"It's not a big deal, it's over now, I'll stay with you from now on," Liu Ke said.

"Okay! Okay!" Liu Youyi said hello twice.

Next, Liu Ke had a reunion dinner with his family.

The eldest daughter Liu Wu has always been very well-behaved and lively. During the period, Liu Ke answered all the questions.

On the contrary, Liu Feng was a little sullen and buried himself in eating.

"Feng'er, what's wrong?" Liu Ke asked.

"It's nothing, my lord, I just have no appetite!" Liu Feng said.

"How can you have no appetite at such a young age? Now is the time to grow your body." Liu Ke said.

Zhao Yu smiled and said: "Leave him alone, he has no appetite! When her husband is away, Feng'er is always clamoring to practice martial arts, and I scolded her a lot, and she is sulking."

Liu Feng rested his head, not daring to speak.

"Just practice martial arts, what's wrong with that?" Liu Ke said, "The child's father is a general, and so is his uncle. If he doesn't know a little martial arts, isn't it a joke?"

Liu Feng's eyes lit up, as if he saw hope.

"Husband, don't get used to him, Cai Shangshu thinks that he doesn't have enough time to study, so how can he find time to practice martial arts!" Zhao Yu said.

"It's all my fault for being too stupid." Liu Feng said timidly.

Liu Ke is really hard to talk, he cares too little about his son's studies.

However, he also realized the problem.

It is true that Cai Yong is a great Confucian, he can teach scholars.

Zhao Yuxian is not fake, he can teach a filial son.

However, this is definitely not what Liu Ke wants. It always feels like it lacks the spirituality that young people should have!

Now that Liu Feng is still young, it is the best time to shape his character. Liu Ke decided to educate him personally, at least let him have a modern thinking.

"I agree to the martial arts training with my son," Liu Ke said.

Zhao Yu wanted to object, but in the end she gave up. She fought for it and said, "Tomorrow, I will invite a martial arts master."

Since you can't stop it, then control it in time.

"The person with the best martial arts in the world is here, what kind of martial arts master do you need?" Liu Ke said.

Liu Feng was so happy that he laughed out loud, but when Zhao Yu stared at him, his smile immediately faded away.

Liu Wu giggled and said, "Father, I want to learn too!"

"Okay, okay!" Liu Ke readily agreed.

The family is happy.

So, the next day Liu Ke began to exercise Liu Feng, and spent [-] gold from the system mall to purchase a training plan.

Liu Feng is indeed a good material for martial arts, and his willpower is strong enough. As for whether he is a genius, it will take a while to observe.

"Feng'er, what do you want to do in martial arts?" Liu Ke asked.

"As long as I am strong in martial arts, I will be able to accompany my father." Liu Fengdao.

Liu Ke was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"Actually, you can also study literature, as long as you have enough intelligence, you can do whatever you want." Liu Ke said.

"But I'm too stupid. Sometimes, I don't even know what Master Cai is talking about." Liu Feng smiled wryly.

"Don't call yourself stupid in the future." Liu Ke said.

"Father, but I'm really stupid!" Liu Feng said.

"Do you think being a father is smart?" Liu Ke asked.

"Extremely smart, my father is the smartest person in the world." Liu Fengdao.

Look, Zhao Yu often told Liu Feng about Liu Ke's deeds, and Cai Yong also admired Liu Ke very much.

This is a great pressure for Liu Feng.

"Sometimes I can't understand the knowledge of the ancients." Liu Ke said.

"Really?" Liu Feng was suddenly a little happy, "Father didn't lie to me?"

"It's absolutely true, so if you don't understand something, don't think it's your fault." Liu Ke said.

"Well, I will definitely work hard!" Liu Feng clenched his fists and said.

"The ancients liked to show off their skills. For example, the "Book of Commandments",...you can't show your ambition unless you are thin, and you can't go far without tranquility..." Liu Ke recited it once, and then said,

"The summary of this article is: Young people, look for the target, hold your breath, don't rush, take your time."

Liu Feng couldn't help showing a smile, but he was still a little puzzled, and asked, "Father, why haven't I heard of the article "Book of Commandments"?"

"Because its author is your father and I!" Liu Ke said cheekily, "Book of Commandments" is Zhuge Liang's article that has been handed down to the world, but it was published in advance.

Liu Feng's expression suddenly became weird, and he was deeply shocked. The ancients liked to show off their skills, how about you, father?

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