"Marquis of Dongyang, please." Cao Cao said.

"Meng De, I didn't expect you to be so upright. Are you not afraid that I have some ulterior secrets to talk to His Majesty through Princess Wannian?" Liu Ke said.

Ever since he met Liu Ke, Cao Cao's facial muscles have lost control.

"The Marquis of Dongyang acts aboveboard, what is there to be afraid of?" Cao Cao said.

"That's right, why don't you see Zihuan?" Liu Ke said.

"There was a locust plague in Bingzhou, so he volunteered to go." Cao Cao said, "This child has grown up."

"That's really a pity." Liu Ke said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Princess Wannian chatted with Emperor Xian for a long time, and an eunuch came out an hour later and told Liu Ke not to wait, the princess will stay in the palace.

After Liu Ke bid farewell to Cao Cao briefly, he left Emperor Xian's temporary bedroom.

"Brother, I'm afraid it's wrong to let Princess Wannian stay in the palace like this?" Dian Wei said.

"Are you worried that this is not the wish of Princess Wannian?" Liu Ke said.

"That's right, the palace is full of dangers, why not follow us." Dian Wei said.

"Forget it, the reunion of brothers and sisters is a happy event. If we make random guesses, it will make people laugh. Cao Mengde doesn't have the guts to attack the royal family." Liu Ke said.

"Hey, aren't we a little worried, after all, this place is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den." Dian Wei said.

When a group of people passed a corner of the street, Liu Ke suddenly felt uneasy, and found Xu Chu in front of him suddenly turned around, and shouted violently: "My lord, be careful!"

Be careful?

Although Liu Ke's view was blocked, his movements were not slow at all. He turned around and put his back against the wall as a cover.

whoosh whoosh—

The sound of crossbow firing bursts sounded.

Because of Xu Chu's timely warning, Liu Ke was not injured, and the guards around him were also intact.

Out of the corner of Liu Ke's eyes, he saw another group of assassins suddenly appearing from the back of the street. They charged towards Liu Ke with big knives in their hands.

"You don't need brother to do it yourself, leave it to us." Dian Wei said.

Then Dian Wei rushed up, chopped down more than a dozen people, and frightened the group of dead soldiers.

Although their lives are worthless, the bloody scene is still terrifying.

Liu Ke was protected by the guards in the middle, wanted to go out to help, but was afraid of messing up his own position, so he simply did nothing.

Anyway, with Xu Chu and Dian Wei around, these dead men are not worth mentioning.

As soon as the battle started, someone notified the City Guards.

And the general in charge of guarding is Le Jin.

After Le Jin got the news, his heart was filled with ghosts. If something happened to Liu Ke here, Xu Chang would be finished.

"Quick! Follow me to protect Dongyanghou!"

Le Jin led his troops to set off immediately, and when he saw that Liu Ke was well protected, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as Liu Ke is okay, that's fine.

"Take down the assassin!" Le Jin waved his hand, and the soldiers around him rushed forward.

Suddenly, three arrows were shot from the city guards, and the target was Liu Ke!

Liu Ke had sharp eyesight and quick hands. Just as he was about to dodge, a guard blocked Liu Ke with his flesh and blood.

Three crossbow arrows hit the guard's shoulders, stomach, and thighs, and he looked very embarrassed.

Liu Ke could tell at a glance that no vitals were hurt, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Flesh wounds are nothing to sergeants.

However, this matter is not over!

Le Jin, who led the army, was stunned.

There are assassins in the city guard army!

Although the three were captured quickly, they had already taken poison and were foaming at the mouth and passed out.

This is a real dead man.

"Close the team!" Le Jin ordered, he didn't know how many dead soldiers were hidden in the team.

What if there are more?

While withdrawing the team, Le Jin also had some regrets.

Why didn't he succeed in assassinating Dongyang Hou?

Le Jin couldn't help but go out in person.

Fortunately, after hearing the news, Tai Shici came and led the Yangzhou army to block several streets and began to search for the assassins.

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