"Yangzhou is rich and prosperous, which is unique in the world." Jia Xu said.

"Did the Ministry of Households deduct money from the Ministry of Punishment?" Liu Ke asked again.

"Report to my lord, no." Jia Xu said.

"Then why is the Ministry of Punishment so poor?" Liu Ke pointed to the prison.

"My lord, it's just that there's no need to spend money on this kind of place." Jia Xu said.

"If we want to make progress, we must start from small things. I'm not asking for a huge amount of money to rectify and reform, but the sanitary conditions must be good." Liu Ke said.

"Understood." Jia Xu said.

Afterwards, Liu Ke entered the prison and came to Cheng Yu's room.

Once in, the sense of smell seems to be assimilated, without the previous stench.

Liu Ke saw Cheng Yu in a panic at a glance, told everyone to retreat, and talked to Cheng Yu alone:

"Zhongde, do you still remember me?"

Cheng Yu's eyes were a little dull, obviously he had been imprisoned for a long time, but he reluctantly cupped his hands and said, "My lord, why do you have time to come to this dirty place?"

"You still remember my lord, I thought you only remembered Cao Cao." Liu Ke said.

Hearing this, Cheng Yu sighed.

"After staying in Yangzhou for so long, do you have no feelings at all?" Liu Ke said.

"No." Cheng Yu denied.

"Yangzhou is a paradise I managed with painstaking efforts. The people live and work here in peace and contentment. How can you have the heart to destroy it?" Liu Ke asked.

"It's hard to say." Cheng Yu said dejectedly.

"Even if you are willing to explain, I don't want to hear it. What are your plans now?" Liu Ke said.

"The guilty minister is just a prisoner, what plans can he have? It's all up to the lord!" Cheng Yu said.

"If you are willing to return to Cao Cao, I will not object." Liu Ke said.

Hearing these words, Cheng Yu closed his eyes, and said, "I owe my lord too much, and I don't want to go back anymore. I've been living until now, just to see my lord!"

"Since you don't want to go back, just stay and make amends!" Liu Ke said, "Help me and let the people live a better life."

"My lord! The guilty minister betrayed you!" Cheng Yu emphasized.

"You are the first person to betray me. You should have been executed as an example. But this is too cheap for you. People should pay the price for their actions." Liu Ke said, "Don't even think about dying, if you don't You and I can't solve the troubles in Yuzhou. Sometimes, the enemy takes the initiative to attack, and it is easier to deal with it than to wait for the opportunity."

"Even if the lord pardons me, I'm afraid my former colleagues will not be able to forgive me." Cheng Yu said.

"Just do things well, if you can't, just be a lone minister." Liu Ke said.

Lone minister?

Cheng Yu suddenly understood what Liu Ke meant.

The ancient kings have their own eagle dogs!

During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the famous cruel officials included Zhang Tang, Zhao Yu, Wang Wenshu and others. Their status and status depended entirely on the trust of the monarch.

If the monarch wants to get rid of a minister, he can't go into battle shirtless. This is the living space of the eagle dog.

"I am willing to go through fire and water for my lord in my life!" Cheng Yu said forcefully.

What Liu Ke valued was Cheng Yu's ruthlessness. Back then, even Emperor Xian dared to persecute him and killed Yanzhou to death.

At the same time, this person is also very capable, and he has rules for everything he does.

If it was before, there would be no need for Liu Ke to develop Eagle Dogs, and everyone would enjoy themselves happily.

However, this time, Jizhou and Youzhou accepted too many demoted officials, and the team began to become complicated.

It was impossible for Liu Ke to refuse all of them.

At this time, someone needs to come out and trim the branches.

Cheng Yu made a mistake and was a suitable candidate.Of course, it is also because Liu Ke loves talent.

As for whether Cheng Yu would continue to rebel, Liu Ke decided to trust the system.

After this incident, Cheng Yu's loyalty has reached 100.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After solving Cheng Yu's problem, Liu Ke has another big move, which is to raise funds.

The government is already heavily indebted, which is not good for development.

In the past, it was absolutely impossible for the government to be in debt.

If there is no money, just increase taxes until the problem is solved.

Yangzhou owed money, and to some extent, it also explained one thing.

Times are advancing!

Since taxes cannot be increased blindly, Liu Ke decided to start from other aspects.

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