feng.

A big battle seems to be unfolding like this.

A day later, Liu Ke's main force was also ready.

"It's time for us to set off," Liu Ke said.

"My lord, our army will surely win this battle!" All the generals said in unison, with great momentum.

At noon that day, Liu Ke made an oath and announced the Northern Expedition.

"This time, we must decide the winner!" Lu Bu said.

"Wait until you have more sheep than us." Dian Wei said disdainfully.

"Hmph, just a mere alien race, kill them casually," Lu Bu said.

Things should have gone smoothly, but an accident happened.Liu Ke's main force had just advanced for a while before encountering a problem.

"How can you be so unlucky?" Guo Jia couldn't help complaining.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

From south to north, there is a main road, the Binhai Road.

However, the road was so muddy at this time that the infantry could barely pass through, not to mention the baggage, plus a large number of ballista vehicles...

Unless Liu Ke is willing to order the soldiers to push the cart, it will not work at all.

This order is not too much, but morale will inevitably suffer.

Haven't met the enemy yet, so it's so hard to talk about fighting.

Liu Ke looked at Tian Yu. Such important information was not reported.

"The final apology!" Tian Yu lowered his head and explained, "Usually only the continuous rain in summer and autumn will cause the roads to be muddy, and it is rare in early spring."

Liu Ke nodded helplessly, blaming the general did nothing to solve the problem.

Tian Yu can't always guard the road, can he?

Liu Ke pondered for a while and said, "Is there any other way?"

"Lu Longsai." Tian Yu said.

Now that Zhao Yun has already left Lulongsai, if Liu Ke starts from Lulongsai again, he will definitely startle the snake.

Because of Tadun's sight, he has been staring at this place.

Although the minds of the aliens are not very flexible, they still need to master the basic information.

The roads in Yangzhou have been cultivated by Liu Ke to extend in all directions, and even Jiaozhou has official roads, so he has always ignored the problem of roads.

In ancient times, roads were the chief culprit in hindering regional communication.

Liu Ke gathered the crowd and said: "Send all the scouts to ask the people nearby if there is any trail that can accommodate vehicles and horses."

"Leave this matter to me!" Tian Yu said, since he made a mistake, he must make up for it as soon as possible.

Liu Ke was very satisfied with Tian Yu's attitude, although such a fault was not his alone.

"Okay." Liu Ke said, affirming Tian Yu's initiative.

After getting the order, Tian Yu left directly without staying for a moment.

"Tian Yu is very useful!" Guo Jia exclaimed.

"You are young, you still need to hone your skills." Liu Ke said.

Next, there is another more important thing, which is to appease the morale of the army.

"There must always be a reasonable reason for the stagnation of the army." Liu Ke said.

The oath has just been completed, and this anger must not be let go.

"My lord, there are still some supplies in Yangzhou that haven't arrived yet," Xu Shu said.

This reason is okay, but it is not enough, Liu Ke turned his gaze to everyone.

Guo Jia came out and said, "The enemy's whereabouts are unknown."

"Okay, let's use these two reasons to inform the whole army." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, we can't pin our hopes on finding a new path." Xu Shu said suddenly.

There are several roads. As a person from the northern border, Tian Yu knows best. According to the current situation, it will be impossible to find a new road for a while.

"Yuanzhi, what are your thoughts?" Liu Ke said.

"My lord, our army can cut wood and pave roads with planks," Xu Shu said.

How many trees will this take down?

"Junyi, you lead a group of people to move forward and see how long this muddy road is." Liu Ke said.

"The last general takes orders." Zhang He clasped his fists and said.

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