"Dongyanghou, can you give General Wu a chance?"

Who said Emperor Xian had no scheming?

That's not it!

Liu Ke rejected Emperor Xian's first request, which was clearly the bait released by Emperor Xian, so why would Liu Ke have the nerve to refuse the second one?

"Your Majesty is talking about Wu Shuo?" Liu Ke confirmed.

"Exactly." Emperor Xian admitted.

It turned out that Ma Teng had guessed through various rumors that Wu Shuo failed and was held accountable.

As a man of Dongyanghou, he would never let off those who harmed him, so he could only ask Emperor Xian to intercede.

Although Emperor Xian didn't have much power, he had a lot of face!

In the whole world, who would dare not sell face to the emperor?

Liu Ke hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, do you know what Wu Shuo has done?"

"I know, I am here to apologize to Marquis Dongyang for General Wu." Emperor Xian cupped his hands.

"Your Majesty, you can't do it," Liu Ke said.

Emperor Xian couldn't afford to bow, and said: "Please let the Marquis of Dongyang forgive me!"

This emperor is aggrieved.

However, it is impossible for Liu to give up his own interests to help him.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?" Liu Ke sighed.

For those who want to harm him, Liu can't easily let go, but Emperor Xian is so humble, tearing his face is not good for everyone.

"Okay, I promise Your Majesty that I will not attack Wu Shuo," Liu Ke said.

"The Marquis of Dongyang keeps his word, I can trust it!" Xiandi said.

"Cao Cao has been paying close attention to this matter. Since I can find out, he must be able to. Your Majesty should make plans early." Liu Ke reminded.

At first Emperor Xian thought Liu was a threat, but after thinking about it, he denied it.

"Don't bother Dongyang Hou to worry about this matter."

Since Emperor Xian said so, of course Liu Ke would not meddle in other people's business.

After this matter was resolved, Emperor Xian also breathed a sigh of relief. There were fewer and fewer loyal ministers in the Han Dynasty, and it was only one who could keep one.

"For ten thousand years, please entrust Marquis Dongyang to take care of it." Emperor Xian said.

"No problem." Liu Ke agreed, "In Yangzhou, she will not suffer any grievances."

"Then I can rest assured." Emperor Xian said.

The two chatted for only a quarter of an hour before Emperor Xian left. I'm afraid this was an agreement with Cao Cao, or he was afraid of arousing Cao Cao's suspicion.

As soon as Emperor Xian left, Guo Jia walked in, waiting for orders.

"Leave Wu Shuo's affairs alone," Liu Ke said.

After Guo Jialue thought about it, he understood Liu Ke's meaning, and it must be Emperor Xian's intercession.

Poor Emperor Xian thought he had saved Wu Shuo, but he didn't expect to push him to another blade.

The reason is very simple, Guo Jia can infer, why can't Cao Cao?

That's why Liu Ke suggested Xiandi and let him make plans early.

It's a pity that Emperor Xian didn't take it to heart.

Of course, Emperor Xian also had his own considerations, what Liu Ke said was just a possibility.

Wu Shuo is likely to continue to hide.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless to keep him.

Three days passed, and Xuchang was still calm.

Liu Ke's appointment came down soon, and Liu Ke became the legal ruler of Youzhou, Jizhou, and Pingzhou.

"It's pointless to stay any longer, we're going to leave immediately," Liu Ke said.

For Liu Ke, Xuchang was full of hidden dangers, so he continued to stay. In this case, there was no need to stay any longer.

Liu Ke came here just for business.

One is to report to the court in response to Cao Cao's appointment, showing that he has no ambition to become emperor.

The other is to bring Princess Wannian to visit relatives, and the last one is to obtain the right to rule the Hebei area.

All three objectives have now been achieved.

And Cao Cao's goal has also been achieved, the status of the court is unshakable, and he can still linger on, so he will not prevent Liu Ke from leaving.

I dare not stop it.

I even wish Liu Ke could leave!

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