"Kong Ming, what do you think of Liu Xuande?" Liu Ke asked.

"Although Liu Xuande has the heart of a hero, he doesn't have the corresponding skills. He lacks counselors in his account, otherwise he would not have easily listened to Li Ru's words at the beginning, and it would be difficult to achieve great success." Zhuge Liang said.

"To the point." Liu Ke said, "If Liu Xuande invites you to stay, what will you do?"

"Master, are you joking?" Zhuge Liang asked solemnly.

"Now Liu Xuande is just a vagrant with no roots. The world is big, but there is no place for him. Jingzhou has Sun Ce, Yizhou has Liu Zhang, Xiliang has Ma Chao and Han Sui, and other states are under the control of the lord and Cao Cao. No matter where Liu Xuande goes, he is just dying." Zhuge Liang continued.

Now Liu Ke has the potential to aspire to the top of the world. Anyone with a discerning eye has seen this, Zhuge Liang is no exception, and his feelings are even more profound.

"I just asked casually, don't take it to heart." Liu Ke said.

After bidding farewell to Liu Ke, Zhuge Liang began his journey as an envoy.

After Liu Bei knew it, he was terrified, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the army does not come, there is still room for negotiation!

Liu Bei seized the opportunity and greeted Zhuge Liang with the highest standard, wishing to treat him like his own father.

"Mr. Zhuge came all the way, thank you for your hard work." Liu Bei said cordially.

Zhuge Liang cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Xuande is very polite."

Liu Bei was immediately elated, and he knew how to be polite!

"Yuzhou is not a place to stay for a long time, does Duke Xuande think about where to go?" Zhuge Liang asked.

so direct?

Liu Bei frowned, and said, "How do you say that?"

"Ming people don't speak dark words. Duke Xuande is in Yuzhou, which hinders the eyes of the lord and the prime minister." Zhuge Liang said.

Liu Bei said with a sad face, "The world is so big, where else can I go?"

"Mr. Xuande don't need to be discouraged. I am here to find a way out for Mr. Xuande." Zhuge Liang said.

"Hurry up!" Liu Bei said eagerly.

"A good bird chooses a tree to live in. Why didn't Duke Xuande take refuge in the Lord?" Zhuge Liang said.

Liu Bei's eyes lit up. Could it be that the Marquis of Dongyang wants to recruit him?

But what about the previous hatred?

Liu Bei gathered allied forces and attacked Yangzhou. After the defeat, he was liquidated and lost Xuzhou.After that, Liu Bei participated in the war against Yangzhou again, and suffered a crushing defeat.

How could such hatred be easily let go!

However, if the Marquis of Dongyang is willing to accept a high position... it can be considered.

Liu Bei thought happily.

When I went to Yangzhou, became a high official, reached the pinnacle of life, and sat on an equal footing with Dongyang Hou...

Seeing Liu Bei's expression, Zhuge Liang knew that he was thinking wrong, and quickly corrected him: "Mr. Xuande, Yangzhou is not suitable for you."

Liu Bei's sweet dream was shattered, and he was a little dissatisfied: "What does that mean, sir?"

"Liu Jiyu is the best choice for Duke Xuande." Zhuge Liang said.

"Yizhou has a dangerous terrain, vast and fertile land, and superior natural conditions. Gao Zu established his empire by virtue of it.

However, Liu Jiyu was weak and cowardly. Zhang Lu occupied Hanzhong in the north, where the people were rich and rich, and the products were rich.

Duke Xuande is a descendant of the royal family, and has a high prestige, is famous all over the world, recruits heroes extensively, yearns for talents, is hungry and thirsty, why worry about not being able to achieve great things? "

"Okay!" Liu Bei exclaimed, "It's just that Liu Jiyu is a relative of the Han family, so it's not good to fight in the same room?"

I believe you a ghost!

Zhuge Liang smiled without saying a word.

Liu Bei was very embarrassed and suddenly realized.

Dongyang Hou is also a clan member of the Han Dynasty. Liu Bei was very happy when he attacked Yangzhou.

Zhuge Liang's smile seemed to be mocking Liu Bei's hypocrisy.

"A small town like Xinye cannot accommodate a real dragon like Lord Xuande." Zhuge Liang said.

A real dragon?

Liu Bei trembled in his heart, and said modestly: "Mr.

Now Liu Bei can't wait to lead the army and go straight to Yizhou, where is his paradise.

Although Zhuge Liang is Liu Ke's subordinate, Liu Bei still decided to fight for it and said, "I wonder if sir can help me?"

The little eyes are full of expectation.

However, Zhuge Liang ruthlessly shattered his illusions, warning: "Mr. Xuande wants to attract the attention of the lord?"

It's just looking for death!

Liu Bei had no choice but to bow his hands, and said regretfully: "That's really a pity, thank you sir for pointing out the maze."

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