While asking for reinforcements, Yu Fuluo was not idle, and ordered: "Kill Zhao Yun!"

But he is just giving orders, and it is impossible to go into battle in person.

Because he is also afraid.

However, Yu Fuluo can see that Zhao Yun is the core of this army, and this person has not been resolved until now, so his anger can't help rising.

"What are you eating? Tens of thousands of people can't kill a single person?!"

The guards were speechless. It is true that tens of thousands of people surrounded Zhao Yun, but only a few dozen could fight.

What's the use of having more people?

Being rushed into the formation by Zhao Yun, it was like taking a tiger out of its cage, invincible.

"Come on, give it to me! Otherwise, what's the use of you?" Yu Fuluo growled.

"Zilong, let me help you!"

Zhao Yun attracted most of the enemy troops, and Tai Shici was able to break through the encirclement.

Tai Shici rampaged along the way, killing all directions in the formation, and the Huns warriors screamed and fell to the ground.

Groups of Huns rushed forward, and groups of soldiers were swept away.

Tai Shici actually killed Zhao Yun all the way!

"Zilong, get on the horse!"

Tai Shici actually handed over the war horse to Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun was touched and asked with concern, "What should you do?"

"When you kill Yuvronas, are you still afraid that I'm not safe enough?" Tai Shi said kindly.

Makes sense!

Zhao Yun mounted his horse with a gun and went straight to Yu Fuluo.

Before the horse speeded up, Tai Shici had been leading the way for Zhao Yun, sweeping all directions by himself.

Killing the Huns was frightened, and killing the Huns was terrified!

Zhao Yun shot out like a dragon, and went straight to Yu Fuluo.

Yuvro turned pale with shock.

Six hundred and sixtieth IX breaking alien race (four)

On the battlefield, shouts of killing shook the sky.

Although Zhao Yun was helped by Tai Shici, he was still in crisis.

Yuvro sent his own guards.

"Capture the general!"

"No, kill him!"

Now everyone knows that Zhao Yun was besieged layer upon layer, and it was impossible to escape.

Zhao Yun broke through the siege, already exhausted and exhausted.

That's why the Huns are so crazy, as long as they catch him, fame and wealth are at their fingertips.

Hundreds of thousands of Huns shouted in unison, and the slogans chanted loudly.

However, there were only dozens of people who could participate in the attack, and the rest of them stretched their necks and were eager to try.

Everyone wants to take this great credit!

However, the Huns didn't dare to act rashly, because that was Zhao Zilong, who had already made a name for himself, even if he was at the end of the road, he still didn't have a single wound on his body!

Such a strong general, except for exhaustion, who can hurt him?

"General, I'm here to help you!"

Zhao Yun couldn't help but be a little moved when the personal guard who was originally protecting Shuai Qi suddenly killed him.

Three hundred personal guards, Qi Qi beat their chests with fists, two hours of bloody battle, almost everyone was wounded, their armor was torn and covered with blood, but they still tenaciously formed an assault formation and moved closer to Zhao Yun.

Live and die together, no regrets!

With such a brother, what reason is there not to work hard?

Zhao Yun gripped the gentian gun tightly, with a strong fighting spirit rising from his body!

Kill the Quartet!

Yu Fuluo panicked. He has fought all his life and seen many warriors, but he has never been like Zhao Yun!

When it comes to being brave and ruthless, who in the world can compare with the prairie people?

At this moment, Zhao Yun came to kill him, only a hundred steps away!

"Shan Yu, you step back one after another, and leave the rest to us!" Yu Fuluo's confidant said.

However, in front of hundreds of thousands of troops, can Yu Fuluo take this step back?


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