A seven or eight-year-old girl is so attractive now, it's amazing.

Liu Ke ran with Xin Xianying for an hour, and encountered many armored soldiers along the way, with sharp spear blades.

"Are you afraid?" Liu Ke asked.

"A little bit." Xin Xianying said.

Under normal circumstances, it is always bad for common people to encounter soldiers. This concept has been deeply rooted.

What's more, Yangzhou soldiers are very murderous, and they walk in unison, which puts more pressure on people.

"If you take the initiative to get to know them, you won't feel terrible." Liu Ke said.

"I dare not..." Xin Xianying said.

"Don't you like reading? Let me test your observation skills." Liu Ke said.

"What kind of test?" Xin Xianying asked curiously.

"Let me give you an example first. Look at the army marching, but the fields next to it are completely intact. This is discipline." Liu Ke said.

Xin Xianying took a serious look, and sure enough, she gradually relaxed and began to look carefully.

"Consistent action is also discipline!" Xin Xianying said.

Next, the two came and went, and Xin Xianying gradually got to know this iron-blooded army.

During the period, Liu Ke told some stories about the Yangzhou army killing the enemy, and Xin Xianying listened with great interest.

"How about it, do you still think reading is good?" Liu Ke asked.

"Of course!" Xin Xianying said firmly.

Liu Ke was curious why this little girl was so determined, so he asked, "Why?"

"If I hadn't read the book, would you have brought me to see these?" Xin Xianying said sincerely.

What a clever little ghost!

If Xin Xianying was just an ordinary little girl, perhaps she wouldn't have attracted Liu Ke's attention.

"Then study hard and try to get a champion in the exam." Liu Ke said angrily.

"Women cannot take the imperial examination." Xin Xianying said solemnly, "But I still have a younger brother!"

Poor Xin Chang!

Liu Ke didn't know what to say, as the younger brother of a bookworm, it was really scary.

At such a young age, he has been squeezed.

"Be nicer to your brother in the future." Liu Ke said.

"If I don't treat him well, how can I supervise his studies? Isn't it good enough to become famous after winning the exam? Don't men value the future the most?" Xin Xianying said.

Well, Liu Ke was directly defeated and could only mourn for Xin Chang.

In the end, Liu Ke made a full circle and returned to the original point.

Xin Pi came down with his daughter in his arms, and said, "I'm bothering the Marquis of Dongyang!"

"It's okay, Xianying is a very good girl, um, and she loves reading." Liu Ke said, "In the future, the library in Yangzhou will be open to her for free, and she can go there anytime."

"Great!" Xin Xianying jumped up happily. Yangzhou Library is well-known all over the world and is the holy place most yearned for by scholars.

Xin Xianying fantasized about going to Yangzhou to take a look more than once, and now not only has the opportunity to watch it, but also can watch it for free and for an unlimited time, it is simply a dream place to study.

However, Xin Chang broke into a cold sweat and said, "Marquis of Dongyang, how many books are there in the library?"

Liu Ke was surprised, why did you ask this?But he still answered truthfully, saying:

"Less than a million copies."

After a long period of sorting and collection, the collection of books in Yangzhou Library has become more and more abundant, and it is a gathering place of knowledge and wisdom.

However, for Xin Chang, it was very uncomfortable, and he almost passed out.

Million copies, when will I see it? !

"Taiyong, what's the matter?" Simpi looked at his wobbly son and asked with concern.

"I don't have any father, it's just that I got some wind and cold while riding a horse." Xin Chang said, with a feeling of resignation.

In this era, getting sick is a dangerous thing, maybe a cold can take away a person.

"Don't go back to the carriage to rest!" Simpi said.

Xin Chang was relieved.

"Don't panic, there are doctors in the military camp, if you feel unwell, seek medical attention in time," Liu Ke said.

"Thank you Dongyang Hou for your concern. My brother will be fine after reading a book for a while." Xin Xianying said as a matter of course.

It's like reading can cure all diseases.

Xin Pi was also very embarrassed, and called Xin Xianying back, for fear that she would say something inappropriate.

However, it was too late at this time, Xin Xianying asked abruptly: "Marquis of Dongyang, are you married?"

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