Riding is better than running, right?

Guo Jia has already broken three pairs of cloth shoes!

It is enough to experience this kind of life once.

"Okay." Liu Ke agreed to the horse riding training.

As a result, Guo Jia didn't dismount all day.

That ass!

Needless to say, it's sour!

As a result, running training did not fall behind, and a two-pronged approach was taken.

"Feng Xiao, you are extremely smart, don't you think that you don't need to run after riding a horse?" Dian Wei said.

"Hey, I've written down this grudge!" Guo Jia said viciously.

Anyone who ran from Jizhou to Qingzhou, and then from Qingzhou to Xuzhou would feel a little resentment.

For this reason, Liu Ke also changed his mind.

Originally, he planned to return to Yangzhou by boat from Qingzhou, which would save half the time.

In order to train Guo Jia, Liu Ke gave up this plan.

"Brother, Feng Xiao still has the strength to speak harsh words!" Dian Wei whispered.

"Today's journey, I have already completed." Guo Jia said.

"Then add another five kilometers." Liu Ke said.

Guo Jia wants to cry but has no tears.

However, he clearly felt that his abdominal muscles were about to appear.

After a long journey, Liu Ke finally stepped into the boundary of Yangzhou.

Liu Ke was welcomed by the people along the way, but the people in Yangzhou were the most gracious.

After the education for all, Yangzhou has achieved preliminary results.

Literate people are arrogant wherever they go!

Maybe it's a bit too much to say this, and it's more appropriate to describe it as self-confidence.

But, it is what it is!

Only those who have experienced it know how difficult it is to confess a scholar.

In a time of peace and prosperity, one would go bankrupt, let alone in a time of chaos?

Promoting education is a luxury. Liu Ke completed it, and it was very successful, and won the support of the people.

"Yangzhou, I'm back!" Guo Jia said excitedly.

"Brother, judging by Feng Xiao's appearance, he wants to be lazy." Dian Wei whispered.

"Even if you come back, you can't relax. You will continue to work hard in the future, five kilometers a day, and Tai Chi should be practiced every day." Liu Ke said.

Guo Jia's whole face collapsed, and he hated Dian Wei to the bone.

"Feng Xiao, work hard!" Dian Wei laughed.

However, before Liu Ke returned to Dongyang City, Lu Su ran fifty miles to meet him.

"My lord, there is murderous intent!" Guo Jia said vigilantly.

Liu Ke also felt that the visitor was not kind!

Lu Su would indeed come out to greet Liu Ke before, but as he got used to Liu Ke's victory, Lu Su rarely came out.

Moreover, it will not come out so far!

Fifty miles!

However, it is impossible for Liu to escape.

After Lu Su dismounted, he was very calm and showed no abnormalities.

"Congratulations, my lord, for returning from victory!" Lu Su said politely.

"Same joy, same joy! Thanks to Zijing who presided over the rear and continuously delivered supplies to the front line, otherwise we would not have been able to defeat the enemy." Liu Ke said.

"That's right, hundreds of thousands of chariots have been built, are they useful?" Lu Su asked.

"If it's a chariot defense, I'm afraid we will be the ones who fail." Liu Ke said, affirming the chariot's contribution.

Under Liu Ke's surprised eyes, Lu Su calmly took out a document and handed it to Liu Ke.

It turned out that the murderous intent came from this document!

Liu Ke took it solemnly, opened it, and even though he was as calm as him, he almost fainted.


It records every expense of the war, and the arrows alone cost [-] million gold!

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